
Zip code 29710

Zip code 29710


I wish to share with you what just happened on my return to Delta Manor…

I was told that I had been moved by the Directors of the Shelter,

both Caucasian, from room Room 5A. Bed 5-006 to Room 4A Bed 4-004…44…

5 56… 11 1

4 44… 12… 4( 3)…. D.C…

43 Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life

Eternal Life.

At 4:56 p.m Lota George Odabi sent me the first Western Union Code…


4-56… Delta.. 4.. 56… Delta means 4 in Greek but Mouth of the River as a Geographical Name… Matter is the 4th Dimension.

It is a Story and thus, not real.

All that sustains it, just like the Human Body is Expression =Energy.

And at 6:44 p.m. Professor Lota George Odabi sent another code….

MTCN 6677208080 new code..

The first was incomplete.

The second when I went with Caesar Rivera to St Lawrence W.U we were told that it was the wrong number.

My Conversation with Lota George Odapi began at

Chat Conversation Start


Nenad M. Djurdjevic… Got the evidence that there was a presence a frequency interfering and using money to seek to control me and the outcome of my Equation.

Djurdevic means George

M stands for Micheal… G.M…

George is a common constant in this equation. It means Farmer…

The name Nenad means Unexpected

Nenad (Serbian pronunciation: [n?n??d]) (Cyrillic script: ?????) is a male personal name of Slavic origin common in countries that speak Slavic languages. … The name is derived from the word nenadan, which means unexpected. It was introduced to Macedonia via Serbian and is now a fairly popular name.

Though he has also explained how it means Seed

I had been moved at the very exact times which Lota George Odabi had sent the codes, through a lady called Eunice N..

E.N.. 5-14… Which at Delta, room 5 was occupied by a Man called David Khan.. David King…

Meaning Beloved King… B.K..

Code Bilal Khan… Bilal means ‘Desire.. Moistening Wetting.. To plant a Seed in a Woman, in the Ground, in a Mind or in the Spirit of a person there must be Moistening to soften that which is Hard so that it may open an the seed may be planted and gather warmth and then be protected.

Sacred Portal 8 is Desire…

Dawn Piercy

Erik E-Bright

Me, at Room 4B Bed 4-016… 16 years in New York.. I was there right to the end of 2016. And then moved to Room 5A at the end of January 2017…

8:43 p.m.

8 divided by 2.. is 44… But 8 is Harmony Infinity which is whole and complete..

Thus even 8888888 Is really One Harmony, One Note extended to Infinity.

Last night when I got back, Alexis the evening Supervisor whom I admire and respect who works with Teo another whom I respect, called me to the office, to tell me to remove food stuffs in my locker. I did not bring Food upstairs but she said that she had seen Juices, Oreos and Apples.

I did not flinch, Oh I did not realize that dry goods were not allowed…

But inwardly, I said to myself, that she had lied.

Because I had eaten the Oreo’s so if they had checked my locker it had not been that day, but they day before…

Before she had called me to tell me the complaints that I scared the Two… who had perhaps lobbied some of the White vote’

I was indifferent but made aware that it really was time to leave this place…

My indifference was because as you can see from above..

4:56 p.m.. 6:44.. And the movement from bed 56 to 44

that something else was controlling this play.. moving them.

I had been told by Alexis that she had received an E-Mail earlier on from the Male and Female Caucasian Directors.. Kesley and Bay.. K.B…/ B.K… Yes.. Code Bilal Khan and Kathleen Beard..

Kathleen means Purity.. Beard means A Beard and a Manor

David Khan of Room 5A.. Bed 5-014…means Beloved King

Albert Albert King King…A.K.. 1 11… 56.. 11 1.

They who had thought by Snitching behind my back, and Rosario slying believing he had won, a battle…

Because he was the only one present in the room apart from Anthony Malgren- He had come to witness and saveur the Victory of White Supremacy..

He had once in the very begining called me Stupid not intelligent, in the first week of my living there…

I wondered how he had come to that conclusion without having ever known me, until I realized.. Ah The Bathing Ape

Even in his role a White Trash, he was superior to me.

And it was something that he had moved others to also, from bed 5-010 who had greeted me with openness the first day, then gradually transformed to hoighty silences and cold responses.

His mind had been poisoned by Rosario..

I had already observed how he manuevered, it was so transparent which is why I called him the Poisoned Dwarf.. Because he is short, and that is what he does….

Cunning and slyness is not intelligence…

I had met such natures many times before in all Ethnicities…

Anthony Malgren has his own mind…

So I know he can not be influenced…

But I was indifferent, and as I packed my things, I spoke aloud in a very light contempt that his idea of power and proving the supremacy of white intelligence over the others…

By how he conversed pretended … Good Grief man I was born in London England.. No one can do this quite like the British…

Apart from the Turkish, the Arabs.. the West Africans..

There is even a name for it much clearer than this word Cunning…

Awuwo… Waiyo…in Pidgin.. And if people were being duped and deceived.. they deserved to.

I had observed him the day I had looked in him in the Eyes, He looked like a scared White Devil… Literally.

I felt a stab of compassion for him, for the role he was made to play… But it suited him…

Which is why he as cast in this play of the Rage of Africa.

I after completing the posting the Code of the Raw Tobacco papers,

Life…215 511 U E..( UN CLE Emeka ) E.K…) B.O..E.K..

( 2 O E.K) and 117 O3O7… ( 117 Was Keith Grant Bed 53,

Kristen Green K.G…

O3O7 is OO 37… 2017.. 37…See Sacred Portal 37..Sophia O Laurel… And was once the bed number of Will Woods’ who has now his own home in Queens… Q…

Raw.. Life.. R..L.

