
This is why we should speak out….

This is why we should speak out….

Okwu Chinenye…Meaning the Chi

*See Edward Eceinco post on Bruce Lee…

The Espirit- Chi gave Humanity a Voice for A REASON…

Within it is a great power of O- The power of Energy Truth.

the Consciousness in which Existence Energy E.E was created.

The E.E.E.B…was created…. 555 2

Energy of Being, the human body H.B. The eternal 7 year cycle of re generation of human cells from nothing back into something…

All it takes is a few True Human Beings to say nothing, to allow the world to be overun by Evil…LIVE.

Edwin Burke


And here is the Cause and Effect of that very doing nothing,

the world we live in today, where being ones Natural Self, and to speak out against things which have no common sense, which the very human body rebels against because it is made up of Truth, where the very Hueman Consciousness rebels against because it made up of Beautiful Expression…

And what is Beautiful Expression…B.E?

Is it not Self Mastery as Sensies Bruce Lee Martial Arts

Guardians of the Galaxy

Which is the protector of Common sense…

Returning the World to its Sensies and Senses when they have been spirited away by a spell, a fairy tale which robs them of the power to speak out.

To speak out against Grotesque Absurdities G.A.. which life as truth fact harmony can no longer support?

For everything that we know science the galaxy, the cosmos, nature, the seasons, the human being in its natural self…

all is harmony logos beauty, beauty beautiful!!!!!

What then is life but praise and appreciation..Perpetual Agwuenu…

Ha Baa…!!! H.B 28.

And what is this Consciousness Grotesque and Absurd which they are trying to convince us is Life…!!!?//

The power off Human Breath Expression Conversation speaking out creates a cause and effect… And Impulse Stimuli I.S… of the Mind Brain as a living Beating human heart to create a beautiful chain reaction in huemans which is embodied and exemplified in this Face Book Emeka Sacred Page of people rising, posting, speaking revealing which led us to Orien (who I saw yesterday with Joe Carey), to Eunice, to Edwardo to Siththy Ameena and finally to me… the Truth rising…

saying Are you mad!!! Here is our reply…

Bc it is why they are profiling and what they are doing with the results which is scary.

Propoganda has been used before…Nazi..

It has been used to pervert human consciousness and even threaten the Energetic Truth of Human Existence.

Again and again

The response all my life, right to my way of being and seeing the world -which is Natural, was called into question.

Then I saw the thirst the need the greed the truth of how deeply ppl loved my consciousness- a consciousness each were born with…

But which they came to forget.

because of what the consciousness of the world had become through ages of a chain reaction of ppl doing nothing, while Beautiful beings who called out the truth were ritually crucified and sacrificed.

But, not this time, not me… Not this time/

I read the History of what Humanity had done to the Beings of the HI Story and so I came prepared, trained by my Sensies and my Common sense to fight for the Truth of Human Existence, not in heaven or life after death but right here in the present- our world- our playground usurped by the Bully Cowards of fear.

This is the Battle of my Existence, our Truth Collective (T.C) Existence E,T.C which.led me to F.B after a life time of battling an unseen force doing the literally impossible to try and make me forget conform….Is the real truth of how far ppl have let this power take control…Mind Control.

When there is no Mind all there is is E…Link.

This F.B.E and my life and the level of war to retain true Natural human Consciousness… And how rare it has become…

Common Sense, Self Mastery, Sensies

mastering Chi…Mastering Expression which is the Key to human Evolution.

A beautiful play.

not a Social Experiment through spying on those you are sworn to protect and make transparent the Law…

Justice Court..J.C.

This is what happens from not speaking out…


Mr Happiness…


Emeka Kolo

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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