
This sacred portal 39..

This sacred portal 39..

Now linked from Isabelle Ilic to

Chris Inabnitt C.I.

Through Dawn Piercy…

And finally me.. Emeka Kolo…

I C D…E…

Which completed the cycle of 1993 when I reached the portal of Origins at age 25/6 and was made to return for 25 more years…

50 51… ( 52 In Illusion)

My Last Facebook friend is Animesh Bhattcherjee A B.

And I have only been able to afford coffee at the Arab Bodega on the junction of Beach Avenue and Archer..

A B B A… It is all intentional, if you can believe it… Controlled’

The numbers were 52 and yesterday 4.. and today .. 25…

Thus linking to my expression of what took place 25 years ago…

1993 … now a Full Circle 25 years as a Reflection R=18…

18 is 9+9.. 9 9 Links to Isabelle Ilic.. I I…

then Add = 18… R.. Which linked Robert… Link Roberto Munoz Munoz means 9

Link Robert Kyle Murphy- who is the portal which the code from I and I was sent just as the code of C.I was directed to be sent to.

And then Link the portals of Roberts I passed through.

through Donna O Sullivan Fathers Robert O Sullivan ( not Lorenzo as it turns out who represented Egypt as the illusion which I had to pass through as Terrible Death)

R OS.. E…- Where I spent 9 Months, leaving the day her father was born.

And then spent 2 months with Eriik Ebright passing through the portal of Robert Coffee… R C..

That is 9 months and 2 months… 9 2…= 11. K…Kyle…Kolo..

And then link to Robert Currin now my room mate and in the bed I once occupied…

Thus 25 years later I have reflected perfect the Truth of that where I went to, in Dec 1992 in Paris, returning in Jan 1993…

Robert means Famed Bright Shining… Of light… Moon Light… M L.. 13 12=25..

So you see I knew what my portal was the Full Moon- well the Energetic Source which created the Symbol called the Full Moon.. SINE which moves everything because it moves the Waters…And Earth is a Water Body and the Universe is Music Waves… M W.. M U S I C….

/ C I .. S U M… Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme..

C H R I S….E… C H.. Consciousness Harmony… R .. I …

Robert= R.. 18…1 8.. A.H..

Arthur Hur.. A H…=

9.. S P 9… Fair Oh… and son and the Elemental Goddesses.. E G… Enders Game…

I.. Infinite… Individual… I.B.. E .

Stephan .. Stephen Popiotek S P..Sacred Portal ..Stephen Filgueira.. Sensational Feelings.. S F.. 19 6=25…Y…

Male.. G A L A X Y…

E… 5… From the 5th Dimension the One Eternal Realm..

25 25.. Y Y… Abel De Yeshua Yeshua… A D.. Y Y… / Alexander David/Dionysus Y Y- 50… 50 Years .. E O..

So you understand that end of the Equation and play is E G A L A X Y.. I O I I.. C.I…. E.

And the play ends with the Equation I navigated alone in 1992… age 25/6…to it being scattered and dispersed into all of you, and my finding all of the pieces through 25 years of moving through countries, people on this wave, forced to link and connect, recognize, all of the fractals of myself now independently reflected through all of you, gather all the pieces of the puzzle until it formed the same picture and equation 1992 of my at I B.. and 1993… I C…

I am I I ..B C… R .. B C…E.. The past… which I caught up with to manifest the present….

I B C..I…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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