RAW Paper not WAR…Raw.. meaning I am so sensitive, made so sensitive by this 28 years play, of non stops Shocks of what was being done to my Life, and to the Truth of Existence,

which was done intentionally to me so that I would be made so aware and be able to pick up the frequencies of which I was already aware of could already read without being Skinned alive and pain Raw with Hurt and Pain… That my body ( not I) responds to every outside Stimuli and Impulse…

Something which was done to me, so that I would pick up the frequencies which came not from me, but outside of me…

The frequencies which did not register with me before, nor did they make any real indention to my being because it was the frequency of the Lie.

And the Body is made out of Truth, thus the enormous discomfort and often pain my body has gone through for the last 16 years, come from being made to feel the lie, and thus carry the burden of constantly having to Express and Clean up the Lie made to simulate that it was affecting my body..

Stress, Tension, Shocks, which were meant to constrict the muscles and tendons rather than allow them to stretch.

A Weight, Mass, the Sum Total of Human Suffering was given me to Bear. K.G…Pounds of the Two… The Idea of Duality.

*See Bertrand Russells Paradox.

I am fully aware that my Body was used to represent Death..

The Human body and that it was meant to be diseased and full of horrors and that I was being used to cleanse and purify it..

To cleanse and purify something that did not even exist…

Human Beings are Spirit.. and Spirit is Energy… Aware…

Not the S.E.A… 5 Seas…

Sacred Portal 44… As Goddess Bliss…G.B is not the Oceans of the Oceans… Which sought to represent Death because to drink salt water is Death for Humans..

But it contains Life.. And this it can not be Death..

Death is Absolute Ultimate… It has the power to bring Death to All things in Creation Being and Existence… It is the Source of Energy and can command Energy to Return to it…

To Its Source…

Harmony 8 can not be divided.

Bed Delta.. Room 4A.. 4-004… Delta is Mouth of the River as in the Source O.. 215.. B.O…Not the the 4th Dimension…And Illusion.. All is a 5.. All is E…

Delta as 4.. Creates 4444…16.. 16 years in New York…

88.. 9 88 Face Book Friends…It still aligns…

But the correct Equation is Delta=E.. 4 is 5…

4 44…4 ( 3) and since 4 is 5.. 5 (3)… 555…5555. 55555..555 555.. 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6… to Infinity.. 6 is Cecilia…

Cecilia K is no longer a Face Book Friend… So that means there is only one C.K… Chukwuemeka Kolo… Emeka Kolo…

C.E/ E.C… And Cecilia Wiebers C.W…is Double U.. as Cecilia Theresa.. The same Person… Sisters. Twins Dopplegangers…

Who came from E.. C.T…/ E.T.C….

5-7…? No.. 57 is not 5 Seas and 7 continents… The Earth or World…it is E.G… And there is only one example… Foundation and from Him.. 57.. 12..L..C… 35..8… 15… 6.. O.F.. All Harmonies emerge…


But the are all Expressions… of EEEEEEEE…


This was all a ploy by 117.. Bed 53… Night … Papa Mbwede… using Elizabeth Clarizio line to get me to explain more and provide more Light to how to read these codes and equations…

I already put the Transparent One Note on the C.D Part of the Altar Last Night….

And I know I was observed by bed 5-007…and 5-008…

And I saw their fear…

One Transparent Note…

Space.. The air which links us, that which the Wind moves through, which we move through… which the music moves through… Expression Energy which creates Everything Outer Space as Death and Earth as the Story.. The Past Present ..

A Story.. but it is not the foundation we walk upon..

Not I.. E…

I walk on Air with the Wind beneath my Feet…

On Cloud I… I..A.M…

I do not lie…

because I love the Beautiful Truth, and so as I observed Rosario seemingly so comforted in his sleep now that He’ had got me out of Room…

I said aloud, if you think you were afraid.. you are about to encounter the real meaning of fear..

And suddenly I was singing Bob Marley…

I can’t stand that room, or any room in that building..Rooms Dormitories… There is Evil in there.. not in Building…

But in the Poisonous and Venomous expression people brew there….

Someone Lied..

Lied in the Beginning of Creation…

This Creation Story…

They did so by not standing up for injustice, for something which was unjuste…

Caesar Rivera walked with me and I made my reflection known, there was no anger…’No one Stood Up

The remained Silent.. you too…

They do not want to get involved…

Lisa Natalie Johnson just came in an said on the phone to hr friend the moment I wrote No one Stood up..

Ah so you are the only One Left Standing

I looked up sharply to see her talking in the phone at the other end of the Bench I am sitting on in the Metroploitan Side.

Brenda came in…

Lake Wylie S was where the money was originating from…

Laker Brenda Aaroyal….

The post which popped up and I shared today….

Brenda came in first wearing Brown.. Lisa is wearing Black under her coat….

Game of Thrones….

That was the play…

And the source of my contempt.

*In 1908, two ways of avoiding the paradox were proposed, Russell’s type theory and the Zermelo set theory, the first constructed axiomatic set theory. Zermelo’s axioms went well beyond Gottlob Frege’s axioms of extensionality and unlimited set abstraction, and evolved into the now-canonical Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZFC). The essential difference between Russell’s and Zermelo’s solution to the paradox is that Zermelo altered the axioms of set theory while preserving the logical language in which they are expressed (the language of ZFC, with the help of Skolem, turned out to be first-order logic) while Russell altered the logical language itself.[1]

As you can see, it included Z..Zermelo’s Set theorey…

I did not go into that detail, because quite frankly I am sick of the evil of this Simulation of an Expression refusing to give in or admit that they were wrong..

9:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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