
This is the result of the conversation I had with Jace Horsford today…

This is the result of the conversation I had with Jace Horsford today…

He sent this to me after he we had completed the conversation.

I noted the Duration of not only the time now… 3:09 p,m right now… 39…

But the time of his last text to me, when he was on his way.. it was 11:28 a.m.

Which also happened to be a time which Billy Hung had texted me some days previously…

I knew that it meant that they were aligned with me as my birthday….

11 28… So I was aware that they were moving through the Universal Body which is a Computer Simulation of Nature Numbers moving through Father Mother to leave the Matrix of numbers to Letters Words Meaning….

11 means Dopplegangers Outside.. Since they are not inside Delta Manor..

They are Outside but each experiencing Delta.. Inside of the Universal Simulation Jace K Horsford…and Inside of it- the one who went undercover in the Matrix to investigate my claims as be factual and true…

Billy Hung… William B.. Helmet Desire Protection… Linked H.D… Tiffany Dawn Haynie, D.P.Dawn Piercy- Hung- Rainbow 7 colors…

Fa… :Infinity… C.T… Creators Truth… Is A FA CT… Which goes onto Infinity…. Cecilia Theresa… Billy was linked to my mother because he spoke with her via telephone and linked with my youngest brother Obumneme and My Aunt Theresa’s daughter Ndidi ( Boom Boom! and Dee Dee… B D… B E D…) When they came to see me in 2013 and I had to turned them back…

Cecilia of St of Music… St Theresa of Aviles… Bliss and Ecstasy… B.E…)

28 is A-Z+2.. 26..+2… As Well as B.H… Being Harmony.. by passing through the portal of the Chinese Takeway.. C.T… Called Hong Fa… C T… Billy has completed his mission of fact finding….

Jace I realized was is still Rising aligning now to Kyle Murphy, who came besides last night after our expression, conversation last night at and within Delta Manor ( manners) he sat besides me on the computer and was researching Ancient Egypt..

You know you do not really have to do that anymore.. you already know everything. you are ready…

i Know he responded, but its fun I love this part of the story- or something like that he had responded.

I smiled commenting the alignment to Quanma’e Lewis and his taking back the statue of Ancient Egyptian Goddess Bast and the Sphinx…

But through conversation with me Jacquii has moved on to the not only beyond the story of this world but to his School which he has dreamt of creating .. and School a University and a Community…

But he could not fully move on because of his rage, anger at what has been done to the black race and the Black and White war which is being feed and brewed as we speak…

All of you know my response… John Wick…John WM… J W… 10 13.. 33… The Nightmare… The Beautiful Assassin whose Mustang was Stolen.. His Ride… the Wild Beautiful Horses of the plains… Mustang is the code I use for my Mothers E-Spirit Line…

*The premise for John Wick was conceived by screenwriter Derek Kolstad who began work on a treatment about a retired contract killer coming out to seek vengeance, entitled Scorn.[5] After one month of work, he had completed the first draft of the screenplay and once he had addressed several issues he pitched the script to various clients, garnering at least three offers.[6] When he first started thinking about writing the script, Kolstad was influenced by film-noir classics and the themes of revenge and the antihero and the occurrences of what may play out if The worst man in existence found salvation […] When the source of his salvation is ripped from him […] Do the gates of Hades open?[7] For Kolstad, both Alistair MacLean and Stephen King were influences in the creating of the story of John Wick in terms of characterisation and world-building, stating, […] MacLean could build a world, and King could surprise you by what the main character truly was capable of.

On December 3, 2012, it was announced that Thunder Road Pictures had bought the script with discretionary funds, with Kolstad agreeing due to Thunder Road’s plan to make the film straight away.[8] When Basil Iwanyk head of Thunder Road Pictures had first read Kolstad’s original screenplay, he was immediately drawn to the main character of Wick, stating, The tone of the script was subversive and really fun.

