
Well we are at Dawn Marie which aligns here with a Marie I know…

Well we are at Dawn Marie which aligns here with a Marie I know…

And the Beloved…

Which is one of the meanings of the name Marie, including Star of the Sea and Bitter but I reject this meaning for from my personal experience it is better to have loved than not to love at all.

And all those who have loved never lost bc that love was not returned…

For that is not Love.

Love is to See…to see someone clearly. And to See someone clearly is to Love clearly cleanly…

And only not being seen in return makes the experience of loving…Bitter-sweet.

Well now you know, or at least J’ai espere that you do realize that human beings transmitt on many levels and in millions of frequencies.

Only one is real.

And thus, it all depends on the frequency and consciuosness one chooses to listen and Hear…

And interact with people on.

But you can also listen to the other fragmented frequencies.

The layers upon layers of frequencies and meanings contained in human expression.

If you build on all these fragmented frequencies you might still be able to finally recieve the true transmission.

Finally understanding what the person is really trying to say..

And really trying to communicate.

But what a time consuming process of going through layers upon layers of fragmented consciousness and traumatized thoughts…

It is much better to listen…truly listen through the right consciousness and suddenly your Ears will H-ear with your H-eart…But only if you sit in the warm welcoming H eart H

of our true Vibration…

It of course can be difficult hearing people who adopt rough charged and aggressivs tines and vibrations and language.

This is the advantage of Beautiful Expression…what the ancients called manners..

It is an exqusite courtesy and truly, it is the most effective manner of expression to utilize, if you wish to be seen and of course…Heard.

Ishmael of A Bra H A.M.

I Salut you…

The One Who Heard…

Everyone wants to be seen and heard.

And the one True Gode…is the one who always responds to Beautiful Expression…

From Pure Intent…





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