
This post is dedicated to the Children

This post is dedicated to the Children

Line of the Majestic Royals Long may they Reign…

Monsters Inc.

I made a promise to the awareness consciousness of an Indigo Crystal Diamond Child who was hesitant about staying in this world he had been into…

The same premise which made many.ppl believe my brother Nnamdi was better off being dead because he was too beautiful a child and boy to.survive in this world with.such a Beauty

Physical mentally and E-Spiritual.

But little did they know he and I were one…and he was far less compassionate to the evil here than I…

And that a plan had been.hatched even.before we came into creation to rid the Monsters and Bullies Consciousness and way of Being in this world…

And so we have executed it…

For the Children were right, there were Monsters under the B.E.D…and in the Closet…

They.were not solid manifesation but Energetic translations which their minds so.pure could translate.

Created by the Big Children, the Demons they.had not slain but instead become strange Bedfellows with…

Feeding and letting themselves be fed on, for the illusion of power to feed thier.fear of the world…

Which really they knew were themselves.

These monsters who have begun.coming out of hiding more and more…

That part of the collective human psyche which most hide.

We hear of them in the news..

Those monstrous abominations which do.the unspeakable….

Products of A.I.D.S….

Here is the code we used…

The Eyes of God which see and Cut.Out.

The Nose of God, which Knows the stench and cuts out.

The Ears of God, which hears the silence intent and goes to.where they are and cuts them.out…

The Mouth of God which speaks out.

The Tongue of God, the Sword which.cuts out.

The Chin of God which rises in will to stubborn unrelenting to find out…

The Chest of God whose heart of courage is so.great it knows how to draw them out…

The Arm of God which is the Army of strength to.battle them.out.

The Hand.of God…

The Leg.of God which.walks across seven seas to.cut them.out…

The O Pen Is of God which with.ink.of Octo puss the Cool Cat who writes them out…

The Hand of God which taps the Keys on the Key Board P.C..

The Key Master, who knows the Keys notes to link on a computer screen make them.scream.and shout…then cut them.out…

This is the Feat of God..

The Power to cut the Evil in you…out.

There is no Evil in Existence…

But this is not Existence…

This is the Realm.of potential

The Coal Minor who comes stealthy

In the world still.dreaming

With.a Diamond light

And knows how to.cut that which.can never be if Existence, without hesitation…

All.the way out.

Only then can the Truth Existence rise…



Saw Joseph Carey Henry the 5th tonght…

A man who will be crowned in his kingdom walking in his Castle with his Dog….

Promise kept.

Long may he Reign.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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