
Welcome Susan Otelia Nelson.

Welcome Susan Otelia Nelson.

S .O.N.

Susan is an Originally Egyptian Meaning Persinan as the capital Susa means Graceful Lilly .

It means Joy of Life.. Bright Joie DE Vivre.

And Lotus.

( Lotus Santana)

Otelia means I Give Praise to My Lord

Nelso means Son of Neil…

Neil means Cloud Passionate

( Centrine Paulson..C.P)

Son of Cloud 9…

Welcome Charity Love..

The True meaning of Charity (Clarify Harmoniously… Not the awful disrespect it now means)

Charity comes from the Latin word

Beloved Loved and means Generous Love

And C L..

C is 3.,

L is 12…1+2= 3..


Count Down C.D


271 and 272 F B Friend after Seckin Özen


This is a reply from my Brother Father Best Friend E T NNa whom I addressed publicly here yesterday and the day before..

Time 8:45-46 pm.


Susan O.N…

S O.N.

Chukwu Love….

Esther Uzoma…

The Star of the True Beautiful O.Way…



My Father was the Abyss of Hate for what was done to His son.

I felt that hate for all of you and this play.

But I fought it every day and won..

And then fought my father’s Brothers and mothers sisters. .

And that was harder …because that Hatred for the Evil done to our truth made Manifest even on this Facebook play was is justified …

But it did not Transform me as it did they for I am Hue man who understand Humanity….

I can handle it..

Just barely and have the balanced fair response since I understood both C of consciousness and point of view.

But accept only one…

What is your True Nature.

And is it Beautiful?

And does it add rather than negate

NE Gate and Subtract

Take away.

8:55 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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