Derek Kolstad.. D.K.. 4-11… Jonathan Jaces manger born 4-11, Jace born 11-4…

I am Jonathan.. Jonn Jason Lee…

I am Jace K.Horsford…

I am the twin Serpent Venom which kills and heals… Jonathan means Grace of the Creator

Jace means Healer.. ACLEPIUS… Ophiuchus…

My response Kill them All

All those who do not understand that Libra Balance is the Stillness which comes when Harmony Infinity is understood…

First is the thunderstruck awareness .. Earth Quake as you shudder into balance and stability.. Stand tall… Justice – ( which is what Jacquii line Nnamdi wanted… Justice.. which is not Blind… Cecilia means Blind it means 6… 6th Sense of understand the Music…. St Cecilia… Of Harmony.. which is Infinity…

Black and white held in the scales comes to realization and shudders from the Epiphany…

And then is Still… Silent….

As the the two sides points of view are taking into consideration… Staring into the Light can cause Blindness.. Everything goes Black… Blackness Transforms into the Blinding light of a Star like Epiphany Super Nova… But it can blind.. the clarity.. You go down, the scale.. then you go up… Look to heaven above and then Below… Ascend Descend.. to look at the View but there is not any Harmony or alignment in your view..

But you struggle to find balance.. within, yourself… That is what you discover…That it is bot from outside but by how you perceive, translate and use you Computer and Space Ship..

Body… Being….B B… Reflection See… S.R…: BB S R…. 2 2… 18 19…. 4 18… 22… 4 19… 23.. 22 23…. V,, W… D VV…

The Balance creates a stillness.. Stasis… Calm..Quiet.. Q… Quanme called is :Marinating Reflection which he does after our conversations.. which I call Reflection Filtering Cleaning reviewing the Day.. Taking a shower of Mind Body and Being before you go to bed…

You look left and right and left and right.. seeing both sides point of view.

You stand outside of your emotions, your anger and your desire of what things Should be Like and how you Want them to be like you remove your self from it .. Justice is Neutral.. Neutron..Neurons…

Like the Swiss… They make Watchers and Great Chocolate.. Neutrality… Watchers.. Chocolate.. White Black… Sweet, Bitter Sweet …

Ah I see… the center of the scale of the Balanced scales no longer going up and down.. The Body rising.. the 7 chakras aligned… The Seven Bottles, the Seven Headed Cobra,.. the 7 on the Micro Wave and the 7 Seals , 7 Continents.. The 7 seas… Jace added his own 7 By using the film Total Recall.. T R… 20 18… ( 2018… 38…11…11 a.m… 1…)

That is 4 people who expressed in Harmony the code of 7… at Delta… 4… 7 4… 11 28…

And now, we have moved up to C 39… Which aligns to Robert Kyle Murphy… who became my 1139 Face book Friends, to his big brother Brennan B.Young.. ( B B Y)…passed age 39.. and to his intel of Galaxy 1O11 C.I.. Which he was Electrically Charged with.. ( E C..He is in Room 5 C… E C… Bed 26… The end of this play and completion.. End Completion.. E C..H O../ O H C E…H…)

And moved to me like a magnet … and to Jacquii where we stood.. And identified me as being as he same Quantum Expression as his big brother..

Left Right.. Left right … passing through the Filter within.. The Heart… The Body Being aligned 7 Chakras,.. Stand up… up right…

See.. left right left right..the Black and White view begins to evaporate .. To Clear.. Clarity arrives… Clarity Cecilia… Transparency Theresa .. Consciousness – Truth….

Expression beautiful which weighs each point of view through the Heart Chakra.. The 4th.. which we know 2+2=5… Expression.

And so suddenly through that constant exchange of point of view, two awareness Black and white which are really the same ( Looking at the Light Outside too long.. Looking at a Total Solar Eclipse and then going Blind because it is the Symbol a rep of that which you must do and it is by understanding its meaning that you see… after Oregon ( 33rd State… 33 Sacred Portal 33…D Came to E to arouse and Awaken E from the most terrible Dream….

Jace gave me 25 usd … Square of 5… which gave birth to the 5…

Then as we were speaking a Quarter and Nickel dropped…

The Quarter and the nickel were aligned…. The Quarter to me… Q.. ( Q=17… Quantum Being from the Future Present).. and the Nickel 5 cents aligned to him…

the Box with 5 points..

*On my page is the number 1 and 5….

