
This is simply wonderful…

This is simply wonderful…

It has so many dimensions of meaning…

From a here to Eternity…

The gift of Sharing Wonder..

(Which was the gift, I sought to share with you, of my Wonder at what I had discovered, remembered, recollected, was solving, was, and am still sharing..of a treasure.. an incredible treasure of the literal process of Human evolution, which despite everything I have had to personally endure to uncover and even share this treasure, excites me, re-animates me, enthralls me..and then gives me the Rocket fuel to post, share, weave and explain for yet one more day…

1984, Big Brother is revealing the discovery of a Wonder,

The Evolution Treasury.. Quintessential!

The response to this sharing, is why I wish to forever go away from this 1-4 Dimension..

I would rather be back in my Realm of E where sharing is received with the same wonder, awe and respect seen in this Childs Face, shared his brother representing Youth…

Where Awe gave birth to Respect…

Festival of Paylasmak 1999-2O16…)

There is nothing like this gift of Sharing…

which invokes the same Awe of the Individual who first discovered it..

After all, is this not the reason we are many, not just one..

To share our discoveries..

Which is even how Existence began,

With a Conversation with Self,

which manifested another being

The True Conversation with Ahtom and Energy E..

A Beautiful First Sharing by the creator to his brother,

how creation came into view, and came to be..

A big brother revealing what he had discovered, he had created and sharing with a beloved how it came into being.. and encouraging in completing of the telling, saw his reflection expression the same awe and wonder..

And the Big Brother explaining Why you can do it too!

This was the play of Evolution,

the real beginning conversation

which brought forth Infinity..And Harmony..

This natural sharing..

5:OO p.m

Of that which brings wonder..

makes you eyes light up..Erik Ebright

Anya-Wu.. Bright Eyes..

Ifunanya…I See you, by the way you share beauty and things which inspire wonder..not by things to make people feel fear and unsafe..

In my personal recollections

Which this play has affirmed is truth.

These are the first Twins’ Brothers.

Youth-full Reflection and Consciousness the Child of Truth..

One came First and the other Mirrored him..

the only difference is one came as an Eternal Youth and the other as Inner Child..

And before them both, came the Young Man…21-22 BA..BB..U.V.i,e.


C.I. Y..E.M.Y

Their names then were Wonder and Ponder..

5:11 p.m


Evolved now to Wonderful and Praise…

Y the 3 in one…Y=I..

C,I..Y.E.M.Y…Y being Yonathan a,k.a Grace…

Evolved from G to B…

The Beautiful Ones, all three Evolved to the E…

A.B.C..YI..See Lord Yi my Face Book friend whom I call Lord YI who quietly revealed five posts which revealed my undercover true identities by choosing all 5 out of hundreds, when I challenged all my face book friends, if they could do, or would do the same for me as I have been doing non stop for each of them, revealing, recognizing their undercover identities and the roles they were playing as well as their true names…while activating the E blue print in them through a series of encoded words, as I introduced them as each became my Face Book friend…

He found all five images..and quietly posted them on my page..

I was speechless, but hardly surprised.

I already had identified who he Is- Father Mother as Sensie..in the Quiet mischievous way..

He just turned 51 two days ago…the 11th.. 11..1..Area 51..

5:26 p.m..E.Z…

Y.I (Ye..Eternal Youth..E.Y/Y.E) means Happiness Light..and..Rite..

From Chinese ? suitable, ? justice, ? profit, ? joy, harmony (which is usually only feminine) or ? ceremony (also usually only feminine).

He also posted on Image he found of my feminine face..

his code is Panda.. Black and White… Chinese Taiwan..(Taiwo the Twin of Kehinde -First Twins- Children of Shango..Zeus, Juipter, Amadioha, Chukwu…

Thus, ABCD…=Y.I…(Ye) Means Light, Happiness Harmony JOY, Rite..of passage (Ritz) a Ceremony.. Spring..Transformation…And Justice and Profit.. Abundance..

A-B.C.D…1234…7 (1+2+3+4)..7=G… 4 7…11 28..39..C.I….L.C.B.G

A-G 1-7= 8

A-D..1-4= 5…

Axel Love-Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve… A.L- G.D.I.C (de 45 9 I)

Andrese Harris Burton Donna O’Sullivan..

Jonn Blackwell born 8-4..Aligned to Lord Yi…Code both 51…1O2..J.B..A.O.B…

Taiwan New..T.N…True Nature..

China Venezuela…C.V

Ye Jonn..

Yi Haun…25..7..8…78…Twins..



