


Nature is Potential.

Naturalness is Being.




Peggy Echoed Emeka


Perry Evan.

Through EckHeart.

Emeka Chukwuemeka Heart.

That this is the Full Circle Completion of Time.

All in the Present.

Just as Lady Seble testified and said Y.E.S.

Act ion!.

And because we are potential made Kinetic through ACT ion Momentum…A.M

We are Nature Naturalness Body in Being Energy Expressing Rainbow Spectrum…Light Life.

We are beings of E. The Fifth Element sent to align with the Four Elements..5 4…Which creates 5+4= 9.


The All Seeing I.

The Ability to Express or put into align the 4th to fifth and 4+4 (cardinal directions and four elements) into 4+4..85/58 (Afra)

through Energy Explaination Expression- language all that we have observed in our journey as beings of the all seeing I..Which is the journey if Hearing (Golden Ratio) and Expressing (Phi.

H.E being Heaven and Earth

(just as The asteroid Ceres Goddess of the Corn and Harvest manifested here through the play of Seble (Meaning Autumn Harvest) Emeka Yonathan..

S.E.Y./Y E.S.

Before it did in space. Which is an astroid which contains water which science now believes would be how the waters must have collided with the Meterite Rock called the Earth in the past to create the Ocean…Seven seas.

And if this Script and play on F.Book and played out on the cartesian theater called this play out of the Script which Existence moved Seble W to call me to meet up…

Just after Kimberly affirned the 111 111 111×111 111 111 =123 456 78

9 87 654 321 ElementaryvDear Watsons space transmission Affirming space carries Echo thus past.

In which Existence (a person named Peggy. Echoed to Seble in front of Yonathan her son…

Exactly what Emeka had that evening stated.

Right to point of She Seble representing in this contrived script create to affirm Emeka Truth that a Hue man is the Source of Existence and Beyond…

That she represented the end full circle if this play.

Emeka Playing Existence

Peggy playing Lady Echo.


Potential As Nature.

Being as Naturalness.

P.Versus Being.

P.E. Perry Evan

Emeka Peggy P.E.



Perry Evan

162 A F.B.

My very last F.B friend who appeared while here in A. Albert Einstiens House…The Portal I knew as my portal home.

Now that I.=E. P. Being of Potential has through action aligned 5+4 to 9..I.

Expressed Explained 5 5 25 1O full circle of One.

Then Aligned it to 1.

1 person doing this alone infront of the whole world alone except for witnesses.

In a cruel and inhumane play with a Non existent past.

Do now assert that I should have long since passed through the 9th gate of the Black Moon Dark Matted Ibfra red having expressed my full potential as the Supreme Being of First Light…

9 I O 1.A=Albert E. Alpha

2= BB (Brown and Brown) Being D Ark in Brown B.B.B =3B=C.Being

S (19) Supreme.

2 Ears Hear Golden ratio 68

4 street …D=4. 2 (4)

four Elements Four Cardinal Directiims F.E…F.C..F.V…5E.

24 is X

Generation X Gardens


Tomorrow…is 24.. (+ x)=68.

O Full Circle First Contact

First Light Royal Blue

Air Transparent. A.T

Expression Transparent E.T.

Water Transparent. E.T

Breath Expression B.E

Sky Blue S.B Supreme Being

Water Blue

Fed the Hungry.

Quenched thirst

Water the Land.

Stablized the Rock

Tilled (Walked) the Earth.

Travelled in Space.

Wondered in mind.

Gave Breath.

Shares Energy Knowledge

Created the Hummm

Sang the Song.

Filled the Gap

Write the Verse

Designed the way

Wrote the book

Painted a picture

Made it come alive

Planted the seed. H.armony

Harvested the Seed.

Master Perfumer

Beauty in the air.

Potential Peggy to Kinetic Kimberly..

Activated Portal

Royal Blue.Future Preseny

Noble red (Blood) Present

Robes of the True Past

Royal Purple…

Illusions past no more.

Vanquished Time.

With Perfect Timming.

Alone infront of the whole with out a dime in my pocket with a body in spasms of release.

With no home or family around me feed by one loyal to the truth of A.E..


Its time to go Home.

Unless you say I lie.


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