
When Benjamin C. Krajewski mentioned the word Umbrella

When Benjamin C. Krajewski mentioned the word Umbrella

this is what I understood…

Pls. Link Umbrella Academy series.

U A.


Alien Father Alpha

Guide Father as the Principle

2:16 p.m.

B P.

…of Beautiful Pride in Existence The Creator and the Black Panther.. The Destroyer

The Umbrella.. * See Sacred portal 52.

represents the Teacher…

* both Liberty C Liscomb and Kamora Herrington are trained Teachers…

Rep of the 4th Aspect of existence Noni Promise Life…Shelter and Teacher of Life- before her.. came Guide Father and he she is Boy Girl… Father always arrived with Harmony.

And this time with Harmony Existence, Harmony Eternity, Harmony I, and Harmony C…S..H E.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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