
Ute Lotz – Alyssa Lucinda – Hunt

Ute Lotz

Alyssa Lucinda

Hunter Espinoza

Jade Charli.

8:29 pm.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was here with Obi Etuka

K.O. J.E./ H.E.

Then I went to C.Town yet again and spent 34.13 USD, all the while I was contemplating Nnmadi- Evolved from his past to as Azure, Liberty C sixth child and 5th son, her second son with Thomas Lang.

Liberty had sent it at 2:01 pm.
21. U. Universe.
I was pissed off of course, he just had to come into this End Game Play, of course, Azure was Nnamdi hence me and Arden and Ferrill- Ferrell.

It had “My Happy Place” on it. look at his contended face- but look at the cost.
You do understand the code, of course, this line of 69 which is really 96?
His script would be 69-96 which I had to do as well as 9-7-2020 when he was conceived, meaning I had to go back yet again into the past when I am right here and so is Arden.
I noted how Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had moved his totem- which is where I met him and Souza and his Mother when he was exhibiting it.
It has a scorpion at its base, then an angry black man- rep Stone, Earth, and Mr. Potatoe Head- which is a Stone’s and Rolling Stones rep in the Earth Heart Organic realm Joseph Taylor, J.T- John Thomas, Sacred portal 79.
79-97-97 and yet another 97.
Then a three eyes Brown Yeshua, ( Jesus0 pissed and then red-orange, yellow star bok with a birds wings and angry face, and a pair of Kiddie boots0 very similar to the ones I found on the street just before Jeron was born and linked to him, Jeron and Serenity.

And then an astounding play of 69 with Laura Walsh as in between Alicia Norris and Liberty C linking them as 69 to 96 as O O 15 15= 1. 30.
130 M.O. E.
And then to 1 30= 31.

Azure L.F.L.= 31.
See the number on the Article from Chance Liscomb, for some odd reason, the paper cites Chance as age code 31.

So yes, I was grumbling about this and how long it took to get A.L.L and that A.L.L. is E. the rest… cartoon characters, only some Comic animtrix- anime
D.C. Marvel made first from the humans then into animations could align from Fiction Fantasy and become real and evolved humans.

8:59 pm.

Good I was just about the protest what I found myself having to post and code now that the space ship 45 has blasted off to the True Eden with its cargo.

I did recall when coming here to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr portal that we were at the Airport at 29 Lincoln Stree, and Space Station about to blast off, from the Moon – Kim -Aurelia “Gold” Sun.. sigh the sun is not Gold, but then it was a Nursery School play to finally grade 12 and 13 and yes that caused the delay, re-educating for.. tomorrow will be One year I have been here waiting for coding playing Big Brother, but now instead of Orson Wells- M.E OW, it became Ip Man to BB. Donnie Yen. D.Y.
D.A.Y. E.

Sum of the Morning and Evening Star.

9:07 pm.

I was just thinking about Azure 9-7-2020 Immaculate Conception, not biological.

I spent 34.13 USD.

C.D- M.
C D Manifest,
Cecilia Dark Matter.
But it was not Cecilia who went was it, I did.
To reach her Evolution from Woman -Man- Beautiful Youth, Wu Man- Maiden Head.

The C.D of Manifestation so delayed is on my Desk Top.
M is 13 and has a 27, 28 years delay.
9:11 pm.
And then an additional 21 here in the USA when it was actually completed in 1996.
Always Open 24-7.

Kim Jr and Obi Etuka
But only now that the children Babies as the Alien Council are safe, and so his Totem, linked to the “Native” American, Afro, Indian are safe.

9:16 pm.

Helf hostage here an additional 12 months by the babies, toddlers children, many still in the form of adults- which I call the abomination.

9:17 pm.

Held hostage, ransomed in a play to get the children which were done from the moment I came into this play.
As you can see it was not about getting the Babies and Children but getting their parents Lost In Space by holding onto a nonexistence point of view of being the Big Ones.

Which was the corruption of The Beautiful Ones.
B.1. B.A

It was purely selfish.

9:21 pm.
Of that which pretended to be Universe. U.
7-21-2020 tells you who was the true rep of the Universe and the Beautiful Youth.

I have no words/

9:23 pm.


E- K. I.M.
E Kim?
E.K. I.M. Possible?

Oh no, E.K.I.M A FACT.

Mission Impossible was the idea of fixing up this cosmic mess of ages and bringing you back to your senses with was E Nnamdi’s idea not mine.
The only saving grace was in rescuing the X Factor planted in the Species of Naturalness as Nature evolving to reach your true potential as the X Men E Version.

Excuse me, a moment, let pause to cool down, being made to even talk about this, pisses me off even more.
Oh yes, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr moved his Totem to the Chest with the code WAR written on it, and over a week after I had added my black Raw paper on it- and still it abused its power and still made me wait.

9:30 pm.


Oh yes, for you this is all new and exciting and you are waiting to see the manifestation, to me, this is the true source of my terrible rage.

9:31 pm
6 31.

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