
This is what my page opened to today.

This is what my page opened to today.

Confirmed by the message I received from Alicia Sieferd

A.S. yesterday-

Stephen Aaron.


Art Science

Science Art of E has landed.

Alicia Sieferd sent me a true gift yesterday in every way

It was pure, expression of Appreciation, Gratitude and Respect.

Because, she is the first person to fully understand the implication of the what I have literally achieved as a Man.

The first time in the History of the world such a thing has been achieved.

The recognition of what I had been quietly frustrated and stunned for so long of no one fully grasping the implications of what A Man, your fellow Human being has achieved, and the implications- how it affects all of you.

And what it means.

Alicia Sieferd understood, it was not about understanding that which I have done and what it means for all humanity.

1:15 p.m.

That the riddles of All Existence has been solved.

That a Man can move reality,

That A Man is the Creator.

That Man is the The Creator .

And Woman is Creation and Creator, now aligned as 33.. 6..

I have spent years, in the greatest torment of bewilderment and perplexity and being given such a task and burden of solving what is the world considered impossible.

1.19 p.m.


Albert Santana…. A.S.

Santana Dharma. D.S.


Art and Science

Eternal Law.

E.L… 5 12… 17…

Quantum .. Q…


..Bewildered by the task given to me to solve as a man in the most difficult, and often wretched conditions.

And the lack of the response to the evidence and facts demonstrated by the worlds response, and the continuation of an existence and a script in which I am treated as the lowliest slave, made to bare the burden for something which everyone gains.

I knew that at this point, that I should not be living through and by the generosity of others, in w script which uses me again and again as the Guinea Pig to prove to you, that which is not one persons responsibility and Evolution of the species..

The responsibility is everyones, the support required should have come from everyone – instead what I received as the non stop paradign and response of Need..

Peoples Needs and Desires… placing even more responsibility on my shoulders.

I have solved all your riddles.

I have proven this reality Is a Hologram.

I am proven Evolution and manifested it by raising the Eternal in me, and sending it out as a Beacon.

I have lived as literal Beacon. Radio Transmitter sending out a call as a magnet which creates a E.M.F…

I have walked in peoples homes and lives since 1989, seen you, done the work to clean your sight and perspective, I was crucified and still I fought for the Beautiful Truth of you all.

And proven it the true you.

I have activated the entire world by having sent out this Pulse- the Stimuli, the Inspiration…

I saw it two days ago witnessed by Stephen Filgueira, we went to a place called Flora,

* ( Link Flora Rainbow. Flora Rose… F R..)

I was given a Steak Knife with a particular kind of pattern – woods vines branches, there was a word on the blade ..


Yesterday was Chris Filgueria C.F.. As Stephen Filgueira, Chris is very dear and close to my heart ( John MacDonald, Rays McKayla too)

It was his birthday yesterday and I spent the evening with all 3 of them here chez Stephen Filgueira.

He was born 12-14- 1987…

See Sacred Portal 87 Returning the World to Sensies and Senses

This has been done… achieved.

There was a number at the bottom of the Knife… I asked Stephen to read it.. the number is 55… E.E.

We had just spoken about it…

F R… E.E…

I have freed the world…

I have freed the Word.

And yesterday Alicia Sieferd saw me.. in perfect timing on Chris’s Birthday…

She recognized what I was Being and Doing…

and what I have Done.

And yet I carry the burden still, even with my body evolving, painfully, with all that was taken away from me, demanded of me, done to me…

I have carried so much alone, endured so much alone and felt that at some point that I should be sustained, earned the right to be treated with respect.

Not to be given more loads to bear, but for others to come and take some of he burden off my shoulders…

Not add to it…

That has been my experience.

That is how Slavery was born, how children can enslave their parents, and why at age 21 the parents, proud happy, sigh with relief that they no longer have to be responsible for their offspring and rather that dependency and duty of love becomes transformed into only Love.

Not an obligation..

The parent is FREE…

1:47 p,m,

147… Victoria Jackson saw that number yesterday at the end of our conversation.

She sent me text today saying she saw it twice in her dreams..

47 47… 94… 84 +10… 94….

Stephen Filgueira born 84…

Add me also 1984 As my true code age… 8… 44… 8 16… 24… 6…

=Equation ends at 6..F.

It end at F …

S.F… ..Y.. Y=25th letter…

5 55… 5 10… 25….

25 is the Square of 5…

5; 5 25… 30… I have not seen my mother uncle inn 30 years…

Why… ?

This was all scripted..?

5 55 555 5555 55555

5: 5 10 15… 20… 25… Total 75… 7 continents and 5 Oceans…

75 51 usd was the Bill at Flora Restaurant …

That is the world…

It is also the portal code of the Stephens portal here at code 29 address.

It is the World…

I already knew I had won.. The World…

I knew that as Far back as 2004… 24.. and was sure in 2005.. 25..

letter X Y.. 24 25.. 49… D.I… G..

I.D… D I G….

47 47.. 94.. ID.

