
This was sent to me by Tree Sage today at 13:43 Hundred Hours right now

This was sent to me by Tree Sage today at 13:43 Hundred Hours right now

43 is my Sacred Portal Door of Life.

1:43 p.m

Alicia Norris do you notice that this is a Door Way..and do you not see that it is blocked

By a Trinity who is One.

See sacred portal 86


Have you heard of Janus. God of Door Ways.


Or of the Gods and the Titans?

Actually G T is really God is Truth.

G T. 7 20. 27.

Yes, todays date

27 is 1-26 +1 ..



Arden Aurelia..

Their photo was the true rep of Beautiful Youth Brother Sister.. B S. 2 19..

The Address I am at now.

219 South Whitney.

Do you recall how I came here.. kicked out and left on the curb..

2 19 is 21..U. Universe as a Magnet

3 = C

Cosmic Egg E Rose

They illusion dared to block the Door ..

Leave me on the streets for 61 days…

To find A Santana AS

Edwin Albert Santana

And Maritza Ritz Montes.

Peurto Rico


In steaad of River Phoenix

Public Relations

Rise The Beautiful Truth has proven to be here.

No, it was rejected and the entire world of Facebook watched me being kicked to the curb then whisked away to Kim at South Whitney..I heard not one protest or public outrage.

8.9 ..8.10 years of feeding you information to prepare you all for a choice..chose with the lights on making all see crystal clear..

And its done.

I have left the Earth Hell experience of 19.6 years S F. 19.7..S G. Steven George..

19.6=25 Y

19.7=26 Z. Z ion activated 8 in Harmony Death And Destruction..

After the added mission of Exrraction..

From hell of 22..23 months.

V O W. And Oath is completed and G O D

.E is satisfied and so I ascend to Heaven to see the reflection of the Earth Children play as Santeria who accsse the Sourcee of Vodoo and not one single person rose up to protest.

The Doors

This is the End.

Jim Morrison

And its reflected that audacity again.

Emeka Kim.


Arden Steven Esteban.

Steve Mc Queen.

Guess who fulls that your Grandmother Prophecy

Not the G M

No.. its me.

13 5 usd code


A ..C E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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