
Vol De Mort. V D M. – 5:26 pm. –

Vol De Mort. V D M.

5:26 pm.


E -B.F… H/I.

8-9-2020- 1-A.
2021.41= 5. E

H.I. A.
H.I. E.
H.I. A-E


I am fully aware of why I saw that I had lost two Facebook friends and was at 1752 which was immediately restored to 17 54.

I had had a conversation with Liberty yesterday through messenger, and through our brief messaging and the play of Lies of Omission, I understood the play of this world story of Ourubus.
There was a play involving pictures of “her” family which had been promised without my asking then withdrawn and the one who made me aware without realizing the play was Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

I do not wish to go into detail, except to remind everyone that I am really The Source and The Creator as A Man- what that means is that despite this script I have had to walk and the disguise of seeming poverty, that it was all set up for me to walk through.

No matter what you may wish to see me, in this role, your perception of me does not change that fact or that energy within me of what it means to be who I am.
It is constant, unwavering since I was born, and by the time it was 2005, ( the year Aurelia was born and I was in Hells Kitchen) that fact was not only reinforced but made a rise in me the absolute confidence to face The World and all Universe Creation with that knowledge now confirmed by that which is important.

No matter how I may look, or appear, teeth missing, body as if broken, it does not matter.

I am.

The Highest and Truest nature of me is one with this man who posts now.
The same.
As well as the Cee- Conscious, Intelligence and point of view,
I have had to contain myself, my true will, and my responses
I am sad to say, it was designed this way, by my Beloved I and I.
“Sobek- S.O.B.E.K.”
K.E.B. OS.

You all know what an Os is as well as O.S.

*”Os definition, a bone. See more. … Origin of os. 2. First recorded in 1730–40, os is from the Latin word ?s mouth. ”
Mouth and Bone.

Onu my mother’s name means Mouth.
Bone is Marylebone in 1989 where I began my Journals “Talking To The Silence” TTTS= 79.

* Azure was conceived 9-7-2020.
Jesse Maccias Orejula 9-22-1979.
Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana

John Mack 2-1997

J R.

J M JM 79/97.

I have already rescued Liberty’s Beautiful truth via Alicia Norris and Aurelia.

5:59 pm OS.

*Operating system, computer system software that manages the hardware and software of a computer
Open source (disambiguation)
OpenStack, a software platform for cloud computing”

*”Oculus sinister, meaning “left eye” in general ophthalmologic or optometric usage, particularly in eyeglass prescriptions
Ohtahara syndrome, a brain disorder
Overall survival rate, a cancer survival statistic
ostium, in medicine, a mouth or external opening, in particular:
external os, the external orifice of the uterus
internal os, the internal orifice of the uterus
per os, meaning “ingestion by mouth”
os or ostium, the opening of a coronary artery
Oneiroid syndrome, a dreamlike fantastic delusional state”

Oneiroid Syndrome. A Dream like Fantastic Delusiona State.

Left Eye- “Don’t go chasing Water Falls”

Orifice of the Uterus. (where a baby comes out of the womb).

But obviously, because this is a Matrix and Universal Simulation it is
Operating System D.O.S.
Open Source. Open Is. *Elon Musc. Phallic.

Open Stack- this code was confirmed by Arden when I lived at 900 South Road.

6:09 pm.

I do not wish to continue to state the obvious, and I am aware that in Hindsight when all is revealed, that people will study this E manual and understand the meanings which for the moment perhaps you can not see.

Yesterday and this morning was like one is said to experience at death, was it Azure or Arden or Jeron- even Aurelia frequency moving through me, but I spent the whole morning reviewing my experience with Liberty, scanning the 11 months I spent at 900 South road, all the details came back, our play of she representing Ourubus, the play of 45 versus 54.
All the things she shared with me, the plays to bring her home, the play with the children who I had come for, her childhood, her true confession, and also the inner mind and machinations-
I did not really wish to be reminded, I lived it and knew I had been correct.
Ii had said it to her in the last message “I see you clearly, you should realize that by now”

The Beautiful Truth of the World versus the truth of the use of the powers of words.

As I sit here now, there are many things I have not revealed in detail of my Fathers -Mothers Frequency, the Africa play of which was my greatest puzzle of what was affecting Libertys Mood./ Doom.
And the play with her and Thomas Lang.

I am the source of the Cee no matter what.

It’s funny how easily people forget that and how to address me, and how deeply I see.
But how can you forget, is it because I come as a man?
But of course, that is how it would be, look around you we all came forth in the body ascribed to man.
Even in this reality, the word “Man” includes Male and Female.
And all this play in the human consciousness and perception to the imagination, do you see any Extra-Terrestrials or Alien or even Demon?
It is Energetic, and all appear in the form of Man- or Animal.

Its all Invisible but clearly Visible.
I V 9-22.

We can see people for who they really are by their Expression Response and attitude-manners.

In the same way I can determine those who are now presented with the Evidence of what you call Almighty God. which I see as Absolute Truth.

