
This is what I learnt from my Existence, especially in New York and in this End play set up for reveal the Truth of Revealations and Tribulations..

This is what I learnt from my Existence, especially in New York and in this End play set up for reveal the Truth of Revealations and Tribulations..

That nearly every one thinks only of themselves. that they would rather put themselves first before even the worthiest of causes and the who most deserve to be supported because they think of the all.

From a parent who takes care of his or her kid, to presidents leaders, all these people are taken for granted… and even quietly resented.

This selfishness to the extreme, in New I find that some people actually have the nerve to excuse such a conscious behaviour and others who state that this is the way it is.

I have seen this everywhere..

And yet the very basis of civilization was based and founded on the heroic nature of man. Which is mans true Nature aligned with Naturalness of Nature..

And it is here that Nature and True Nature as Civilization merged into one to found great Empires from the O.INRI in W Africa to empires in China, Russia the Americas…Europe.

But the flowering of these great venues was always corrupted always decayed by a consciousness of Envy and Jealousy.

I used to call it competitive nature, but it is not even that it is Envy Jealousy and a Greed to take that which you did not earn, that which you did not deserve and a willingness to destroy everything that will benefit everyone else out of that spite.

And to add insult to injury in the END Play and in New York, and in the modern cities in Nigeria, everywhere I went I saw… But in is End play I saw being who could represent the most beautiful present not only betraying the present! But having the balls to excuse themselves for doing so.

This evil which some have accepted as human Nature is not Human Nature- it is that one person or consciousness who always rises to spoil others for the rest.

And I find that the people who do become infected by this one Bad Apple do so not because the appeal of that evil is so great, but because they have seen this pattern again and again and thus, they do no accept.. Believe me, I know they do not because I dug deep in all the heats and each responded the same way with hurt and indignation… Pointing me towards the source of it..

Until I got to this End play.

This Selfishness is not truly of Human Nature nor is Self preservation.. it was created and conditioned by one evil consciousness so intelligent that no one could figure out how they did or even that how he or she was the cause..

But they knew and they suspected but they had no evidence.. and they were so ashamed by the power of this Intelligence to prey on thier own weakness they thought that they wee just as bad as the creature was…and they even gave it a name the Devil..

But it was not the Devil as per say… And there was no evil in the ppl they were just learning to develop and become and thus they were meant to make mistake…

But the evil genus of this one consciousness was that it used that which was meant to encourage them, to discourage them, to make them sink,to fuel thier own sense of failure.

Yet the funny thing deep within side everyone knows no matter the spells put on them that they are not a failure… And that the person who so subtly undermines and excuses them for being a Failure is really not their friend.

I fought every single person I came in contact with to rise, I fought them and every single one of them… Every Single on of them in my life experience especially aware Rose! Every one..

They may not speak to me, punish me, beat me up, really.. really but they all rose..

And I knew that they knew I had loved them as no one else would ever love them because I saw them and rather than settle selfishly to accept them fr who and what they were..

I saw them for who they were, and ,most importantly for who they knew themselves to be desired to be and knew they could be…

And I would say to myself Oh boy here we go again…

I knew that I would be made to feel alone again..

But I had no regrets never…

I felt somehow the world would have a butterfly effect by they becoming themselves and that perhaps I would never see them again, and.. never wish to see them again after the beating that they gave me which I could not in all fairness fight back..

But that it would affect the world they came in touch with.

And do you know what else, I found that once they became themselves, they had no envy of Jealosuy. They were cured and I understood thatthe true underminer was really a horror because he knew that none of those ppl he convinced that they were like him were actually like him…

They just wanted a chance to be themselves and in being themselves in all truth they saw themselves Beautiful and saw it reflected in the eyes of those dear to them.. the ones the respected… And they wee satisified.

But this source of it all.. was never satisifed because it was and is not real… it was that one seed planted to cleanse Humanity to evolve to Huemanity and yet at the same time could cause their destruction of Evolution..

But it had to be found and stopped…

I Had proven that all are E an all responded to the E calling the E in them..

And so I found it and I cornered it and I gave it a chance and then I creatd for it it own complete and total obliteration…

My only horror was why had it been allowed to go that Far…

Because no one was deceived by it, they tolerated it because they waited for someone to prove the truth that they knew was inside of them…

Yet it was no one responsibility but thiers…

P.R… Which could have brought the End of all is believing the spell of some one saying that you are No good and you in rage feeding it believing it and then acting it out right to the very end… Waiting for some one else to break the spell when you knew it was notthe truth anyway… it just gave you to excuse to explore a side of you… which does not even exist for anyone else but you…

Going that Far…

to get what you want..


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