
Thraxed Texlix…

Thraxed Texlix…

Thraxed Texlix…

its definitive formulation until the second half of the 1st century bce, after the appearance of the first manual devoted to the theoretical elements of language, a slim grammatical treatise by Dionysius Thrax. The program then consisted of the seven liberal arts: the three literary arts of grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic and the four mathematical disciplines noted above

in linguistics: Greek and Roman antiquity

The Alexandrians, who were analogists working largely on literary criticism and text philology, completed the development of the classical Greek grammatical tradition. Dionysius Thrax, in the 2nd century bce, produced the first systematic grammar of Western tradition; it dealt only with word morphology. The study of sentence syntax was to wait for Apollonius Dyscolus, of the…

Thraxed Urban Dictionary… Morphed Language…

1. extremely high, smacked or baked.

2. too high to do something.

3. lunchin out.

thraxed to the max.

yo son, dat new sh-t you got be gettin me thraxed bro. fam fam

i can’t even talk man, im too thraxed.

1) the act of being infected with anthrax.

2) the means by which you lay down bidness.

if you don’t step off b-tch, you will be straight up thrax’ed!

the effect of hearing the -ss kicking sound of anthrax.

nu-metal kids will never get the experience of being thrax’ed.

Add A.N.. Agbalusia Nwangene… AN THRAX.. In the Mail..

The English name comes from anthrax (????a?), the Greek word for coal, possibly having Egyptian etymology, because of the characteristic black skin lesions developed by victims with a cutaneous anthrax infection. The central, black eschar, surrounded by vivid red skin has long been recognised as typical of the disease.’

Coal… to Diamond..

Enugu.. Coal Mining…

Coal is made up of Peat..

*The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon, along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.

*Coal is a fossil fuel and is the altered remains of prehistoric vegetation that originally accumulated in swamps and peat bogs. The energy we get from coal today comes from the energy that plants absorbed from the sun millions of years ago. … Under conditions favorable to coal …

Texlix… T.E…X L… IX… / XI…L.X…E.T…

TE….10 50. 9… / 11 50 10… E.T… XL/ LX… 40/60…

tex. noun. a unit of weight used to measure the density of yarns. It is equal to 1 gram per 1000 metres. C20: from French, from textiletextile.

The name Tex is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Tex is: Derived from the U.S. state of Texas.

28th State to join the Union..

Gino Blaq..

Gino is a name of Italian origin. It may be the short form of another Italian names like Ambrogino or Luigino or Eugenio, which are from the Ancient Greek name Ambrosios (?µß??s???), which means ever-living, and/or Eugenios (e???????), which means well-born, noble.

Ever Living… E.L.. Eternal…Light… Well Born, Noble…

PBlaq… B.L..A.Q…Anamla Qayin Messenger D.M.I.C.. K 5 .T.P

Black… Coal…

‘Blac’ was incorporated into Old French as Blanc, Italian and Spanish as Blanco, Bianca, Bianco, Bianchi. In Old English “blac” person meant fair; someone devoid of colour, similar to the word “blanc” which still means white or fair person. In Middle English the word was spelt as “blaec” same thing as the …

Diamond Light – Transparent…

Ever Living.. Well Born Noble.. Dark Matter.. as the Ether looks black Blue from aAfar.. but like the Night.. It reveals Diamond Light Dawn.. Without Color.. Full of Color… O1-8 O Colors of the Rainbow Spectrum.. Nothingness which contains Something..

De Void.. Devoid.. Rien… Ri! Rire Laugh!..E.N.. Emeka Nnamdi…

Ugo Nwamama… U.N… U.E..

Agbalusia Nwangene…


chi a significant cultural concept and belief meaning one’s personal deity; also one’s destiny or fate. Chielo the name of the current priestess of Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills and the Caves. Chukwu the leading god in the Igbo hierarchy of gods.


Is Speaking Saying… Said… Said meand Happiness…

See meaning Ogem

Nwangene… N.W…A.,N… GENE..S

The result showed that it is by means of this ceremony that a newly … Key words: Igbo, Nigeria, Igbo indigenous religion, naming, ceremonies, rituals. … ‘Nwala’ (A child of the earth-goddess), and ‘Ngene’ (a name for one of …

Igbo naming ceremony is one of the Igbo birth rites1. The others include: the cutting of the placenta and the umbilical cord, the seclusion and the purification as well as the circumcision rites. Both boys and girls are involved in this practice although circumcision especially for the girls is performed at a later age to come closer to their puberty rite. Among the Igbo, these rites hold the same significance as suggested by Gennep (1960: 62) who indicated that, “They are intended not only to neutralize an impurity or to attract sorcery to themselves but to serve as actual bridges, chains or links – in short, to facilitate the changing of condition without social disrupt-tion or an abrupt cessation of individual and collective life”.

Among the Igbo, the ceremony of giving a name to the new born child is one that comes immediately after the seclusion and the purification rites are performed. Such a ceremony, as seen by Obiego (1984), is the concern not only of the agnate (umunna) but also of the whole village. It brings together relatives and friends from other villages and even from outside the village group. Parents and grandparents are the principal actors concerned in the naming of the child. Hence, the naming ceremony, among the Igbo, is a type of peace offering in which the community comes together to pray for the child and for the health of the parents’

A Child being named and born.. coming out of the Darkness into the Light…

And everyone now knows his name..

Call Me By Your Name..

What is My Name… Title Book 3 -1 of My Journals Talking To The Silence…

I know it…. Emeka… EN EMEKA EMEKE… Kolo.. and Beyond..

9:37 P.M

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