
This is what I am watching now..

This is what I am watching now..

the Find a Viking Ship…

Yes, The internet connection has been restored after an interesting pause and interlude.. a , comma..

As I stated a play.. of raising the dead… and the one leaf left on a dying branch of tree suddenly brought back to Full Life.

Liberty C Liscomb Line V I K I N G S.

E C V I K I N G my initials.

DIG where Kyle Murphy went to work… recall.

It was all a play..

Tree Sage chose the photo of the middle as Aurelia Natural.

I chose the picture of Aurelia Naturally Aware that she was on Candid C-AM ER A.

Pan Era.

A Play of Sedona Dorado

Larazo is no longer a Facebook tagable..

Its completed at S D and Fiona Priefer Christmann 15 45 Facebook Friends.

No More Posts.

Oh yes, I was in the middle room.

Magical Portal Middle photograph. then I moved to the third room.

I chose the Photo that is 3rd.

Same 3rd Photo of Aurelia and Jeron in the background tongue out like Kalli… A Maoi Warrior ( not worrier- anxiety- nervous wreck- nervous systems)

VI KINGS Lords of ^th Sense.

Dig beneath the dirt the lies to the earth the soul the true and dig.. the truth as a fact with be unveiled.

It’s a play… Scott. Was guarding something in a cage imprisoned… Kim and I are two guardians guarding some inside a prison – inception- Of Nothing at all

Just a bad idea called Zero

Ground Zero.

Fiona P C.

*n the late 1930s, wealthy landowner Edith Pretty hires amateur archaeologist Basil Brown to investigate the mounds on her property in England. He and his team discover a ship from the Dark Ages while digging up a burial ground.

Release date: January 15, 2021 (USA)

Director: Simon Stone

Story by: John Preston

T D Terrible Death, The Dig

20 4.. 2 64. 25 A-Z 4 D Delta Square wave.

recall how Jeron headed straight to my room- he did not go to Jae’s door but straight to my room.. now that is true natural sixth sense.

A cartoon.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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