
Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good…



Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good
It thinks it can go on forever, while its fear and intelligence tells it that eventually…it will be destroyed. The greatest act of mercy for Evil itself is to cut it out and end the reign of terror caused by it waiting for its own bitter end.
The true source of evil is ingratitude, greed, jealousy and refusing to help sustain the light of the world, by snuffing out or ignoring truths, whether out of jealousy or a personal agenda…putting themselves first before all others, even truths that can benefit the world.
True Evil I have discovered is the unwillingness to help beings who have great beauty but rather out of malice jealousy, deny their existence and worth while at the same time using their energy to magnify their own self worth.
True Evil is the ability to recognize all that was done to make a world rise, and people rise and repay it with jealousy malice and scorn… and seeking to enslave that energy.
Evil is a choice, since everyone was created beautiful and true. Evil is letting the consciousness of greed go too far. Evil is the systematic murder of light.
Evil is the the poisoning of the well of the being of individuals as well as the collective.
True evil is watching the light beings of the world fight until so exhausted, they leave this realm and world.
And pure evil is beings created pure, true, and beautiful, using full awareness to choose the tools of manipulation and deception to get what ever they want at any cost.
And ultimate evil…its seed starts in the family unit, where it grows and grows but is not cut off, rather it is indulged and allowed to flourish into a mighty tree of death.
But the greatest Evil of all are those in the collective who do nothing to help light stay in the world but rather, out of spite, let these beings fight this false energy all by themselves…
I truly feel, that this is what can truly bring the end of the world instead of its awakening… the refusal to aid those who have no personal agendas but literally equations to make a better world.
Injustice is the lingua franca of Evil.
And the greatest betrayal is the collective seen and unseen energy of ourselves letting this go on and go so far… until a consciousness not even real becomes the energy dominating the world…activated by jealousy and doing nothing to help truth and light be sustained in the world… and a universe staying quiet….
I never believed in Evil before. Sure I knew that there are evil actions, thoughts, and deeds that human kind has perpetuated on one other. But evil that can deny and challenge the truth of its own existence… impossible…because it will self implode if it denies its source self. I had this argument with my own mother. She said evil had come to exist and even to find sustenance in man without being destroyed, as a natural consequence of denying the source of its existence. In fact, evil had begun to flourish here on earth. I argued with her that it was impossible, saying that evil only has power or the illusion of power for a moment…then is ultimately destroyed.
But I have found evidence that evil flourishes, and that evil is even sustained and accepted more easily than truth, evidence, beauty, consciousness of creation. It challenges the very power of existence sustained by many in the human population who go by the fear-based mantra, “see no evil, hear no evil…”
However, according to my mathematical equation systems based on evil, it can reach an optimum point and then it must self destruct. Similar to civilizations who, even with the best intentions, end up turning evil by forgetting the principle of existence and must eventually die out…
But somehow Evil has been sustained in the modern society to a point of horror. Perhaps caused by people not having the excuse of ignorance…but perhaps now because fear has become such a power tool even in our homes and relationships; because the meaning of love and truth have become so distorted… or because jealousy and hatred toward beings of light able to sustain light has now reached epic proportions? No matter what ever the case, my mother was right, I have recognized and also found the source of evil and its equation and why it is able to linger and challenge the truth of existence embodied in the last light warriors all over the world.
Evil, of course, will be destroyed eventually, even if all the light beings in the world all refuse to come down here any longer. It would cease to exist in the absence of light and light beings which this Expression called evil requires to exist (it is not real because it has disconnected itself from Source, and all of creation needs love to sustain it).  But I wish to acknowledge my mother C who understood and saw something that I refused to see because it was impossible and because I knew it was only temporary… Evil exists, and I have found its source… ingratitude and greed, never being satisfied and putting your needs above light beings wellbeing; whose very reason for coming into the consciousness of this level of existence was to bring lightness, laughter, mischief and de light to a world which had forgotten how to smile…
Refusal to help light beings is the refusal to help the light in the self. Selfishness, or service to self, is the ultimate murder of good and pure intentions. Greed makes love retreat, and jealousy is a tool used to distort truth until it is made unrecognizable by all, except the most loyal to the preservation and spread of the truth through embodiment: the quiet, elegant examples of beingness. Those whose very naturalness, expressing the truth speaks for itself. The end of people knowing how to be natural is, to me, the true meaning of the end of the world…
There is a power of Evil, pure evil in the world, embodied, and it only rules and powers the world by the collective agreement to challenge instead of aid light beings, and by the agreement to “see no evil, hear no evil,” which in turn, makes you evil.
From my recognition and researching on the nature of the Lie and the liars, I have finally been able to determine that evil is in humanity, that it is embodied, that it is here and that it exists… Only the collective can cut it out, but by leaving it to gain more power, by letting that consciousness go so far before cutting it out…is, to me, demonstrating that, indeed, humanity must choose between to having the energy of the beautiful ones rise in humanity… or allowing this Evil to further manifest, real and true in the flesh of this world and bringing the end of the world.
I do not think pure evil wants to exists, it wants to be called out but it cannot stop itself, it needs someone else to care enough to stop it by calling it out…
But I feel I have been given the chance to see two possible outcomes in the world… one truly beautiful and one truly ugly; I guess it is up to the collective to choose. Doing nothing, denying the truth or beauty, and ingratitude are a choice too.
Mom C, you were right. Evil has been made not only real, but it is now fully embodied with the power I have seen.  This disgusting consciousness can truly bring about the end of the world. Its nature is fear and cowardice of the world. If only the true beauty, nobility and royal nature of Man would rise up in the collective to defeat this usurper… I, for one, feel that this frequency will bring the end of evolution… because most are simply ignoring the light beings quietly presenting their solutions all over the world, for the problems of the world.. problems that never existed…
Evil can be destroyed, but it is a choice.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/7/24: 1380

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