
Yesterday I was speaking to someone here at the Shelter who is aware

Yesterday I was speaking to someone here at the Shelter who is aware

I spoke about how I found myself being led to different places around the world and around New York for the last 14 years to find certain people who would just appear before me as the ones I was obviously there to meet.

I spoke of how the world is covered, flooded like Noah’s Ark but Energetically with layers and layers of Energetic Maya or States of unconsciousness

And how I had to dive down into the Water hold my breath- by literally moving into lower and lower perceptions of reality until I reached a Dimension such as this Shelter.

Then I would get out of the Elevator and find myself in a different world or Consciousness of forgetfulness.

I would become the actor adapter, but use the codes around me to stay awake and aware so that the reality I am living does not infect me with forgetfulness..

The codes outside , numbers colors sequencing of events allows me to orient myself to where I am in the true story while Existing in one of the programs of this reality.

None of which are real.

When I find the person I was sent to find I recognize them easily by the way they express themselves

Their third eyes are open.

Each of these persons have spent thier Life’s in a Existential solitude and battle with the world around them because of the way they see and percieve reality.

They can see beyond the viel

They have resisted the pull to go to sleep.

They are undercover.

And when they space out or temporarily forget. It is because inform each person that they are undercover in a role to gain insight into the dimension of Consciousness they exist in be it a Doctor or a train cleaner it does not matter

They absorb Intel of the consciousness of those around them to understand why they are as they are and at the same time, they are there to prove that the truth or the ability to stay awake and aware in any of these dimension can be achieved…

When I am sent to them it is because it is time for them to wake up. To leave that dimension of consciousness and realize that they are not alone

These people are of the Lone Star State in that they have existed all thier Life’s as Individuals who refuse to be moved by the crowd.

These are the family.

I played the Reminder..

The pearl Diver..

Diving into the Dead Sea and the Cee of forgetfulness to give oxygen to each of these ones whose third eye is opened which acts like a radar sonar which alerts my own subconsciousness to find them and then as I bring that subconscious pull of my Being to my own Consciousness of Knowing I am being led to a person I prepare myself to go down.

Once I have found the person I just converse with them.

My breath is clear pure because my consciousness is clean and from the plain beyond light.

Suddenly the person begins to C and rise and rise as I take thier hand, just with Expression and pull them up higher and higher until either they ask me to stop, the play moves me away or I swim with them back to the top, breaking the surface of the water to A I.R.


Robeldo Irigoyen Antonia.

8:23 A.M…

A IR Sneakers code 23.,

That is thier comming home

Some people refuse the swim up..

Or panick or prefer the comforts of thier Life’s or resist the idea of home or even the evidence..

But that is impossible.

They are simply in denial and such people as that I met them to simply take thier Espirit back then let thier Matter based illusion Being, the corpse and the Zombie sink back into the bottom of the Dead sea where the Crocodile Expression of the Dinasaurs prepare to feast on thier bodies and Life’s even though they are under the illusion that they are back safe in thier comfort zones

Each is given chances choices and all the Intel until finally the door is closed forever to them.

I feel my heart love them which rescuses thier essence but the corpse I watch the final play and am part of it and I begin to despise then all quite naturally until that last link of love for them is gone.

Meaninv I have got all thier Espirit..

What remains is that which does not Exist

I reach that state when I am not even angry or Enraged.

When thier is complete indifference

Meaning they have simply ceased to Exists and there is nothing not even an effort of all Eternity which can compel me to ever open the Heart C to such creatures .

They simply do not exist after I have made that Intials monumental effort through breath and comming to thier Dimension undercover.


To rescue that which they betrayed.

The Beautiful Present and Presence in them..

The E

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