
True Life can not be Scripted ..

True Life can not be Scripted ..

It manifests A T M.

At The Moment to Moment

Through its own Momentum creating in its wake Energy.. the Expression of Eternity..

All is in Eternal Harmony going onto Infinity

And so it can not be Scripted, because Every Moment is the Unexpected but guided by the E Harmony, every experience is of Beauty and Delight..

Bliss Extasy

Adventure Exploration and endless discovery

The Script can only be created, from something with a predetermined programs or curriculum vitae.

Proving that which has been already done, and through this Film Story F S

It teaches not only new members, graduating to Solid Beings, valuable lesson

That True Exisrence is Safe..

And the lesson was to Be and trust in your Truth and Natural Expression of Self.

Reflected in all, but in the Scriot you have to chose decide which you is real.

Thus, I have given the Evidence and Proof to an Unseen and Seen challenge to prove that this world, and many of you, were never real..

Just a work in progress to link and merge with your Eternal Self

The One True Real


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