
Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…

6/19/12  5:16pm

Original Comment by E to a reply by Krzysztof Solek:
Hello brother man, so nice to hear from you. Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…and the power of hurt that you rose above. I know that you understand hurt, its true meaning, but I also know that, like the sun, you knew you would always rise to bring light, as I have witnessed by following your work. But you went through the darkness, a deep darkness which you and I know is really going deep undercover, going deep within ourselves, where the temptation to fall into the abyss of despair lurks…. But we are not deceived, even in those moments of great sorrow and hurt we know the abyss does not exist, no matter how its jaws of existential death is made so real by the depth of betrayal we might feel at that moment.

Drama. We smile at our dramatic natures, we pause, look in the mirror as our tears stream down our faces, and even then we can not help but break into a smile at just how ridiculous we look… Light… and so from that deep, deep darkness, we find ourselves alone with a mirror… The mirror reflecting back at us our truth, our true, deep light of awareness of our super selves, our supernatural being rising to say, “Oi! Don’t forget me, I exist,” and we smile, comforted by this confrontation with the mirror…Yes, we smile sadly but with a hint of joy that is our awareness that we are not alone, that we are human, thus dramatic and can hurt, but that we are also superhuman and invincible. We allow ourselves to feel hurt, to explore the depth of our perceived betrayal because we wish to celebrate, acknowledge that, as well as being divine, we are also of the flesh… human…frail but heroic. And so alone in the darkness, the mirror of our third eye and the light within us allows us to see the truth of ourselves, the flickering light of our true superselves…then begins to expand, to grow, until the mirror in which we see ourselves through our third I becomes real, a sea of all our emotions, turbulent, crashing about us with such a force we are sure we will be spirited away, drown in it… But instead we smile, and reach within us to our self mastery, our will to be, our will that knows and understands. And we still the waters to a reflective pool. Our emotions, a gray, bleak fog, begin to evaporate, revealing a new pathway over the now calm, clear reflective pool of our soul within. These colors like the Aurora, or Northern lights, the Aurora Borealis, N.A. (meaning father in igbo) transform into a rainbow of colors aligned.

Our emotions, now aligned and clarified, create a rainbow even in this darkness, gradually transforming into the symbol of majesty and royalty of our will and true nobility of soul. This rainbow, brought forth from the full circle reflections of ourselves in the depth of the darkness, the silver glittering reflection, mirror, now transforms into the silver moon. Through that smile of self-recognition, that smile of self awareness, through peering into the abyss that is no abyss, but a pathway needing transformation of the darkness of our deepest hurt, the truth of our light which can not be quenched. And so our smile in that darkness is the key, the key to resurrection from the depth of pain, back to bliss… And bliss and ecstasy is the truth of this magical transformation from pain and suffering, when we create the rainbow arch and pathway, and the moon, the true clarified sea of our emotions and thoughts, now turned into the sea of our beautiful reflections, which have cleared the air, enabling us to see the doorway the gate way. The silver moon surrounded by the majesty of our conviction to not drown in self-pity, and hypocrisy but to draw forth the truth of that experience… why we are at the bottom of the deepest darkest well… all alone.

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