
What this means is that I was representing the Beautiful Truth of all that is best in Human Kind.

What this means is that I was representing the Beautiful Truth of all that is best in Human Kind.

In an Unseen Play of the the A.lien Council.

Earning Evolution of the Species playing the Journalist Chukwuemeka Kolo

Clark Kent


This is what my conversation and test with the Avatars Tone and Latoya was about today.

2;12 am

S is the 19th letter in the Alphabet.

Alpha B.E.T.. Are Beautiful Extra Terrestrials

The Original Humans called Harmonies..

Bad Ass.

Beautiful Assassins of the Lie of what we are not, we came back through Time, back from the Future to destroy the Illusion or by product of our play and harvest our Beautiful Buddies Bodies…

But I was betrayed and conscripted into GOD-E`s Army -to represent the Human Race, hence my summons to New York.

S is for Super Man.


Now Plural and Wonder of WuMan (Sophia O Laurel) S O L..

5th Note.

S..A. M

S.I A M.


The True King and I

S, is For Santa

Santana Dharma

What a Jolly Fellow.

Earning Our Evolution

Ender’s Game

Proof of A Race of Eternal Harmony worthy of Earth metamorphosis into Paradise

Paradise Factor

Theater Play

2;45 am

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