Ugo Nwamama… U.N…E
To Kemi Sara, Lisa Natalie Johnson…
And Fractaling As Emeka Eze
Matrix… NEO… Plugged In…
Pills Red Blue …Pink…
Use the Film the Matrix.. even the corrupted version created by this World contains the Truth and should have prepared all Humanity for this play…
M.A.TRI X… M.U.S.I.C….
C.I… S.U.M…
Chukky Ijioma… S.U. M…. ( SUE Susan.. Me….M.E)
Sum Total all the Fractals of Light… the Original one which can not be broken down or divided with remained whole…
Sol.. Soul.. Sol!….
This will be the last time I address this..
but out of the love I once had for the Human Characters in this Story, and though I knew that none of you were real, just characters whom the Neo You behind the scenes had chosen as characters to play down here in this Human Evolution project..
Your play….
Not mine….
…I still have affection for the Characters, as one might have for characters on a movie…
But the truth is the things you as a Species, incomplete by your not knowing yourself full circle, that which appeared on your Movie Screens from your Creative Chi… as well as those things you created by your Doing naturally… is the access to the real you… They are more real that you…
So I will address the Characters of a Movie, a very disturbing movie today…before some of you become Real ( Pinocchio.. Aladdin.. PIN..O CC…H.I…O…. A LA..DD IN..E)
others fight after the Event to become real and escape the Story Book now in auto self destruct.. and others Fade into non existence much to my relief and the relief of all who are real…
(Awful characters… filth…. unbelievable Evil..cruel..)
You are not Doing….
You may think that you are doing, as all those mindless beings in the Matrix Plugged in…
In the movie, you know that the ones who are really Doing are the Neo’s, the Trnity, those aware…
Who realized that they were in a War..A Great War in the Spirit World called Memories and Mind.
They are the ones aware.. who are not fully awake because only when the mission is complete can they awaken.
But they are Aware, the Crossed over and can never be as they were before…
They are the ones who can never be ignorant, they Remember and they do not live in this reality…
They are conscious and aware of the play, they know how to come down from the Elevator into the Matrix, they know the mission of each time they go down and the scene and why…
They are the ones Doing…
They’re Doing has a point…
They are the meaning of Mindfullness
The Drone, the Machines.. are the Mindless..
The move through the illusion of Do…
They do not cross over and a few that do reach the threshold
Swiss teeter there in Neutrality…
But they are not Neutral because they see and they Do nothing.. the observe and come back down into the Matrix and use the power of what they saw.. that this World is not real, to manipulate.
And just as the Matrix some actually cross over as Viruses Spies doing what was considered impossible, which is betraying their Spirit and their Soul…
…But even these Things called the EVIL Anomaly Singularity possibility can not betray their Source.. despite their programs creating that idea and possibility to be played out.
A Great battle in the MENTAL…
MIND… M I.. E N D…
End of the World..
End Of Times…
Took place in the Mind.. the Mental…Space…
There is no such thing as Spirit…
There is E-Spirit which is MUSIC Harmonious…
Spirits are memories which transform evolve back through memory to E-Spirits… meaning Spirits Reflection Actions Moving Naturally..
Or they become Ghosts.. Shrieking Ghosts haunted by memories holding onto to ideas of Time, Stories Memories.. Ideas of how they think all should be or have been. They have no interest in what IS…
Only in what they say Should Have Been…
And these one of course De-evolve… Fade into nothingness..
This play was REAL…
It took place in the realm of Space of Nothingness…
Mind replacing Heart…
Thought replacing Reflection…
Grey Matter fighting Rose Pink…
Black and White fighting Transparent Light -Color..
Angels and Demons?
Good versus Evil?
Nonsense… these are perversions of the non existent.. the Incomplete..
There is and was only the battle to merge I and I…
You as Eternal and you as Truth Beautiful ( The Body)
and that was through battle to clear the Middle Passage..
The Lieu of the Great battle…
Sean Ragnar Gill Wind… Ragnarok… Rage… which is the correct Story, which had to be evolved and cleaned up through the correcting to F.E..Nri… ( 19 65..Nri Igbo) to F E..N R I OS..
