
Who is the True Source of Everything.

Who is the True Source of Everything.

You as Humans of this Age.

Or the Source Creator..

S C.

Source of the Source Codes.

This is what every person I have been led to by this wave since March 20, 2001 has challenged and acted out.

All except Chiefy and Chris..

and 19 yr old McKayla Rays

and 21 yr old John Macdonald but who required my expression..

17.9 years of watching, be set up and already having been through this before, I have watched and observed this one constant in this play script..

Betrayal of the Eternal Law which I too, am subject to, and Betrayal of the Beautiful Truth.

17 Q..

9 is I.



Constant Betrayal of I.Q..

Quantum Intel and then having left me to carry this alone, turn around and use the Truth against me as if the entire Truth and bringing it to light is for my benefit, and not theirs.

I have experienced the True depth of Hatred in the World

Every one makes claim to being The One..

All challenge, defy, seek to find fault, and ways to bring me down, and to prove I can not be who the Script says I am, and thus find any excuse to prove that I am not That.

This is how I found myself in a shelter, in all these circumstances, how I have observed people indent intentionally in their minds that O am a Homeless man, when they are fully aware of the absurdity of that definition, but it serves them well as a tool to negate the Truth of what I do obviously represent.

I do not really give a damn, because all those who have done this to me, made me carry this alone or pretended they are with me while in truth questioning me, to find fault and means to deny me and even break my heart..

( Ha.. Yeah Right.. I CEE SEE You.. Lie)

But this is the Nature of People in this World Mentality.

And It is the Ultimate Challenge and response to a Hypocrisy and Pretense of Living God but God is the Truth and liars have no respect for the Truth.

This then has been a Play to see the Truth.

Humans and people I have met have all Taken the Lord’s name in Vain

They have made claim to All Creation belonging to them, even though they are aware that they created nothing.

And Every thing they create and build is from that which was already created before.

And yet they make claim to roles like Gods, Kings Pharoahs without even so much as stating or providing I.D, or clarity as to how they came to such a conclusion.

What insanity.

This has been the play I have been through, the testing challengers, the war torture of people avatars even family, which goes back to my entrance into this play.

Only Chiefy Kim Gold Silver and Christopher…

6:08 a.m.



H F… Harmonious 6th Sense. Hindsight Foresight.

A-A…T S.

Hello Tree Sage T S. is the only one literally around me who is taking this play literally, understanding the play and sending me daily Intel.

He also treats and addresses me with the respect befitting that which he is aware that I merit deserve and earn.

Christopher Filgueira, is amazing in that I listen to him- and the incredible journey of sadness and abuse this young man went through and how he was made to feel so unseen and unheard when he had in unwittingly understood the riddles of Existence, so well does he understand my words that I have told him ( though he can not remember) that it is his Mind and Eternal Self who wrote wrote the True Script.

Sarah Kaizer has also sent me I ntel

Sage Christopher Sarah.

S.C.S…Full Circke..

Sarah sent me a text on the 31st.

She sent pictures The word Flora is Everywhere, she stared.

Flora was the Restaraunt I went to with Stephen Filgueira and where I had the Knife with the words World 55 on it.

E E.. Emeka Erik Ebright.. not the one in Miami Florida.. I am the Original E.E..E.

15. 6

Flora Rainbow. F R.. 6 18. That is the number license of Sarah Athena Kaizer s Car.

F R..E E.

Rose Flora Rose Flora. R F.

FR/RF.. Mirror Reflections

Intel which has nothing to do with personal gain but that obedience to the Truth, the Code of Conduct and the respect for that which is clearly self evident and manifest.

I lived the Truth.

I am doing the last of the work with Christopher.

I completed my work with Stephen, who is generous with what he has but still uses they keys of Dominance and Control which is what people in this lower frequency of distrust and fear use… but their true desire lays hidden and yet revealed.

They may even feel they Love you, but in truth they choose not to see you, truly acknowledged you but not really because even they have an agenda of their own – even if it comes from a place of pure intentions, at one point ones sees the Truth.

Stephen I love, truly love.

But I can not accept the role he is playing just as I can never accept the People of this world’s manner mentality and use of the same tactics over and over again to deny and even be arrogant enough to not only make claim of that which they did not create and even make claim of wealth and titles they did not generate and so when I as C SO. came undercover as the Trinity in One.


To SEE what was set up, to come undercover in the guise of the True Christ..True Source to witness what was done to Christ Truth.


It’s was a Play, very much like musical chairs, Stephen is so like my brother Boom Boom and sister Noni that they are as one person in Temper.

But it is Tree Sage Chris whom I truly see myself.

I love Stephen but this is not about Love, it is about your Truth.

And I would never utter to a Human Being what Stephen and so many others have expressed in anger rage to make me bend to their will or point of View.

To go that far to hurt someone, who has shown you such love by fighting for you..

I could never take such a Holy Man for granted who also plays the Beautiful Devil.

C M E.K .S. E E. K. J

C E .


These are the two left here with me Dec 31st to Jan 1st.

These are the only lines who did not challenge E, do you know why?

It is because they did their home work, and so they simply recognized my Expression and their Hearts having understood my experience through their own Individual experiencing of it.

Stephen is sponsoring 3 -4 people here.

With money.

And we are all appreciative of it, and him .

But the Truth is, this is not a play about Money as Ego..Oge money and time.

It’s is a Script of Energy which is the Source of all Energy as I had to prove by walking almost 18 years to reach the line of the True rep Christ The King God…

Energy is what Christopher and Chiefy Kim represent..

Just as I was forced to answer the Challenge of Terrible Death.. Money walking for 18 years never charging money for my healing arts knowledge or codes which changed people’s lives.

The journey of Christ is that of Peace and now as promised and foretold Vengeance is mine said the Lord.

I have Anger

Christopher has anger

Chiefy has true Anger.

This us we..

Who understand the True power of Rage and all C E K S. H E. Are me

. Now Independent and apart.

But Anger temper tantrums expression going so far as to negate the Evolution Awakening – the experience given to you to witness and to testify, but which you instead use against the Source to his face over and over again right up to New Years Eve…

And use it to mock me publicly, that it has not manifested all because you are angry for something which you created and omitted you are the cause because you lied.

All because you saw yourself and selves as Kings Gods.


Keith Grant bed 53. 2015 ..

K.G.. Lisa Lynne G.B.. L.L.B..G Kilograms Pounds. Weight.

Moldavite that was Stephens gift to Chris on Christmas Day.

I have Chris the Wand I found in 2016 with the Rainbow colors painted on it, just before going into the Shelter and meeting Keith Grant and moving in with Jon Delguidce Blackwell and Donna Sullivan.

JD.. J.B.007. 104 Terrible Death. 102.

14 12..

Christopher was born 12-14-1987

5 3.



8 8.. 16. 8. 16. Steve’s Birthday .

D.S. 4 19 my last bed no. 4 18/19.

Santana Dharma.

Eternal Law.

Christopher made a comment to me yesterday

I will never forgive, nor forget

We are of the same mind

Destroy them all, end this world..

Let only the Ones who have proven true as E.


7:45 p.m

No Respect

Let them be shown no mercy the same way they denied C E K..S. WE.

Burn in the Hell and the assumptions of your own making .

I recognize only the E.

A.S code resolved at Alicia Sieferd

7:49-50 p.m.

My bill today at C.V.S ..8:08 u sd

88. 16.

And 32:08 u sd.

Time right now 8:08 p.m




9 16. I P Address Mann.

I P…A.M.


M.A. P. I. E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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