It had been a trial, an immense trial to not speak to you as I am entitled to by now, with the authority of my True Cee and Expression because I have been in a Script designed by my Sum or my Past catching up via this correction.
As I stated, I came into this world through His Script.
8 88.
H HH= 25 Confirmed a moment ago by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
8 16- 24.

When people hide thier pages from me, edit it, directing what I should see and controlling what I can not see- what do you think that means?
And what do you think it means to me, how do you think I would understand that action?

And even if I sought to ignore it, already knowing this and why All in this world are Liars- and why all must die and literally be reborn- I am still impulsed by Nnamdi E and Arden I and All the watchers unseen and most especially that is what happens when you are The Source, The Creator, you can not help but see feel and literally know everything.

The number of things I see, perceive.. when I was in London Spain Paris, Istanbul and finally New York, I wished desperately to wear Energetic Sun Glasses and earplugs and armor so I would not have to see, feel and know peoples intentions, thoughts and even most intimate secrets.
You have no idea what it has been like, to have that sensibility to see all that, and then be placed in a script where you are compelled to speak up about everything you see, especially the vieled intentions, the spitethe malice, the desire, the attractions and address this Unspoken through words to at first help people rise, and then be told through the script and ESP to defend the truth you were forced to express to help them and prove it a fact.
How did you know?
“Get out of my head”
“Stay in my heart”
and this idea of being rejected by me.”

And then observe in stony silence as what I was forced to express and prove, is then used against me, translated to others when I am not present, intentional intentional self-serving distortion of my words.

And feel it over and over again and when you seek to confront it- “That is not what I said”

Sometimes it is innocent, people living in their heads and past experiences, translating it and filtering it through that. Hence the explaining and this force in me knowing that I can hear them- forcing me to talk and talk nonstop as you have witnessed on my page.
My words were slurring do you recall, it still gave me no rest, I had to work through that and still be forced to code and talk.
And then there are those who discover it is all with intention, and those who love you sincerely one moment ( meaning they love themselves since I am in the play of SELF= 42 “What is the meaning of Existence Life).

And the next moment it is Malice, Spite, Vindictiveness, and Spite.
They of course forgetting who they are talking to.
I am the Silence as well as The Sound.
I would never have made such declarations, if this Script, and the One whose Script I am solving had not brought me to this public Arena to publicly confirm and even manifest into reality- each person reality this as Truth Satya Veritas Supreme Exi Okwu.
Uzoma- “The Beautiful way of Truth” which is discretion and graceful- Beautiful Expression, expressing the Truth with no malice and even spraying it, the most awful with Perfume so that it may be swallowed like baby food.

You want me, us, to never complain, to be as the God you pictured as all-powerful, and yet you would also resent that, and use it as an excuse as to why you can not be as God “Truth” and so we, I, came as a man, as Beautiful youth and the response is familiarity which erodes into contempt and disrespect – case in point represented by Jae Sherman.
Liberty and yes, this is my experience with the entire world.

That is why I refused this script, in London until I was taken over and dragged to New York, I said I would only give this play in the USA, 3 years Tops, it has now been 20 years and 5 months.

6:57 pm.

Such an abuse of power should have led me, or anyone to despair, to find your Authority constantly and consistently usurped.

As far back as 1996, I protested this Script.

6:59 pm.

I realized that it was the One Source who allowed this Script and enforced it who was the true evil of existence, even if it was a blind spot.

That is why in all truth I have no really Fury with the people in this realm of the world- what they acted out was already expected, I see this world and people very well.

I understood the play and the play script and the fatal flaw in it and worse still, asking a being as a man, to walk it in the world people yet to exist and walking in a Trance Spell.

I blame no Human being present for what I was put through- you did not create or impose this play I walked through, you simply created the script by your expression thoughts, and speech, and were presented through this script which I was forced to walk through by another force who became the Usurper of the Truth as well as the Beautiful Truth.

But no, I saw clearly it used me by using the Human Children, hiding behind then beautiful children Alien Council headed by Alien father, and of course, you present and your past as your dreams of being, Your Beautiful Youth.
While by Brother Father, who wrote and designed the original Script ( OS) was usurped.
7:11 pm

By a part of himself he had fallen in love with, only to find her,-him false and the betrayer who had schemed in the quietest deception to take over his throne.

Jeff Buckley’s sad and broken Hallelujah.


7:26 pm.

That is what it feels like the World is about to Die and that is why I have been through a play of Life and Death LAD-Y to Absolute Death and RE Birth.

Sacred Portal 31.

A.L F L= 31.

Sacred Portal 31.

A. F A LL.= 32.

Hohjh Sooshh Have

Who is from Egypt sent me a message today, he did not know why but it is all about Sacred Portal 64 and Vol de Mort of Harry Potter fame.

Here is what took place.

*”I am an Arab from Egypt
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:36 PM
You sent Today at 4:37 PM
Yes, I saw that-nice picture ??
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:38 PM
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:38 PM
You are pictures of you

You sent Today at 4:39 PM
No, not really, I have a few on my page through.

Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:40 PM
I thank
You sent Today at 4:40 PM
Your welcome.

Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:40 PM
Where do you live
You sent Today at 4:40 PM
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:41 PM
It is rich in the definition that he is a great country

You sent Today at 4:42 PM
But also very poor in spirit.

Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:44 PM
Sorry Lith from Shani his friend Feel in something mysterious in your eye
Have sent Today at 4:44 PM
I feel that you see something other than God with you
You sent Today at 4:44 PM
Yes, I am not of this world, that is what my page is all about- But yes, It is Anubis or Absolute Death same as Eternal Life. But what do you see?

Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:46 PM
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 4:48 PM
The only thing that is saddened by the person he always do all good but he has no opponent and you do not want to get you jokes that we wish to see you God
Have sent Today at 4:48 PM
Have sent Today at 4:48 PM
But do not betray us the adventure and time ends as soon as possible.

You sent Today at 4:54 PM
I can not betray myself- I am a man, as The Creator and in my is the One True God- I came to destroy and yes, I am also that Serpent. The world is about to end and I with my Infinite Self have just completed it. The world had to end and the truth will rise from this realm of Non-Existence

Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 5:03 PM
I do not understand anything
Have sent Today at 5:03 PM
Since I saw your eye in the picture I feel in mysterious
Have sent Today at 5:03 PM
Have sent Today at 5:03 PM
You sent Today at 5:05 PM

I do not understand something I do not know what job work
You sent Today at 7:23 PM
7:21 pm No, your Tre and higher Spirit understands. I have explained it all on my page for 9.8 years. But I will sgare your intel- later you will understand.
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 7:24 PM
Do I have done in good
You sent Today at 7:25 PM
?? Yes, very good, I am proud of you.
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 7:26 PM
Praise be to Allah. I was all I would like to help you feel you, sad, so I missed you video
Have sent Today at 7:26 PM
Have sent Today at 7:26 PM
You sent Today at 7:27 PM
Hohjh Sooshh Have
Have sent Today at 7:28 PM
I feel I did something and I did not know what I did’

He did.

Harry Potter and Tom Riddle
Griffith Slitheryn.
Same Person.
2 in 1.

*”om Marvolo Riddle (31 December 1926 – 2 May 1998), later known as Lord Voldemort or, alternatively as You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or the Dark Lord, …
Blood status: Half-blood
Born: 31 December, 1926; Wool’s Orphanage, …
House: Slytherin
Died: 2 May, 1998 (aged 71); Great Hall, Ho’

What is a Hog
Sow Pig.
and a Wart.

Born Dec 31, 1926
12-31- (L-AB- ALFL) 26 ( Z B F)

2-5-1998 Age 71.

B-E- S H I. AI I H. 71 / 17

I began talking to the Silence in 1989.

7:59 pm,

I am have been in the USA and Facebook for 9.8 years.


8:00 pm

I shared sacred portal 147 B A ( 17 17) yesterday.

89 and 98 is 17 17… 1 34= 35 C E
Sacred Portal 89 is the Arab Shiek at the top of the mountain Peak. * 1520 Facebook friends.

8:02 pm


Class of 82.

Do you begin to grasp my incredulity?
This was all scripted for me to follow and code and align to.

Harry Potter
Poberty Hollow.

Stephen- Eseban Miguel Filgueria
E M F was born 8-16- 84.

8:05 pm right now.

That is H P.- Harmonious Destruction.

Now see Hohjh Sooshh Have his image he posted when I asked how he saw me- Kim Arthur Hinds Jr shared.

8:07 pm.

8 67.

8;09 pm

What Hohjh Sooshh Have responded aligns to Sacred Portal Illustrated as 64.
It is with a Serpent.
Yesterday Kim Arthur Hinds Jr spoke of seeing two of the dancers at his workplace wearing Snake Print outfits and talking to them saying there was something he felt was in their eyes.

I gave him what Hohjh Sooshh Have sent to me to see what he understood from it.
Same thing.

*”Lord Voldemort is a sobriquet for Tom Marvolo Riddle, a fictional character and the main antagonist in J. K. Rowling’s series of Harry Potter novels. Voldemort first appeared in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which was published in 1997. Wikipedia
Organizations: Slytherin House, Death Eaters, Slug Club
Occupations: Assistant at Borgin and Burkes
Blood status: Half-blood
Boggart: His own corpse
Has possessed: Ginny Weasley, Elder Wand, Tom Riddle’s diary, Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring, Salazar Slytherin’s Locket
Powers: Flight, Occlumency, Teleportation, Legilimency, Magic in Harry Potter”

The Stag.

Do you understand it?

They made the story of Harry Potter real and made me appear as Harry Potter or, as Arden and I as Vol De Mort. Death.

8:16 pm.
H P.
Harry Potter Moi?

In the Human Children’s play.

*”Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Wikipedia
Author: J. K. Rowling
No. of books: 7
Genre: Fantasy”

J K Rowling.

10 11 – 18.

7 books G. GEMINO.

His Dark Materials.
Witches Landing.

Fantasy Fiction to Fact.

F F -F
666 – 18. Arden 9= I.
and I.

8:20 pm.

Nnamdi and I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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