4:15 p.m… D.O… Emeka Lorenzo… L’ORE.. N.Z.O… E L… Todays date… 5-12….)

I gave birth to myself as E… 25..5… 55555…gave birth to 5 Cents… 5 C… E C…H O..

And thus, through the heart the Spark of the infinite is Seen through the Seas of the TURBULENT Emotions calmed by the Expression of the One Voice which calms he Seas.. Cees of the Emotions allowing Peace and Harmony… ( P H… O C ..P H..I U..( I U.. 9 21.. 9 3… I C) C H… 38… U.S… The 13 Zodiac… the only one which is a MAN..or in Human Form… H F)

That Wave of Music.. Feelings Sensational.. Tells a story in that Coma, Stasis Space Ship which Jace called Dark Mother… Which was the inverse of Fathers Light… F.L… Florida.. the Sunshine state…

Jace inducted into Delta Mu Delta… 27th… He was 29th in line… 29.. 26+3… A B C… Linked and aligned to Kyle… who has the Truth of the Evidence that E GA LA XY C I.. E is H O ME… Origins of Mann… HUE MANN E…

And thus is infinity Formed… 44 8… But it was formed first 89/98… It never left… it was you who left.. came down form the O… Full Circle of Light to experience Mothers Light and Fathers Darkness… M L.. ( Michelle Lobsinger … 13 12… 25… ..F D- Fifth Dimension……6 4…10…Geoff Lacour.. G.F…7 12… 19.. 84…. 33rd Street…2004… )

Through a Time Capsule, a Slide, a Space… Through Space as C-MEN… Semen traveling through the mystery…

And so Jace moves up higher .. to 39… 12… L.- A B… 3… C….

My coffee at my hated portal of Starbucks is 80… coffee Tall.. 2:34 usd… from Jace… E C H O…E… My Echo aligned recognizing my Voice was the voice which spoke to him.. to you all as you slept through the Space Ship.. Fathers Ship… F.S… Feelings Sensational… F S… 6 19.. 25… 25 USD..

Which gave birth the E not through a Womb but through Expression Voice.. The Telling of the Story of the Origins.. and he they who remembered the the correct version and alignment and the voice and gave It the True Respect by acknowledging it which Jace K Horsford has been giving me of late…

( still with a bit of a fight… but much less and with much much more grace… and appreciation… and the value… of my feelings and worth…)

4:39 p.m…

D..C.I… Delta C.I..

603 is the number on my Coffee now… F O C… / C O F… F …O C…. Onuorah Chukwuemeka… 1141 Face book Friend… 11-4.. is the 1…

4:41 p.m…

Billy…Robert… Jacqui Kirtan .. 1 1 .. 11… and Jace… Dawn is putting all the pieces together even as we speak.. her putting pieces of the puzzle together in her way.. Dee JAY….Vee Jay… Radio waves .. Communicator… Speak!… Brings Dawin to tha World that is called planet… Matrix World…

I am David Dawn… D D….4 4… 8….

I did the P.. Already… in the Past…and 98… Infinity also..

But I came… ( was forced to ) explain.. Harmony comes from Peace.. in being able to Stand up as a Man.. Wu-Man and speak up… Speak up for your Truth…

Not letting anyone speak for you now that you understand…

So yes the HEROES lines are here… B.K… Billy Kyle…Billy Robert…. B R.. O… My Brothers line… – Twins…Dopplegangers… Jacquii Kirtan.. ( he is both )… and Jace… 11-4…at 1…

aligned with me as John Wick/Mick….Jaeggar Dagger… Not Mickey Mouse…- *I was in Istanbul when I saw the Rolling Stones in Concert and I was going to use this incredible stage they had which came with a literal Suspending bridge which rose like a Phalllus plunging into the darkness or Felling Sensation… King STAG.E… E… 7 Stages all linked to Fa ct…

Billy Hung… rep of the World Body… Robert Kyle… Universal Body… Jace Universal Being… and Jacqui Kirtan.. The Song And The Music of E. .. T. S A .T…M ..E/… S A M E….

And… M.E…?

I Dance…

I.D… E…

4:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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