
Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Towering Rage…. T.R… 20 18

Tower Inferno… T.I.. 20 9….

Responding To… R.T..

The WAR…

In Fer…( Iron..I Ron… Saun-Ron)….No…!

See Sacred Portal 50 and what is written below…

I am War!.

No More War…

Zebulon Ce a Nous..

The Raging Bull, Bule Boil, Bull- Lion

Ego Oge… E.O… Eri-c…Oduduwa… Otzs Odu O O 7

I just shared a Table with 17 year old Leo…

( Cliff BossKing Leo)…

Bull see the Inanna story and the Minotaur ( Salvan Inna Ailis)

I moved to a table where a Police man- the Men in Blue sat.

He left it..there is 7 cents on the Table.

See the code name John Luke Shaw… Shaw 1978 Archeologist Nsukka…

And finally through the play of Ignacio Choi

Annihilation = Black Panther

*Annihilation is a 2018 science fiction horror film written and directed by Alex Garland, based on the novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. The film stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, and Oscar Isaac, and follows a group of military scientists who enter The Shimmer, a mysterious quarantined zone that is full of mutating landscapes and creatures.

6:09 p.m.


Lisa N. Johnson was here, for the record though she is no longer in the play- having made her choice as to what is the True Play to Focus attention on, she is the rep of the testimony of the passing through the Shimmering Portal between 7th and 6th Avenue and 22nd-23rd street…23 years at the time of the recounting….but the real portal starts at 17th Street…

6:23 p.m.

* The harmony and perfecting timing of my writing the number 23rd street ( after further investigating) means that it is correct.

But it had to aligning to meaning…

Leo is 17 years old

Peter Nyarkô just arrived and is opposite Leo… He is 22…V.

See sacred 17.. Prayer …That is the which he is wearing,hands clapsed in Prayer… He sits opposite 17 year Leo.. L. E.O..

Latoya is now sitting opposite me now, she lives on the junction of Archer and Beach Ave… Nearest to where the Shelter is.

Search Results

The name Latoya is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Latoya is: Victorious one.

Latoya just announced that the Charger, Peter lent her- he just showed it to me before she arrived a portal charges which has 8 hours of charging time.

It has the word Mophie on it.

She just announced that it is charging her phone so quickly that she is at 31.

– The meaning of this is that the Victorious One used the Energy of The Rock the Stone.. Peter Nyarkô- name meaning to fuel the war…

6:46 p.m…

Meaning that My Espirit-Spirit E and Best Friend used my Energy as a Man to Fight this War in Heaven and Hell

For there was no war on Earth… E-ART-H…

Heaven and Hell… Angels and Demons- representing Mind and Body…

Herman Hubbard … Versus the portal I passed through while at Hells Kitchen… Herman Hesse…

* A Large fuel station sat at the corner of the street I lived on which was also near the Horse Stables.

*Address: 618 W 52nd St, New York, NY 10019

( 6 18…F.R….FR..E E… I am the one on bed 4-018… Not Francis Frick who was on that bed last year…correct code is 2018… T R..2016-was when I moved…

Dawn Piercy D.P…

David Dawn was in bed 4-017 last year.. D D.. 44.. Me in bed 4-004… 44…and now he is in bed 4-017…None of the beds belong to him as the Caucasian Mind lost in the Science of his Ideology.

He lived in China and was tortured there, imprisoned…what did he do…?

I was with Billy Hung at Kew Gardens.. B.H.. 2012- 2013.. The only Sponsor I had who sponsored my work willing to sacrifice nearly everything for its Truth he witnessed.

7:11 p.m right now…. ( Kew Garden… K.G- G.11…Always Open)

B.H… 2 8

The place I charge my phone since, the socket by my bed blew on the first day- I charge from Yuin Chen’s socket by his bed…

The Battery is the Earth…

Actually it is the E art H.. Harmony.

*Peter Nyarkô just interrupted me to tell me about how he has been playing the computer on line and made a new rhthymn beat, that he began playing two sides one was the keys rep by letters and the other the symbol of notes…

I began to have fun mixing with one my right hand and left had the two- The light notes with the heavy notes- which brought forth such a Harmonies…. Light and Heavy… notice he did not say Light and Dark… D is DD 44= 8…88= 16.. 2-8…Me

who Flipped the Switch… Flip J Hendrixs… The Original source of all the reflections embodied moved to manifest before me without their Avatars being aware….

He then played the Harmony backwards which made it seem unrecognizable….

