


6 49…!

At 1004 Facebook Friends…

Sacred Portal Existential Death.. Death Ray…

I am sitiing here having heard the expression of 4 people

Enoch addressing Stevan of bed 4-002..

S to E

And then the expression of Dominic Edwin to Micheal Martinez…

E to M….

S.E E M…Correct Code… S.E.E…ME….

11:22 p.m 11-22- 47.. 11-22-68….

11 11 22 22 47 68…. 11 11 22 22 46/64 78/87…

See Me cut you out of Existence what the 4 represent as the Disease infecting the Being…

One was with sound.. as he judged all and then threw to my hearing the word Arrogant and the other Silence…

And after enduring the insults, to my person calling it out and watching people getting away with barely a tap….

At last I have reached and earned the portal of Death Ray…

At 1004 Facebook friends… moves to 104… See sacred Portal Come Pass me.. Terrible Death. C.O.D.E..S.. M.E

T.D… Taroh Devil…

X.V… TEN E…. TEN EZ… Take this E to Z… Zombies.

Emeka Zorro…

Tarok was the name of a Facebook friend who eventually made headlines by killing his Mental Health teacher a Professor…

It brought a well known Journalist from the London Gaurdian news paper who came undercover as a Facebook friend but eventually revealing himself ( did his code also of his undercover name)..

After observing how grown men especially black men are addressed here in the shelter… Allan told me why he changed his Case Worker who was white by the way he was spoken to as if he were a child.

The same was my experience…. it was a technique I had observed some Diseased White people use to sustain thier sense of superiority by treating the ethnic minorities as children..

With many of these people being adressed in such a manner being of Intelligence E.T and having the ultimate X-Ray Vision this arrogance so prevailent amongst the British Americans especially, but it is a tactic which I have witnessed this everywhere.

It is a very very viscious and truly evil tactic, to absolute refusal to recognize the truth or see the person in order to sustain one delusion of superiority and right to plunder steal and rob people of the world…

His name was One chance One Chance Tarok and I did the code of his name..

Recent comments today reportedly made by President Donald Trump..

Mr Trump, months after taking office, reportedly made the comments after entering his office for a meeting with documents that detailed the number of refugees and immigrants that had arrived, including those from Haiti, Nigeria. Mr Trump was reportedly dismayed by what he deemed inadequate efforts to curb the number of US Visas available to foreigners.

Of the Nigerians, Mr Trump reportedly said that they would not go back to their “huts”, even though some of his top aides noted that many of the visas were first-time, and temporary, visas.

Something insane just took place now…

Do you recall when I stated that it is Paulie whom I had chosen as the line of the P…in my last post, not only because I like him ( he has pride) but also because he has been wearing the code 48 since he arrived here ( Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death as Transformation)

He also Tested me when he borrowoed 3 usd, when he had just moved here.. ( all recorded here)..

And so many plays, because as I have been observing him he has been observing me…

And I recall him giving me coffee as well as cookies…

And my giving him papers… each one observing..

I am not sure if he knew that I was observing him…

He has none of those White Superiority disease but he is no fool and I observed that…

He had asked me if I would help him apply for a credit card a few days before, and I had agreed- I noted that he had asked others Raheem…

Link Code Raheem Sarcar.. R.S… I E… R I S E… D E S I.R.E..

but there is also Black superiority which white people who are not a color ( same as black ans all who are not a color) have to endure…

Anyway, I quietly noted how Cleveland had come to me a bit later ( he was of course not aware of the arrangment I already had with Paul…but I also was aware of the Force Meddling which sent him…and that in him was a portal… Recall his twin is Steve… It then turned out to be a contest between C and S….C A S E..Y… A Cain and Able story…)

I had told Cleveland that I was busy but he waited and finally I let him in…

I noted that Paulie had later come in as we were talking and I loudly with drama to hide my frustration of being meddled with… I had never spoken that loudly frustratingly before here….

Paul came in saw that I was occuppied with Cleveland and I saw him from the corner of my eyes roll his eyes, make a gesture of dissapointment and then move away…

That is how I would have responded…

He just walked in now, as I was posting the Trump Tarot…

( Tarok is the original Name and word for Tarot.. TA-Rot.. a code I did these codes and solved then over and over on my page…72

*An exception was the work of Helena Blavatsky who mentioned Tarot in ‘The Secret Doctrine’ and ‘The Unveiling of Isis’ connecting the origins of Tarot with Ancient Egypt. As a system of occult meaning and esoteric guidance, Tarot was forced underground in Medieval Europe.

