
Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Who planted The Seed Of Doubt.

Which grew to be the greatest evil and threat to Ecistencce itself.

The Seed which grew from indescion, but was really turned out to be a weapon.

16:34 p.m

4:34 p.m


Battery at 49.

Message delivered to Liberty C Liscomb completed at 11:49 am.

Sacred Portal 49.



F Double V.

At 14 79 Facebook Friends

14 Evolution of Consciousness

79 Blue Print of Existence.

I woke up, so twisted today.

I was at first quietly alarmed, I spent the night with a fury in me, not totally mine.

P.A. P A. MG. B E D E.

At yet, at the same time as this fury, below it was tranquility, peace as if nothing was wrong.

I lay in bed, perplexed.

Last nights play had disturbed me deeply.


Black and white and I was tired of the play with Arden and I used only to find it once again a set up, in which the seee of doubt was seeking to wiggle its way into my being as well as interfering with Arden.

16:48 p.m

But I solved it and finally went to bed, not giving it a second thought anylonger..

Until I began to rouse from sleep, and as if I had travelled from one realm of Consciousness to this world as Sol Rosario had once described, and the air, the frequency became diseased.. anger fury filled me but without disturbing my inner peace.

That is when I realized how twisted my body had become.

My phone signaled that I had a message.

It was Liberty, I thought twice about answering it.

I do not speak with her anynore, of course I am civil, and a gentleman but I also know as I had explained to her, countless times, even to the day before she left that the frequency of people still attached to this reality and who are not clean affect my body intensely.

I had spent 9 months speaking to her, explaining.

I could not understand for a long time.as to why I was being literally forced to go through her when I came here, was brought here for her children.

But I endured and obeyed- 58 recorded conversations, 24/7 access to me, before I had my own room a month or two ago.

I had been surprised that I gave her the E Manual, but I obeyed.

I gave her access to my Sacred Portals,

I told the story of the E for all those months, explaining it, answering all her questions which she would forget, challenge test.

I fought for her to rise to become E line.

I helped her children but was not able to have true access.

I was flabbergasted, no one in the entire history of this play, and my life had been given so much access to me.

Such free use of me.

For 9+ months from the day she invited me to her home, but only after she had rejected me because she wished to stay connected to Thomas Lang.

She said no,

I said fine.

And had then found that when she called me after they split up, and Thomas had threatened

to call Child Protection services. She had called me.

I was at Jesse Macias Orejuela ( 1979) reparing to make a dash to Canada.

That she called.

I said No.

You said no already.

But we conversed 56:56 mins she said in the end.

And by the end, I had a decision to make, for during our conversation I had understood that it was about her children.

17:11 p.m

5:11 p.m


I looked at my Altar..

It showed me what the force in me had been moved to create.

I showed her… it had a card I had placed there months ago which read Dangerous Play

D.P ( 4 16… 44 is 16 ..44 is her current age

For the first time in 63 moves in 18 years I had a choice.)

I had the means to forget this play and go away

But the code 56:56 and the Children caused me to pause.

Perhaps it will not be yet another nightmare and I will have peace.

She told me Tom had left, and that she wished to work on the E Manuals.

I said O.K but if we do not find a sponsor in a month for them, I would leave

17:17 p.m

But I knew it was something about the 5 children.

So, I gave in.

And the rest is recorded here on Facebook where you can all read between the Lines.

5:22 p.m


For the Eternal Law dictates that each person I am sent to be given not only the benefit of the doubt but also all the comfort so that they could understand the play and make the right decisions..

But this was not about her, or this world.

I had finished my proving, a life time of work in which, I had to figure the play out, had been completed infront of the world, with the People confirming my Expression

From Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh who she went to see, after calling me and checking me with her, and who had called Thomas a dark wizard that she had to get away from, but instead I found her longing for a man in her life, to the point of her using the power of suggestion that I was the dark wizard

All I felt at first was what Tom had stated to me and to her, that she uses people and her power as a Witch was terrible, enough that he told me the first day here ( of course he had not left

Two men and a woman…

I was betrayed.)

And so I entered living hell.

Everyday for 9 months plus, since that day when Anne had confirmed that I was a blessing and would bring good fortune everyday right up to today – the intel she sent today confirmed Sage…

And Tree Sage. ( I will share it)

She has received non stop confirmation outside of me, of everything I have ever said coded- it was as if something wanted so much for her to see know that I was Truth, Fact

It infuriated me, who was she that I must prove all this to after the hell I had been through.