I just looked at him knowing that Nnamdi was speaking through him.. See sacred Portal 69… I am Breath… The Note…

And that he was expressing his comprehension of how the body and being become one and aligned.

It is the Eternal Play of the Highest Equation..I

which he as the Everything Everyone Everywhere has understood by using me as an actor in a Script he created ( which went terrible wrong because he did not take into consideration mt point of view by insisting that I was the only one who could act and star in his Script which was is beautiful brilliant but did not take into consideration and my feelings.

And what it would take for someone to act out such a script in this World or Dimension…

Hence he unintentionally became the great Evil.. The Devil Pan…

Cruelty Indifference… The True Pandora’s box, which he linked to the chaos which insued as being from his little sister or his feminine side when in truth it was from his being too enthusiastic to manifest his plan. And his exalted opinion of his Big Brother. -And how I had to transform the meaning back to Pan-Door-Ah book… B.O.X…24… 6… Sixth sense to Facts to follow the Trail to get the Truth which means linking the facts to get the music which creates the Feelings Sensational which helps you to see.. Cee.. The Story the visual… Ti.. The Vision of Harmony as being Fact Real… F.R… 6 18… F.. A.-H… 1+8=9…F..R.. E E…. I..

Meaning I had to Free him, and the Everything Everywhere Everyone by acting in his script and Fliping the Script by undoing the cause and effect the script he wrote as his thesis to graduate Evolve to the E. E E… Whereby, the Illusions or potential in the Dark took advantage of that which had not considered.

*I spoke about this at length in the beginning of this posting for the first 2-3 years…

But I was aware that you, saw what I was writing as more a work of Fiction Fantasy rather than the Facts of a Play which began in the highest Dimension of Being …

The Consciousness of the First 1 2 3…

Fritz Venneiq saw the vision in with me of Nature rising awakening.

In 2010 at Pelham Bay Park…

8:02 a.m.



Lisa N. Johnson was here, for the record though she is no longer in the play- having made her choice as to what is the True Play to Focus attention on, she is the rep of the testimony of the passing through the Shimmering Portal between 7th and 6th Avenue and 22nd-23rd street…3 but the real portal starts at 17th Street…

She testified to passing through a portal with her sister Dee 23 years ago which was invisible and described it as the air shimmering… And when they passed through it they entered a beautiful realm where everything was enhanced.

Nature, People were all more vivid, beautiful and that the people were beautiful and all were connected, speaking to each other with Telepathy- Talking To The Silence) and would give each other Knowing Smiling Looks.. ( K.S..L… Kemi Sara… K SOL…5th Dimension)

It is not the dimension of Annihilation as represented by that movie and that portal with Natalie Portman…

(Lisa Nathalie Johnson…)

Natalie Port Man… Carry Man… Destroy man… because she carried him… Star Wars… Nathalie Woods.. N.W…

Nicholas Witiingham formerly bed 4-008 whose portal I passed through and took the N.W meaning in his name.

Acknowledged by his E-Spirit which came here to confirm that he got a great apartment and that I am the reason.

Beauty Of Madness…. is which is what Peter Nyarkô describes how he first perceived me, as Crazy but beautiful crazy and then later after paying attention decided that I was interesting and that perhaps there were things to learn from me.

And what about the Beautiful Of Madness B eO M… B..B-eing, perhaps you should see his point of view, that he sees all you as vampires, mad crazy creatures who he wants nothing to do with, because he can see you all very clearly by his power of Love…And wants nothing to do with these creatures so unclean they act as though the One who has the Beautiful Crazy owes them his knowledge… Free.

He was quiet… deeply affected…So why would the public not punish him…?

They do, over and over again for staying in their world, they try to trap him in that World, to sap him day and night of that knowledge. Using the excuse that he, ( they ) are crazy to enact actions which even in their reality is not tolerated… means that they have gone too far…

Oh they crucify and torture him, but they do not realize why he stays is not because he does not know the way out ( I am not incarerated in Delta Manor or at Starbucks…

I am free to leave any time, to stop coming here… to even turn my focus and attention from this Script…

But not before I complete what I came to do.. Which is flip the Script.. right to the story of the film Annilation and Black Panther and then not only transform it back to the original Script but to turn the tables and make them trade places with me and what they did to the E… These Authors of these Stories… these champion sorcerers wizards who cast spells with words capitalizes on Human Need and the use of foundations of Truth All recognize, but then distort its trajectory to create an outcome which the want to be the outcome…

Mostly because they were too lazy to do the work of finishing the riddle the puzzle the investigation… of the Weave, the Tapestry. the Weave of Existence before turning around and the weaving their own version of it because they could not be bothered to reach the End of the Script…

O R B…/ B R O…

B.R ..E N D… A…?