Unlike Crowley, many are concerned with Tarot origins and among these historians, practicioners, healers, mystics and writers there are many who believe the answers do lie firmly in Ancient Egypt. The Theosophers, following on from Madame Blavatsky and her classic work ‘The Secret Doctrine’ (1888) are the alternative Egyptologists, writers that include John Gordon and Katy Noura Butler who assert that Ancient Egypt is more ancient than we think and that the Ancient Egyptians guarded the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis.”

Starbucks… Star Bucks.. King Stag…

Searching for the ( Star) Light at the Vatican Library ( Mind) this is the Artilce I saw in Todays New York Times by Elisabettta Povoledo ( E.P)

‘Albano, Lazialle, Italy. Some 2,000 years ago, a celestial phenomena, is believed to have lit have lit up the sky. Guiding the Wise Men ( W.M.. Woods Metropolitain Av) of the New Testament Lore to the birth place of Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem ( Bet H.. LE HEM…E KA… Hemming Way Salon Ritz Paris)….

There was a sighting today… which the government claimed responsibility of…

My mind just flashed to what I read in the New York Times yesterday…

Guiding Weary Souls in Need Of Rescue

Insights into Human Nature from a sensitive and curious philosopher and psychologist ….William James… Recall the J.W. Play…

William James was the eldest brother of novelist Henry James… H.J…

See sacred portal 19.. Valkyrie Taking weary sould form Lifes Battle Fields.. and link it to sacred portal 149.. ( 19)

and to my getting the Coffee cup with the number 6 49…

After the Stevan play… ( he failed by the way the offer of Grace.. I was served my Jamine….A Flower… Anthony..the Sent and Scent of the Awakening through Evolution…

Well, I told Paulie that I would be willig to do it for him now, he was very pleased and though zonked from his medications he proceeded to give me the intel and the codes required for filling out a credit card…

We tried Two.. Chase and then Captital One…. C .. C O…M E…

*Elon Musk… No it is a scent….

First of all he is actually Italian…

Code Name P.F.A…. 16 6 1..!

And yes I noted his being pleased when I publicly defended Taylor ( Terrel) and the truth of his death…

1.16 a.m.

His birth code… 06… 30…68…!…

David Roman Nicholas…. 11 22 68….

6 3O.. 68…/ 86… O3 6…

I saw the number 3O when I passed through the Chinese takeaway who treat me more like customer with priveldges than the Stevan and his manager at Starbucks…

6 3 O… 68… Is First Contact… Full Circle Complete 360…O Solved.

then his code number 71… 404.. ( my bed number!) 58… 54 80…

1.22 a.m right now….. A V!…E N U.E..

Last name AG..O.L.A…. See my sacred portal 71….

He listed his income as 8.400.. a code… 19 84…

and rent 600… 6OO….

Then I said are you sure about the 8400… and it ended up being 33, 600….

Profession Baker… Employed… Place of work Catlina…Meaning Katherine…. K.Coleman C.K…

See Sacred Portal 33… And D came to E to arouse and awaken him ( me) from the most Terrible Dream… T.D.

1:31 a.m.

I do not wish to translate any more… I have played K.A.E.L..

Clark Kent… ( Edmund Kent Friedman… E.K.F)…

But at least I wished to let you know that my Paul White Italian Roman…

NaConstance Teague Roman….

is the Twin Expression of both Paris and New York cities..

City of Light and the Big Apple… and the Underworlds….

Behind the Viel…

And that once more… yes… 42 .. 43 years later.. 44 in illusion… since I wrote the story of my Family…. Evolving to E and the End of this World…

I despise…

Igbo Anthony put the movie Children of the Corn… All the movies he has been putting on are Horror…

Remember what I many saw.. of people transforming in the streest.. Savagery.. horrors..

See it has already started… in the city…

Vincent Price is speaking now… V.P…

Peter Nyarkô is 22… Letter V.. I passed his portal and test…

He told me the story of how he withdrew 15 usd from the bank but was given 150.00 usd instead.. and how when the error was discovered that he was told that he would have to pay interest.. which of course the said they would waiver…

Then he arrived at Starbucks… and I aske him if he wished me to give him back his 15 usd.. In the highest play I had known that he was not meant to ask for it because it was acknowledgment of the wealth I had given him and the blessing through my acknowledging him and doing the work with him though it was a pleasure…

But he paused and decided to take it back.. return on his investment… Which is obliged.

1:45 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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