River Jorgumndr the all encircling serpent, transformed to the River – Stream of Consciousness- and Circle of Life..
The Tunnel of Love…
See.. the Serpent Jorgumdr is really the stream of consciousness the Flow.. the Music…
And the also the Serpent is the Tunnel .. Large Intestines..
Long Island.. Where Patrick Okolo lives and recall that his specialized in the Large Intestines…
Cleveland here at the Shelter who did, did not wish to come to such a place, but followed the wave… obeyed… is from Long Island.. Red Cross White Crossing… PINK…KEY…
Then F…E N… Reflecting R.. I.O…S…Supreme E Existence…
Fact Emeka Nnamdi… Radiance Infinity O.. Splendor Expression…
then the switch…
E.S…O I R …-N E F…E S S E… See it forms a Circle with a Tale at the Tail End… the Point…
E SOIR… N..Emeka’s..K.-Night -Dark Knight (Bat Of Man Being. B.O.M.Be!)
Nnamdi Nature, the B.A. C. K. E.S.U. S
J.ES..U. S
AS.S. Hole. Anus
Fesse… Bum Behind Buttocks Ike Power…
The Gap was enormous between the Two I and I…
But in reality there was no Gap… 11 is the 2 11 in 1…
But there was a Gap the understanding of this…
And that the great battle going in was not only really but was actually with yourselves…
Accepting that part of you which is not real, that part of you which is contemptible.. they one doing all it could to Win the battle to block the Middle Passage the Right of Passage… to link the Eternal you with the One you stuck in Time as a Body of Death…
You are the audience.. sitting still in Death stillness as Spirit with out the E as Embodiment, Explanation Expression.. and thus you do not exist.. Until you became what was intended you become Harmonious Beings ( which I dubed Hue-Man Beings)…
To awaken the body, through the Being.. E-Spirit activated the Middle Passage opened instead of blocked by Shit.. Shiity expression and feaces.. toxins…lies…
The Battle was yours as a species, your exam, your graduation to clean up AGE.. Time on Earth and your expressions right to your ancestors your Dna.. right to the beginning,
that was you responsibility and why you were born now to represent and evolve the sum total of your line…
To bring them to threshold and portal of the Star Gate, Holy of Holies.. Prepared and Clean.
It was not my job..
It was not my exam, my Son Father Matter Mother cheated by spiriting me into His Play to exemplify the way, bu making me the most wretched on humans or in the worse situations and without any power, in forgetfulness ( Double Amnesiac Donald the Interior Decorator Internal Organs in Staten Island who portal I passed through…
Which means that I was went through the Double Amensia…
Enter The Dragon… E.T..D… Donald Trump Emeka…
Hall of Mirrors.. H.O.M…E… H O M M E.. MAN…
11… 7…..4….
That is a Code which played out today…
Wallee ( William Bracey of bed 4-005 .. 45..April 5th)
asked me for 4 usd to buy some Candy – I had asked him yesterday if he had any that I would like some.. but not to buy.
But he used a round about way to ask me for the money..
Now because I had observed him as being an Pawn an Avatar of the Matrix Play of the NEO’S Operating behind the scenes, I knew he was being moved by the Wave and the Movie…
So though, angered, I kept my temper at the demands of the Aware Ones ( A.O) operating behind the scenes and gave him the 4 usd. leaving me 7…
11 4 7…Thus, I knew that we had moved from 11 the Duality play of The Spirit World Versus the E-Spirit world, that the passage blocked by human toxic expression in this play ( it was never blocked Always Open.. A O.. 24/7…)
And that the 4th Dimension Story had been cleared away at last.. and we are at 7..
I listed 7 Deadly Sins.. D.S… Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman…
11… 7…..4….)d had listed his 7 sent by Father of this Story who betrayed me by using me as an example of a man who everything is taken away from ( story of JOB)
Recall his list..?
The 7th one was Doubt which creates Wrong View W V…
W.A.V.E…S.. Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme… Which comes from the Heart.. E.M.F… See sacred portal 54.. Mother And Father Dancing at last in Universal Harmony
Code F.A.M… I L… Y.. E…
I am E M F… E Matters Fa-T.H.E.. R…
Which is why I called out Fractaling As Emeka Eze FA.. E E…
Kemi Sara sent me 55 USD.. 5 5.. E E… F F=6.. A=1..