But I did the work and saw that potential of beauty which made me understand a bit as to why they wished me to fight for her.

But I was quietly horrifed by the other truths in her and her own confession of cruelty and her actions words and deeds.

And so I set about cleaning and fighting for her.

Her children .. what they quietly expressed, what I understood and did not post

The point was not to blame or accuse or be horrified it was to see the Beauty and fight for it.

But I also knew that the qualities of being Emotionally unstable, the philosophy of Woman being Supreme, Mother being supreme and that attacent to power was what had made her the candidate chosen to represent Existential Death

That power to Negate others, so thouroughly that you make them dissapear.

And so we fought

I fought to get her out of those bad habits which many in this world use as a means of survival.

I fought to explain the way to tell the Truth and its cause and effects.

And then to explain about Judgment Day.

Despite my already knowing as I had for 63 previous moves, exactly the role and why she had been cast to play.

Within a month or two, I had understood the play and that she would never change or be consistent.

The firsr day here, recall.. read go back..

I saw the code on the table on the Deck Power

This was all about Power.

Passive Agressive.

A truly evil hideous subtle subversive play.

All I wanted to do was leave, but my body and being was so taken over, more than ever in 17 years that soon I could barely walk.

17:52 p.m

But despite all that, I fought for her.

Horrified at the fate and destination she was being cast in and as..

I was her last chance, as well as the world she represented Abuse of Power.

I went undercover, playing a boyish character, charming, gentlemanly docile.. but who could roar.

I knew that she was the line who respected power fear… the ability to make you pay.

I saw she was after power and yet at the same time sincerly wished to do good in the World.

But her Ego, the worlds ego..

The Self serving self entitled notions of superiority.

And the baby in an adult, believing the world revolved around her, them where the beings whose point of view and if given power woupd destroy the world.

Especially this notion of having been chosen to do and be something special, residing in them.

Soon, I was just bidding my time, I was still sincerly working with her, causing those around me to begin to question me, as to why I was fighting for her.

I was yes, but that was not because of her, or the world she represented, but because I had begun to figure out the play.

And how a person as I who represents the Fair Field the impartial Field was sent here to give her and her line a fair trial and observe but at the same time evolve the 5 and protect them so that what each of them represented could rise.

6:04 p.m


Soon I was observing a Woman in competition with her own children, and I was appalled.

And the manner of using truth and lies, Sincerity and Malice..

It was insane.

Evil which is apparent is easy to fight but Good and Evil mixed.

The ability to twist truth..

And so I opened her message.

I did not see she had written an insane hysteical rant, just a message of apology for something ( The rant beyond belief)

Then came a message after I asked her to buy a better quality of red meat, and a smaller version of the two tubs of ice cream I hac asked of her, suggesting that Arden who loves ice cream might like to have the tubs.

And then I lay down.. serking to realign my body.. again amazed at how much it was twisted.

Sometime later, I saw she sent me another message, I did not read it, my phone died as if saying dont bother.

But after a while, I said, no, might as well enter the play.

And what I read…

6:12 p.m


Was accusations, blame, fury and demand for more knowledge and a seat at the table of understanding the play with Arden.

Everything she had twisted so terribly subtlety

I have it on my phone…

I felt nothing, no anger..

I dont know if this awakening is happening or not happening

Seed of doubt.

You critcize me, call me Evil…

You say you despise me

No one to talk to..

I felt nothing, no anger surprise just an Oh, that us why my body is twisted..

And that this was about yestedays posts of the Unseen Play conforming the Truth of my expresion posts yesterday concerning her and the Evil Illusions Ancesrors using the Unclean to seek to destroy me..




Instead of PA P A M. ( Arden is here with Morgan) B. EDE. N E -A S. E

It is was Judgment Day completed.

I wasn’t even going to respond, but eventually I did.

What do people think this is?

Never has anyone been shown such Love…

18:18 p.m

6:18 p.m


She just got back.

6:21 p.m


Fuck U

I did not set you up, it was my Energy which became Conscious Aware, it set you up.

18:22 p.m


It was in the End, all about Evolving the 5 children and the lines they represent 5 in 1 as well as Evolving Arden Beauty back to The Beautiful One now Ones

I was just bait, the LAMB sacrificed for an illusion a lie until reaching the Truth with all the Facts of the Family of E.

Called F O E

Not Foes.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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