
This is the painting Esteban Miguel Filgueira

This is the painting Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Gifted me on my birthday 11 28 without knowing that it is my birthday

It’s is dated 2015

The year I entered the Assesment Shelter

Which began my 29 months battle ..in the underworld with me cast as Anubis Osiris

See the maze..

The journey began with Sean Bono giving me the Map…

And a painting he drew from some Memory of my brother Nnamdi in 2006.

Green House to 16th street.

See Keith Grant


Blue and Yellow

Sol and Mi..

Which makes Green

The Dimensom born from the Expression of the 5th Dimension E Eternal Realm

( Jupiter) and 3rd ( Earth)


53.. 8

44 Astral Plane was expression of the Heart and thus, the Heart Expression Love versus that illusion of the Heart being the Source of Pain and Suffering instead of Balance

In Out

Balance of Scales of Justice ..

44. 8. 1

A Maze In Grace

Benjamin C. Krajewski

Got it right, he sent me a image…


I.must honor him

12:42 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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