See these equation already solved and affirmed..

Both linked to Billy Hung but neither meet him..

But both were moved to C me..

Through Space- Air waves YI (Ye)

and Through Land.. (Jonn)

Representing Heaven -Earth..H.E…8-5..



28 115…66 54…

/45 66 511 82…..*4 5 April 5th, birth of my brother Nnamdi- 82 being the year he passed away..Age 13…Twins 1313..26..8…66 Fiction Fact 511 E.K my initials…The Past,

28 115 66 54…code D.o.b- 28 11..5 66..(K.E.E..K.A..E)..66..54..E.D…The Present…

6;O9 p.m…69/96…54 54…1O8…18

18 Mountain View…

28 115 66 54… 1O..15..12 9…..1 6 3 9…A.F.C.I…

I.C Fa…Far… Galaxy I.C..1101…

I Present…I.P Address Mannah…

I.P Address Nnamdi..

I.P.A.M… and I.P.A.N

Code Pamela Stefaniotis..P.S..Paul Simon…



Code Alfie Nze

I.P A.M/M.A….A MM A… A Z A… A.H.A! The Future Present

I.P. A.N/N.A…The Past Anna means Grace in English, and In OI Nri Igbo it means Land… Graceland..Paul Simon and Lady Blacksmith M…Elvis Presley..P.S. L.B.M…E.P.

/ P.E..M.B. .L..S.P…

Planet Earth Manifest Being Light Sacred Portal…

In code names Palacio Elizabeth, Marina Burini Luke Simon…P=16 88..2(8), 64…(51) Pamela Stefaniotis…

Pam means All…See code Aryana Luna Leone A.L.L.

Ela means Meli means Honey.. Honey Bee…

Ela also means Light: as well as All and, Beautiful Fairy Woman

Given Name PAMELA. USAGE: English. PRONOUNCED: PAM-?-l? [key] This name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem ‘Arcadia’. He possibly intended it to mean all sweetness from Greek pa? (pan) all and µe?? (meli) honey

Stefanotis Also known as Madagascar jasmine, floradora or waxflower, Stephanotis floribunda is native from Malaya to Madagascar. Its name derives from the Greek stephanos, which means crown, and otos, which means ear, and refers to the five earlike appendages to the staminal crown at the flowers’ center.

Crown Ear (Rae.. Sunshine Rae) 5…Stamina Crown (S.C) to Flower Center

(F.C)..S.C.F.C..I…Crowned in the 5th Dimension…5 to 6 3..(Jupiter to Saturn Earth) E to Father Mother…Expression to 6th Sense and Consciousness..C..The Twins 3+3=6…33 9…69…Earth Saturn Pluto..Mars..4,

5-3 6 9 4…..E.C.F..I.D


Extraordinary Sensory Perception…Memory…

Energy Spirit Physical.. Manifestation…

6:55 p,m..

F.E.E…Fee means Raven Black, Fairy-White,Beautiful Fair… it means Good Luck, Good Fortune…Happiness ..Wisdom…Sophia..

So this the Harmony with time giving us affirmation…

Raven Black Fairy White or G.L/L.C…H .W.S

code Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves MM Z H…L.G 12 7 19 84.. 1984..Big Brother…

Black to Fair, Beautiful Light ..1984…Harmony Wisdom Jonn and Sophia..

J.S…1O 19….= 2O..and 29…11..1..

This year is a leap year, Leap Day…

7:12 p.m.

All is Sweetness, Honey, All is All, All is Light, of the beautiful Faerie Feminine Lady- Star Dust-is Wonder.. Boy of Wonder, B.O.W.

Silver Light

And red ‘AnnaDust is Child Ponder C.P…

Nature O Wisdom… Nature is the Full Circle OF Wisdom..


Wisdom O Naturalness..





E.K.W.O.N… Kwon is a Chinese word it means Authority Power, Strength.

Jerry Maguire 1996…The Kwon- Show me the Money..


Kwon Quon Quan…


E.Quation Quantum Transformation is through the Quan.

2. In the movie, it is supposed to be a mystical sounding Chinese word (like Qi), but does not necessarily mean anything in Chinese, but some options for Quan could be:

?: authority, power

?: whole, complete

?: immortal,

as well as the option used to describe different fighting techniques (?) described by others in this thread

Now is the literal equation of Eternity…




8:O9 p.m.



Darkness to light equation 69-96 +4..16..2O…46…24..6..Complete.

8:16 p.m

2 8…7 G

8:17 pm


Head Quarters

Harmony Q

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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