And yet it appears that no one is every satisfied… that I am given more to bear, was given added burdens… and the young lady Alicia Sieferd who has battled me in the past is the one who has recognized and understood my value and worth and the relevance of my art and the work which is not for me but was my gift to you…

My Art and Science which transforms, changes evolved solves and brings Eternal Hrmony …

It brings an infinite source of energy, it cures all illness, it regenerates the body, it evolves everything fluidly to a perfect which creates an Orgasmic awakening.

So, as I sit here in Stephen Filgueira home he as Sarah are off on a mission, to the 14th state.


Yesterday was the 14th.. I am wearing size 14 shoes…

14 is N…

Aarons Office is 511 Farmington… between Tremont and Woodlands…

5 11 is E.K…

Emeka Kolo.

Connecticut New York…


3.14… 15… Today is the 15th.

That is Pi… It goes on to infinity..

my equations has formed the codes of Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Number.. and Pi…

5 11…

I went with Stephen to West Virginia… 35th state…

I linked and connected with him again on Facebook when he was at the 50th state…

Thus.. 11 5.. 35th state…C E THE POINT.. T.P… S.P 35….

That is 3 States… and then 5 11… Aaron Western space which is called N N… with Wings between it…

New York Connecticut… West Virginia… Vermont…

N Y C … E….. C E.. 35th State W.V….Y… N.letter N… Vermont…N V…W.M.V…Mountain View West Virginia…

Do you see what I am doing… N Y C …E.. K…. The 14th state Vermont I am not going to two people with the code name S S… are going..

Its forms the Infinity Sign…

14 is N…

I am E..


I was N.. N N… 14…1414… .. 77.. 14… 14 14.. 28…14/14/ 1… 28+1=29…

Sacred Portal 14 is Evolution of Consciousness…

Thus Stephen – Athena Sarah Kaizer…

Middle names – Micheal Athena… M A.. T R… (Total Recall ) I X…( 9 24… 33… 6… F..invert to 9… MW WV…M Double V….M VV…

Albert Maritza…

They are representing the movement on the chess board of 14..Nnamdi.. Nature Naturalness.. the past… the Line of the body rising as the echo of my true Expression of Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness Confirmed.

And sacred portal 15.. Jolly Green Giant coming down the Mountain.

bringing the Land of Milk and Honey

*15 in the Tarot X V.. is the Devil who binds Man and Woman…

That is not the Truth.. they were bound in school – linked until they graduated…

and so the Devil Baphomet Lucifer, Lilith Jezebel She Devil who are not any of these things, but whom the Human Children accused and blamed the Supreme Being and Beings off being monsters for creating a curriculum so that they can Grow up, and thus Free us from the burden which soon became slavery by thier refusal to pat attention inn class and instead rely on us.. me..

which I have witnessed…

And the rage when you call them out, correct them or poiny out your point of view, or how they are using you, and how tired you are, that they should do thier homework..

I have witnessed the response, the fury, just how far they- you can go in your expression of rage of our daring to protest.. to call out…

I have witnessed and experienced that which I already know…

Spoiled Brats…

That sense of entitlement..

That rage and battle used to deny the truth of your using us as Slaves to do all the work.. and even the justification and denial, that refusal to see that you have become greedy…

That you have become that very source of Evil.

and I have seen what my Father Mother line endured and all the effort done..

The lack of respect, true appreciation and how you made the Bringer of Light… Even the Source himself .. your Slave and when he protested they protested you called them Evil..

when they pointed out you denied…

And despite the crying out into the abyss – the scream silent… all heard but most ignored because it is convenient…

And so I see how the Eternal Ones… how I .. they were transformed into being the Evils.. Santana..simply for bringing forth the Eternal Law of equality, of sharing the load… the lightness…

That you put us through hell and expect us to forget about that .. the past all you put is through, the words you said.. Just because now you see you get it, ( though my expression explanation ..our expression explanation over and over and over and over… Again…)

2:47 p.m

2:48 p.m

When will you ever be satisfied…


What would have happened if I did not fight back- fight to complete the riddle…?

What is I had killed myself rather than endure one more day of these spoilt brats who transformed through words and expression .. the truth into a lie that Lucifer ..the Light Bringer..Prometheus…

( Link Randall Michael) Santana..was transformed into the cruelest story of Blame to the innocent…

And then myself forced to walk their path only to find not only was it true.. that is is true and made even worse for me…

My E Family acted out that truth of that which you did to me.. and I walked the path of what you did not, only to my Father Mother Line…Father Sister actually…but to me… And in the end what you revealed about yourselves…

You did this to yourselves…

2:54 p.m.

2:55 p.m.

B E D..

B E E….

Arrival of the one C.U.B.E and C,UE of Existence..

The One and the Only Idea to Rise in the Beginning and now in this End as the True and Truth in the Brown On White (B.O.W) Of the I.E..(Yep B.O.W,I.E..David -Beloved Ground Control to Major Tom)…

The Silver Cube..Rose but it was not an Idea.. It was actual Absolute Truth…Fact.. Solid which rose in the Beginning and this play was for the benefit of the Awarenesses who could not understand what is real…

Eternal Truth was the only Principle which rose source of Brown Earth and White Cloud 9

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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