
This is the most extraordinary thing…

This is the most extraordinary thing…

Igbo Creation Story…

Let me explain, Nikoma Rios once saw me as a gorillia, a Blue E.T and a 19 year old Golden youth.

But first here is a Quote from this interview..

…He however gave a brief, revealing that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was almost right, in the sense that God made man from monkeys and Himself. He stated: Even though I may not say much now, I will explain some things to you. The Almighty God Himself is Adu. It is this same Adu that the Jews adopted His name as Adonai. He is the same whom the Muslims adopted as Allah. When Adu planted Himself as seed yam, a lot of things were happening. The yam is God but people do not know. The theory of evolution according to Charles Darwin is the story of Adu and Igbo.

In ancient times, right here in the forest of the gods, where the seat of Adu is placed, during those days, there were several species of monkeys who lived here. Whatever feast the community people hold, these monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas will participate. It is these monkeys who metamorphosed into humans. You must have seen the whitish skin I used when praying at the oracle. It is the skin of the monkey specie. Before I was able to establish myself as the high priest of Igbo in Adu, I had to wear the old body of man, which is the body of a monkey. I used that skin to purify myself, and that was when my old personality returned, giving me the eligibility to take up the position of the high priestship of Adu.

It is a mystery. When you ask questions in culture and other religions, it is Adu and Igbo you are talking about. The gorillas were in fact the people who can be said to be the Adam living in the Garden of Eden, although the story in the Bible is quite different. But this forest is the forest of creation, where God made man. The Christian Bible stated that God said ‘let us make man in our own image’. It was the almighty Chukwu Abiama who came and planted Himself as Adu. He talking to Adu and the gorillas. You can see how the gorilla looks. Man has the physique of gorilla. People have been telling this story without understanding. So, ‘let us create man in our own image’, it was Chukwu Abiama, Adu and the gorilla who got together to do this. So Chukwu Abiama has His image is in Adu, and Adu has His image in gorilla.

In 2006, after leaving the Art Gallery established by a few people, including Sean Bono, I was sent into the Wilderness’ by Sue, the owner of the building which housed the Green House, which she had allowed a few of us (which they turned into many), had called Sean and I up to her apartments and told me that the Awakening would not happen until I found the corner stone of Existence, and the place (An energetic place), where those who lived before Adam lived.

*Professor Catherine Acholonu wrote a Book called They Lived Before Adam…

-the book which after 61 days of living on the streets of New York, where I found myself ritually enacting out passing through Death, and being compelled to act out elegance and cleanliness as proof that I was exactly aware that I was entering into the realm beyond memory- portal was Death..

On the 61st day I arrived at East 4th street, but as I reached 268 4th street some came over me, so powerful that I could not control myself I felt my energy turn into a Gorilla…

I could not stop myself.. I was pounding my Chest in the middle of the street and overcome by this presence, I felt its power and fury…

And it just propelled me in the Garden called Generation X Gardens..And moved me to a peace sign laid out there with a Tent..

And then the energy Gorilla seem prompted me to search my pockets, where I had a black Obisidan-like pebble..

I placed it inside the tent..

And could not stop roaring or pounding my chest…

Until Isaac Calvin McCullough came to me in the Garden,

and finally I calmed down, bewildered, dismayed..shocked.

He walked me out of the Garden, and I apologized still confused.

I saw him walk back to a door step where two others sat with him,

an older man called Sage and Albert Santana, who would become my host, collegue, friend, tester and even tormentor and champion…for 4 years straight and then on and off for the next 9 years…

He knew that I was coming, or some one such as myself…

The Day I moved in, was a day or two later..

I had nothing but the cloths on my back..

The rest of my belongings had been stolen,

after being set up by a pair of burglars who had robbed a store where I had made me home in an alley…

The Police let me go quite easily after I explained…

The same day I moved in, I was in the Garden when my body started literal heave and transform, but this time my skeletal structure.. I could feel the movement of my bones… I was not frightened since I had witnessed David move his body and arms to literal manifest into the skeletal form of wings..

But I recognized my transformation skeletal was a King Cobra..

It lasted for about 10 mins, while I desperately sought to control it.

I knew that East 4th street was the point of the completion of my equation of a minature version of the full circle of Existence..

I had been mapping, documenting and calculating this since 2002…

So I knew my journey was over…

my calculations where correct…

I had met with a person called Raphael, at the entrance the first day I had moved in.. But I also noticed a the name Gabriel engraved on the cement….

The next day I met someone whom I knew, who I called the line of Star Children…Gabriel, I was surprised but yet not so..

He gave me a message about why I was in this Dimension…

saying it was about Charles Darwin’s theory of Evolution…

It was here that I found myself in a literal time machine of so many stories converging..

Here is where I found the brief and the intel of what I was meant to accomplish here…

So much of it provided by Albert as we lived in a small studio, two men, in constant conversation..

A statue outside made by him of a figure rising from a globe blowing the a conch shell of the Awakening…

It was obvious that I was in the Spirit realm, realm of mind…a place of convergence, but everything kept linking back to Egypt and the Igbo Nri…

I spent most of my time seeking solutions to what had happened to me, what was happening to me, I would be speaking, even to my mother on the phone or aunt, and this Gorrilla like voice would rise through me- as if a gorilla also a man..

