
Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M….

Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M….

D.C… 4 3…

N.T…14 20…M…. / Manifestation of 2014…. 34… 7… The Journey after K.EW Gardens where I was sent back for the People… But there are no Peoples as witnessed there is only the E…

D.C Alludes to Sacred Portal 43 .. And Energy E=CMe43…

And Yes Washington D.C and the Entire World is under the Dominion Control of this Play…

Which Is why my focus was not on African Nations or other Countries equally important but on the West and America which has never been a Unified States… U.S.A… It is a Co-operation but the co=operation of the few Elite Governments… Yes PUTIN…

And the fact that you, the public could not, would not see the riddle before your eyes. Nor link the Asteroid and Meteorite .. A.M which landed in both Russia and America… R.A… RA… AMEN RA!… The Sun as the Destroyer… The Moon Brought Life.. The Suns destroys the White Man, and if the White Man is destroyed and he is the Twin of the Black Man, both linked, then the Black Man is destroyed as Well… Pure Logic. AMEN PTAH! Amen Ptah… Spit out… Egypt are the line of the Destroyers They bring the End. The A.M in 2012 in both America and Russia… was the Alarm Bell. just as was 911. And if a species so like the Script in Hitchhikers Guide for the Galaxy are so up their own asses and so arrogant that they can no longer even read and link as the Child- Truth, links… The very basis of their Civilizations being based on this foundation. Lord lord then they are not worthy of Existence and I rest my case, that only the E are Hue man Beings and also of the N.. The Naturals.. N.T.M…. M.T.N… Manifest True Nature…

D,C… Divine Creation…Expression….

8:48 p.m…. Full Circle… Super Symmetry

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