


What if this World is Really a Story… A Book…

Not Real Life….

And How Far Will You Go To Prove Me Wrong…?


The Beautiful Truth….

8:10 p.m

81… HA..

See Sacred Portal…81.. Transformation… As is the one below..67.

2-6-1 O…





When Caesar Rivera told sent me a text, that once more the Code Money sent by Lord Prof Lota George Odabi was delayed…

Now the 4th Day…

I am in now in Room 4.. Bed 4-004…44..DD…DIDI.. DEE DEE..Ndidi means Patience and is my Aunt Ijeoma Theresa Ieshas Daughter…

I told Lota G that I had no more Patience…!

Nenad M. Djurdjevic was the meant to be the last of the Idescribable insulting Money Play… Sending Intel through creating Need, and thus forcing me to figure out and read the instructions of an invisible play, not recognized by the World as to who I have to Ask for money contributions which even in this reality when you present a worhwhile Thesis you are given a Grant…

Dette Grant…

Instead after 11 Years of such hardship and testing in Nigeria, I am given 28 more years of it…

Not even allowed the remote ghost of a life, forced by a script and a convulsing body to 16 years of Celibacy of trials in which no one wished to even belief, yet imagine that which I was describing and people.. few that they were, began testifying to a furious rage of Woman and of the Spirit world and Word of Mind…With a Being for simply telling the Truth…

That this is Not Real..

That this is not the Real World..

To put you through a War, so so indescribably cruel and evil.. alone for 39, 40 years… Since 1975 76… 77 56.. when you wrote the True Story…

To Beat a person so relentlesly and infront of his Mother ‘Family’, Friends non stop….

And because of the Beautiful Pride of Self and knowing the Truth fight back but not with thetools of Violence Savagrey of Man Woman through the Ages to the present…

But with Beauty.. and the Beautiful Truth.. Exemplifying theE way of Being the Entire way, even after trying their way for a moment and retreating from its toxicity…

And then being then forced to live a lie of a Jesus Story, and Holy Spirit Story and an Ifa and OINri Priest, by the Unseen who each belief their Truth is the TRUTH..

And then forced to Align all Human Stories to that E truth, while being beaten and beaten and tortured…

All because of those who are so attached to holding onto a lie…

And then the Truth having the audacity to make you fight for the very beings who are not even real, illusions and bring them as Bodies of Nothing to Somethingness Energy to your Home which They denied and crucified you for… every moment in the Unseen World…And in the Seen World…

And listen to people given the Revealtions be jealous and ask Why You.. Why Him and then Compete do anything to bring you down to say. See you made a mistake. it is not him.. he is weak.. It is me…!

All the while constrained by Rules and Limitations imposed on every manner of your Being.. to your physical being and watch people sideline that, not give a damn, not even expressing concern and to live that even to Delta Manor a Mental Health Shelter.. and still no one give a damn except to say See Me

And all that they do for you is really for themselves….

To observe a Selfishness which created an Evil which transformed into a Black Hole of Non Existence…

A Pit so awful representing the Sum Total of All Human Expression..

And to find yourself tossed into that pit and told to clean up that mess, not yours…

To find yourself manipulated, exploited from the age of Two when you are forced by a Will in you, but not your Truth to piss in your Biological Fathers Food while he is Eating…

To be forced to appear naked on such a public forum and tell the world you are the Source, and have been cleaning and sustainaing this World even in this form as a Human Being…

While being forced to climb up the steps of 0 Zero painfully step by step to regain all your powers,and abilites stripped from you when born into this World, so that you can prove and demonstrate to the Ancestors the Dead what they already know about your true Idenity but who wish to find the way to get the Power by watching you re-incarnate it from Nothingness and to know.. to Know that a Sacred Truth had betrayed you…

Your Creation had taken credit for all your gifts to It, Them, calling you Sucker and the Fool for your Generosity…

Plotting against you because they felt that they could do a better job, as long as they used your Energy, your Expression and that no one would know.. And if They did, as long as it served them they would keep quiet.. Not protest.. Not utter a Word of Protest, not Stand up but simply observe from the Sidelines eating popcorn and enjoying the True Man Show, each waiting like Vulture to reap the Benefit of the Toil of another…

Oh it goes on, but I am tired of reading from the Book of Evil Filth of Human Expression.