I had to understand how this was possible…

And why was I being Possessed by a Gorilla like consciousness, which could move me and literal take over my body…

Those first 4 years at East 4th Street was a battle with the Spirit World and minds of men…A parallel dimension which all the Ideas, expressions of humanity had converged..

In 2010, I my Host had enough of the riddles solving, life, this world was pounding on the Door, as it had for 4 years.. Money, Bills.. we worked together but it was a terrible terrible play and battle, and terrible for my hosts to be the witness to my being tortured by the Spirit world for daring to enter that realm with the idea of Evolution..

I felt their rage and wrath at Humanity for forgetting that realm revered by the Ancestors…

I went to live in the Forest, a meadow just outside Pelham Bay Park..

it had not been my intention, I was meant to move to a space, but it fell through at the last moment..

So Fritz Venneiq a nature boy, from the Caribbeans, who was witness to much of the play at 268, as well as the horror which I was being subjected to, and who was a natural Shaman and Seer…Was so disgusted by what he saw I was being subjected to, that he suggested the camping out in Nature..

Which is were we experienced the very first night, a ring of mist descend from the sky like a u.f.o and encircle the very place Fritz had decided we would sleep..

We went in and the mist screened us completely from the outside world and that is where he saw the vision one night of Nature transforming into a beauty which he described as no one really has experienced natures true face, that this current nature is like the most inferior version of the truth of nature…

I experienced with him Nature, the clouds literal transforming into Gods and goddess, and even acted out the awakening of God..

Then to Marina Burini and Tom True man.. where it was no longer a Gorilla like consciousness possessing me, but rather the Beautiful Ones as the Ancestors.. Those who walked the Earth before Adam..

Marina experienced them rise in me dancers.. beautiful proud ancient Energy….then to Lisa Levine at Green Point Maha Rose, where it was Gods and Fairies…then to Akil Davis, where it more of Comics- Japanese comics and I rose to space and a literal star fleet academy, and Sensie’s who were line of Father who had sent trained me all my life and had sent me out to prove their principle and new school..

Then to Billy Hung who met Nikoma, and this time it was about E.T;s and Children…

But each time I would be brought back to East 4th Street…before being sent out.. Every place I went was named Green.. Forte Green Green Street Green point Avenue.. Kew Gardens…4th Street 4th Color.. Green even to 18 Mountain View, it is upstate New York.. all Green, and the first few days I arrived here I saw a Green mist surrounding the entrance..

My focus was on solving the riddles, finding my family of the E and either going home or at least getting my body back and my life..independence.

But the key lie with what was happening to my body, and the code which Albert represented of the number 2012…

Which is the year I found myself suddenly addressing the world.

The final play here at 18 Mountain View,

where I arrived on the 19.. is I realized about that question Nikoma Rios asked me… Which are you a Gorilla, the Blue E.T or the 19 year old Eternal Youth…

This last play was about the 19 year old Eternal Youth from planet Earth who has the consciousness of the Blue E.T and heart of the Will of a Gorilla…

It would appear that my body was and Energy was literal moving back wards through Time and Space literally manifesting and unraveling the Energetic Truth of all Human expression through the ages…

Until finally arriving at the Truth…

The 19 year of Golden skinned Eternal Youth..



Sean Bono Jonn Blackwell Ariane Oates and the Do NN..A…

It is true that I was not sure what was happening to me, that I had to figure it out as I went along…

Distracted by so many things in the material world and the portals which I had to pass through, who lived in this physical realm..

Where such an experience for most, is beyond their perceptions and belief…

Today is April 5th, my brothers birthday…Nnamdi..who would be 47 years old today…47.. see sacred portal 47 Entrance to the Abyss.. 47 11 28.. 39.. C.I…

And yesterday I knew that it is time to leave 18 Mountain View…

which was unanimously agreed by all three of us each for our own reason.. all valid…

And so for the first time, as has been the pattern of each of the 50 homes, and portals, only as when I have completed what I was brought there to do, to discover, and solve, basically blindfolded, using sixth sense which then aligns to fact, is all revealed outside of me such as this post.

I did have an indication of this, my Grandfather told my Mother a memory he had of Human beings looking more like Chimpanzes.. and of course there is planet of the Apes..

But I had never got the full story until this post…

Though most older face book friends recall I broke the code of King Kong and the Empire State building, the 1933 film…

But this explains and confirms not only my literal experience, that I was telling the truth, and that the realm of Spirit and mind were interfering with the E-Mission…

Transforming me energetically, to each idea, creation story, where within there lie the Truth, but not the Whole Truth…unraveling reforming until it arrived at the Truth…

Two men… E.Nnamdi… Father… who are really One, E.N..Truth…E.NT..


I have been at 18 Mountain View, Stone Ridge…

Holy of Holies..

…Each contain water. Close to the stones, is the holy presence of Adu, where Okonkwo performs a solemn ceremony of food offering.

Worshipping at the ‘Holy of Holies’

He pulls out the horn of a deer, (mpi-atu) and uses it to touch all the sacred areas in the grove, and all the stones. Then he does a sign of the cross…

They used to call my mother Adu-Umeano…

Which I translate as the First born is Breath.. which create the 4 winds, the Cube and the Full Circle…

I once told Jonn and Donna that this land and space here was the Holy of Holies, just as the Kew Gardens play…

4:05 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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