
Via Roberto TodaroRoberto

Via Roberto TodaroRoberto

The Gift which Esteban Miguel Filgueira.and Sarah Kaizer brought me from Peru Macchu Picchu has on one side an Owl.

But I placed the Pipe on my Altar which the owl as the Back and a long beaked Bird in the front.

As some of my older Facebook Friends such as Brooke Elizabeth Banwer, Edward Eceinco and Andrese Harris Burton will recall the Owl play rep by Donna O Sullivan at 18 Mountain View M.W to John Mack taking me to New Britain after the Owl play which took place with he and John Newman (New Money)

That the Owl linked to Goddess Athena twin of Lord Apollo, represents the past.

Owl seeing in the Dark

But on my Altar, the Pipe faces the Present and the Future Present, As a Bird with Plumage

A Peack Cock is how I see it or a Humming Bird ..

A bird of Paradise who no longer sees through darkness because all has transformed to Light.


I See

I S..

E E. E F. K B A. C K. E

7:06 p.m


Sacred Portal 76..

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