A Book so vile that to even think of it contaminates…

All the while proving that it is a Story…

How Far would you go to Hold onto a Lie?

I know.. to Infinity… Right up to the Face Of the Father Of Infinity…

This is what was done to the Book of Beauty called the World.

The Word….

The Book is the Human Body…

The Beautiful Book is the Human Body…

And so when I sat at Taylor street today and got the message.. I let out an inhuman Howl of such Pain…

A Police car was in front with the number 5114…EK.D…

That is the level of Cruelty and Evil the Police force in not just USA.. But the policing concept and abuse of power has gone,

Exemplified by just before Caesar Rivera met up with me, Four police man and one Dwarf one- a specimen of a Human being white and possessing those qualities of the imbecile who has been given power of a uniform walked up to a person of my obvious stature and dignity.. and refusing to recognize that which he would recognize and respect naturally if it was one of his race, asked comically.. I gotta ask is that a joint…?

The look I gave him, and then I looked to one officer who was black.. Then I went back to my posting without even acknowledging their existence…

This is what I had experienced in Delta Manor Room 3- 5…In New York.. in the Western Word.. In Nigeria…

Power… Those who do not have True Power but its Illusion use…

It is the Powerless,who abuse..

Just saw Lisa Natalie Johnson and her friend Jamella..

L.J… E.J… 12 10.. 22..V… 5 10…6…

And she gave me a tenner to buy dinner…

*See what I mean…

And I went outside and there were the Police men.. but now they were 3.. The One White one sought me out to say Alright by way of making things good while retaining his superiority… As he walked between two towering specimens of Black male manhood.. made docile silent…

I ignored him…

Rosario of bed 5-008..I sighed…

Empoweredby the Illusion of President Put In Donald Trump…

Who became president at age 69.. He is now 70…

He is part of the Script…

My greatest Sin to the Ignorant Cacausaians ( not the Educated or refined) is that I do not become docile or bow to their… whatever…

The Evidence of the Fictitious Story moved to Fact…

Dialogue between Emeka Kolo and Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Emeka Kolo

Hello Nenad

Any news?

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Hello Emeka. Yes. Yesterday I identified the spot of landing in Jerusalem. I am stunned.

Pls can you Elaborate

I like the stunned part

( i am too but for obviously different reasons)

Please recall my vision when I flew down from Heaven and landed among what seemed the ruins of an ancient temple…

I landed in front of a white star sceptre with the Star of David at the top..

The star sceptre was made of white stone and stood between me and an ancient arch

Emeka Kolo


I called you David and the same images I did in a giant Self Portrait I painted in a village in France near Le Mann

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Yesterday, coincidentally, I identified the spot



It came to my mind


I see

I understand.

When I connected the pieces of the puzzle


That is the arch

It stands inside the City of a David!

Emeka Kolo

9:20 am here

And on Oval Portal

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Jesus Yes I know

Of Lord

It definitely proves the truthfulness of my vision

The City of David is also referred to as the city of white stones because it is made of white marble

I told about this only to Barbara, Moira, and You

In the scriptures the City of David is also called Bethlehem

Luke 2:4

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

Emeka Kolo

I have been moved to Room 4A.

The last person and bed I dealt with in Room 5A was David Khan

David King

King David – A Story

Anthony M


And Caesar R.

I am being moved to prove literally and physically to and enact the E truth. The Origjnal Truth of that Story which you are seeing and acted in ( your Line George And Micheal. The Greek Singer)

And it allows your Story To become Real

I am being used to prove that which was a Story into the Truth

Fuck ! Just as I said

Yes it is story I lived and you experienced and then understood so well it it now your own Truth

And so you your line becomes now separate from the Source

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

All this is mind blowing

I also notice that Moira yesterday sent me a picture of a white peony….

His Conversation ended at 1;49 P.M…

14 9…N.I…See sacred Portal 49… Existential Death.. that Story..Trash!

I responded at last at 3:14 p.m… .C.N…E

Caesar Rivera N to E

See sacred Portal 14..Evolution of Consciousness..

I am wearing for the very First time since I bought it at Macys in 2014 while at K.EW Gardens Holy of Holies a Wine Red Creased Hat…

Of the Master Sensie..

Universal Sensie…

Background of the Samurai Sword of the Window over looking Delta Manor First Floor and Ground Flor..

FF.. 66… G.F.. 76


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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