
X-Men First Class..

X-Men First Class..

It is on T,V

Ion T.V…

L ION Te! Vie..

10:11 p.m.

Yes, this version is the Graduation First Class of the Family E X..

i played Professor X… Xavier I met him and passed through his portal with as well as David Roman and Filipe Arkadiusz in 2002/3.

Yes, it was true.. 2004, 57th and 33rd Street

Wrote The story of the Family of T E N… Because they literally rose in me.

But this i the perverted version.

Our Graduation of Super Powers by understand how to be responsible with our powers in this reality which in the heighest and truest version of the Story was to be able to understand the breakdown and responsibility of Super Powers in this Holo Deck and inspire from the Cellular Biological stage of Creation as the Body to merge and understand It full potential, us merge with IT.

Of course Professor X is really Professor of Beauty and Doctor Love… Sacred Portal 37…

And I am not Professor of how to move from the Unseen and with the Super Natural linked to the Animal and Natural World but actual Professor F and Doctor M D…C.. Consciousness C Sped of Light…

Yes , that is what I have now activated and proven Fact Solid… Diamond Rock Solid… Clarity… in all the Family to Completion with each of the reps sent to me in Human Form

That is the Truest Story of the Awakening…


Graduation Stephen Filgueira … 6th Sense…

Victoria Jackson Mind Heat Field…

All of you have these powers..

Graduation to Fact .. First Class Honors P.H.D’s.

10:27 p.m.

It was about reaching this… Incarnating here in matter form merged in one with the body and being linked and bridged and merged..


Bam El Lobo Vega

B E L V…

O E D 50… 4 Delta..

B E L O V ED … S..

S N O W F LA K.E..S… P.B.. K AH.. PT… B S… B H…

10:33 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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