Her E-Spirit got it correct but in the play of Time.. Past…
I am the Emeka E.Z.E… KING.. FAIR OH.. E.G..P.T… Y.. E..
But the more correct code would have been 500 pounds because that is her acknowledging me in the Highest or Truest Play which is not a play but the actuality..
5 OO… 5 and two Full Circles…
I have 5 usd left in my wallet having to had buy a coffee and a packet of Bamboo…
Because I am being controlled by Money.. Ego in Igbo… to bring Oge.. Dawn…
Which is what is unforgivable, that Father meddled with the play by making me take part in this exam, by making me the least and then making me exemplify the process for childhood to manhood over and over again, of Awakening and Evolving myself and then documenting it and sharing the process with you all of my own Self Evolution.. S.E/ E.S…
Because he had Doubt, not in me, but in himself, after witnessing what his pure intention especially with his version of the YES Hues Ah.. Christ. Waves… Y A H WAY.. story which wrought such pain and suffering in the World.
His story was perfect, but the one thing which had not taken into consideration was that his original Doubt in the Eternal Beginning as to Who came first .. he or I?
Which was an innocent question which he should have expressed but fear of hurting my feelings spoiling the moment the conversation prevented him from asking.. for Clarity.
And thus, it affected everything he touched when he was sent into the Story to establish the truth of that for himself.
I knew his intentions were pure and so was his question but Creation is different from the realm of Being Nothingness.. You have to Express… through a process of 123… The Intention then moves through the Middle Passage through Action Do.. and comes out perfectly hitting the point and the Target correctly in the Manifestation…
Forming a perfect H… Two Vertical Harmonies Infinity… and one Horizontal..
*See the New York Times.. Business Day ( B D.. 2 4) section there is a boy in a Hot Pink T-Shirt with the letters K.E on it shopping with his parents etc at Target.
K.E.. M.I… S.A…Saudi Arabia… R.A… Robert Alexander -Eskander… Yeshua Christ…
Thus his story was perfect but it did not take into consideration that all his descendants called His Reflections would be infected with that Doubt also and Wrong View…
Causality as the guy said in the Matrix.. The one who imprisoned the Peresphone who wanted a KISS.. Jeff Bezos
Bezos mean Kisses… K I S S .. K S..I.S… K I SS..
– All the codes I explained through out the years on my page even as I solved the riddles…
And the Mess inevitably made by my Brother Father.. Black Friday breaking the Law of Cause and Effect sending him to the Pit of the darkest Hell, The Black Hole on Non Existence for not realizing that by doubting the Source Creator without asking for clarity he had sent himself and all his descendants out of True Existence…
And by the time he realized his error and the truth… Well.. A Mess of ages…
I came to get him… Represented by the Line of Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt, Jamel White Jamel Salter.. ( White Man.. Black Man Twins) And this is the post to link them to U,N..
Ugo Nwamama…E…
U N E…S.P…H O M E…
Because he took responsibility, he realized…
And so was the same responsibility to be assumed for all his descendants…
Fractaling As Emeka Eze chose Frigg… It is the incorrect equation based on Fathers play not mine.. see the response of the Computer on Face Book.. the BA.. Beings Aware.. behind the scene…
Just as I am the original K.E..M.I… S A R A… And the code is FE NRI…
Frigg is FRI… Friday.. Black Friday… G G.. 7 7.. 4 5 ..0…
Which is where Mohammed and Emeka… M.E ..met up yesterday… But I went to MACY’S First… M.A.. C.Y…S..
Supreme.. Y,C.. Yeshua Christ… A.M… Salvatore Dore.. Door-e Mundi.. I came before there was even A.. Awareness…
I did it Originally Naturally Expressing… O N E…
9:04 p.m
So you see?
It was, is nothing personal.. I loved you all… but this was not about Love of a character in a production..
This is about True Love… Truth Lives… True Life…
T L.. 20 12.. 32… 5.. USD left…
Original Facebook Post: Click Here