It is a name which means Torch Olympic Torch… Winter Olympics… North and South Korea.. KO..REA.. H… K O REA-Son…

Who is Rea Son? Her-man Hub-bard ( Joseph H Carey.. Bard University.. HARD…HA-RD)

No, he is Herman Hesse… H H.. Author of Si-dd-art-ha.. G Buddha… ( S.G..A.H)

To The Channel of the Gods through which Human Imagination as the Room Called Mind as Space opened up a portal to Challenge The Truth of Existence by Human Gods created through out Time- to Manifest as a Force powered and sustained by Human Belief and the Flicker of Truth with each Idea of God and Gods- as the Particles of Light planted within called the E.

And so there was a War…

In Heaven.

Manifested fully within my Body and in My Mind-entering Your states of Man and Akashic Records of Ideas of Being, created in your minds through Time….Your World and Worlds.

Which became channels through which all these Ideas, made to feel real…

And so Rahul D’Silva the Avatar who represents through his name meaning, The Relation of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha ( Shubhi Gautama)-Conqueror of the Sum Total of Misery and Suffering…

The correct version of the Story, I was forced to act in…

See the books he gave me.. from the Sword of Truth – link to the Kolo Journals of a Sorcerer betrayed by his brothers Wizards Druids Sorcerers of Nature.. Who became Gods to the Human Avatars who moved to Fear instead of common sense of investigating these claims of those declaring them selves Gods..

Because Knowledge is Power…

But is it.. ?

Knowing how to use Knowledge is the true key to Power…

Knowing how to activate the Source Codes…

And even leaving a trail of Knowledge of how the Knowing manifested into knowledge…

Thus Knowing… Knowing Knowledge…

K… K K…. 11 11 11….( 11 22… 33… 6)

Add Jose ..Expression…

E.K… E K E K E…

Chine… China…

C H I .. N E.. K E.. / E K E N I.H…

8:47 p,m,

C.H..U…K.W U… ( K E W) U… ( Western Uniion… WU means 5 in Chinese…

/ U W…A.E ( UWA means World ) E K U..H.C….E

C C… 3 3…. A Battle with all the Ideas of God created by Man through out time.. and the battle to prove where the truth of G.O.D/…G-ODE .. Harmony Manifest .. Awareness Music… through MUSIC.. C I SUM…

Music is the only thing in this reality which accesses 100% of the Brain…


PAN- OR RAMA… full view 360 degree’s which is written in my locker face… and MALO….14 Q N….


A Battle a war of the Gods.. All being False but One Two Three in 1 2… Who is One…

8:55 p.m.

A Crazy Idea… Script…

Which had to be completed to destroyed and Flipped to the original one which I have been doing for 17 years…

Transforming everything back to the Beautiful Truth and view…

While completing that action which I paused in fulfilling in the Eternal Beginning… of Annihilation of Man Child.. Woman…

The Illusion of Men.

I got my coffee from Kyle White… first number Ido not even recall I threw it out because the coffee was luke warm..

I waited patiently for him to brew a fresh pot which he promised to call me..

He did not- I took the coffee code 46… Then sent him the Avatar out of Existence and the Script so the Beautiful Truth of him could rise through the 19 years Kyle Brown… K.W… K.B…

B.K… W K….

5:33 p.m.


E…S.P… Sacred Portal 33

Link Emeka Kolo linked to Shaun-Ron Addison ( Flip J Hendrixs… *J.H. J=10, H=8….J.H…10 8…See number of Facebook Friends… Shaun arrived as my 108 1 Facebook Friend – thus he represents the Awareness of the E or Emeka, Link also links to Flow-er of Life which is what the name Anthony’ means…

Anthony Bienke

Anthony W Young

Anthony Pitts…. 9:04 p.m right now

Anthony John

Marc Anthony Baggio…. M.A.B../ B A M… 9:05 p.m right now..

Bam El Lobo Vega…. 95.. I.E…

9:04 .. 94 I.D…

A.P… Allen Prekebena…. P.A…


-Chiron… Charon…

Jace Horsford just arrived with white head phones…Peter Nyarkôwas wearing black ones number 6…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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