
W W… Z.

W W… Z.

West World Nap Zzzzzz

It was one of te first series Esteban Stehan insited I watch.

I had watched its original as a kid and I never forgot the impression it made on me.

Westworld is an American science fiction-thriller media franchise that began with the 1973 film Westworld, written and directed by Michael Crichton. The film …

Original work: Westworld (1973)

AS you can see it was the year 1873…/ 37

the year my yongest brother was Born.

5 20 1973.

E T.. AI Artificial Intelligence.

So you can understand just who is the Dreamer Miguel = Mike = E K I M Possible 8 V III.

Tree Sage Tree of Wisdom life.

That is May 20 Taurus the Bull.

Minotaur and the bottom Center of the maze.

Do you recall the legend of the Minotaur of which Poisdon =Neptune Arden line E mates with a Queen but comes as the Cretan Bull.

See Goddess Ancient Crete. Holding up Twin Serpents

C B…… E yes I always knew it was my mother’s C-Line Ernest Cline’ since I was a boy in boarding school History was one of my best subjects.

You also recall the Horses of Poseidon.

Kim spoke about WEst world to me recently… W W..23 23 is 46… See Sacred Portal 46 Eri C… and 47 C O 11-22-47..8

Snow White Horses… Liberty C Liscomb

Cretan Bull… Kamora Herrington


See Sacred Portal 50… Ego Oge etc…

Do you recall the recently discovered CAVE COVE Paintings where a 6-foot painter with a crooked Thumb ( linked to Tom Truman and his Mother April.. AT they told me that they had a carving over their mantle place in Map town England with the words Father Of Infinity who visited those Caves and to Jon DEguidce Blackwell a Painter and Donna Sullivan who in her dreams saw numbers like th matrix- and Blue E T) was identified as the Painter with a Bent thumb depicting a Woman as party Bull..

Labyrinth Link Kamorah H and John Mack sister Holly Macdonald. H M. and her working at the Labyrinth and her seeming to know me as Erebus via Beer she sent me her address and her partner all code 8 13 and 13.8.

The Bull was not Half Man it was Half Woman.


The bull is Male … B M, ( Chris Filgueira) Bob Marley Zahara Marley.. a stubborn Nature but the mate is a Cow placid nature… but if they all Fart-expelled Methane they could poison and kill life on Earth.

The Snow White Bull Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ( I teasingly call the children Jeron etc in this play Dwarfs… Snow White becomes Snow Flake.

Krishna Redah.. Cow Herd.er Sacred in India.

Cow Jumped over the Moon C U T… Bridge Nut.. No, I have the Nut Crazy here… Nuit. Blue Black playful Krishna Cowher

Horses Bulls.

A Coma – Pause A Man who was Two Partkle Wace Sea and C transforms into A Woman and lived in a Supremely alt-universe – a Story as the dream,

Experiencing all possibilities of herself Man Woman and MW and then her true selves and that which is false.

Lascaux is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac, in the department of Dordogne in southwestern France. Over 600 parietal wall paintings cover the interior walls and ceilings of the cave. Wikipedia

Location: Montignac, France

Part of: Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley

Area: 34.34 ha (84 7/8 acres)

UNESCO World Heritage Site inscription: 1979

79 Blue Print of Existence.

Then when He wakes up the One Ha! Alicia Norris he is no longer One who is 1 2 3/4 he is back to himself as O E/ E O but now there him as She.


The true Adam and Eve Story not from his Rib but dreaming Coma… Waves Horse Heaphastus Calvary best fried Alexander the Great.

Horses Run and Stampede.

Bulls when Enrages – Charge and can hold a Grudge — Female aspect Cow placid ( Lake Placid_ eat Green Green grass of Home then passive-aggressive Farts Pisonus Gas though it caws milk as mik of loving KIndness.

See Sacred Portal In the woods Jay Woods Jurry Jay Kuaho Arden Gemnios live in near the Woods.

TRee Sage Conception in the Woods.

Woods the portal inverse tree of life.. babies come down so many testified via a slid and to a place all Woods where their mothers come to them, so many saw this memory in a Dream.

A M.

Awakened Memory….Bed Memory Foam 700 Benjamin C. Krajewski

7 age SEaframs Whiskey Kamora gift yesterday.

West World… this is the Lie of reality which served its purpose which I E I A E K and Family came to destroy.

We KNow what L O V E IS.. L I/ I L….. Y F AM I L Y… E Fact not an act.

1:48 am

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