
This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend.

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend.

But he is the one who I met at the Green House and was aware of the awakening and even my ID back in 2006.

It was in his house, that I found he had painted a image of my brother Nnamdi…

And I took from him a painting he had made with stencils of the Egyptians Pyramids…

He also told me about the Cafe in the Sky which I already found…

The Bean…

He also led me to Erik Ebright… Who the lived on Green Street..

And then I was led to his place ten years later, all posted here..

He used an Eleggua image to call me to Miami to help him…

I went and was treated like a slave, used to make him well then discarded like trash…

He lives in little Haiti… Voodoo – They Spirit World was fucking with his head… while he was dealing with his doubts after reaching enlightenment… and came down…

Notice the code name of his group… Art Battles.. A.B…

You will note the code of Amoza Bond…

And only Anthony Bienke left and me with Blair Andrews who I saw and spoke to 3 times today… Age 44.. I was in bed 4-004…

You will note the Date and Time of his post…

Dec 9th… 9:35 p.m.

12-9… I C E… 15th Anniversary… 15 is letter O.

Which means the little bugger knew exactly who I was…am..

but left me from 2006 to travel alone on a road of horror…

And by the time of this photo where he had become a Star ( I had helped and took over his job, so that he could open up Art Battles…)

It would appear as there was a Trading Places which took place because I found myself trapped in a play…a role which was not mine…

Do you really think for a moment that after being made 12 years a Slave…

And that at the time of this image and event- I was already in shock at being at Delta Manor…

Led by the Karmic Cause and Effect of these two men

Sean Bono.. S.B… Supreme Being…

Erik Ebright.. E.E… Ethereal Elemental…

S. B.E E…

Where I became the Art who battles, while he and the other reaped the rewards… * Of course, they were representing a line a superiority of the White Race over the Black despite both knowing that such a thing does not even exist… Taking Advantage…?

Do you really think for a second that This Conte de Monte Christo this betrayal by Brothers who happened to take advantage of having pale skin to make use of the Slavery – the Public Opinion of Superiority of the Races to consciously and intentionally send me into the Worst Fate which could never be, but which was manifested to me.. to live in non existence… in poverty. anonymity. ignoble…

…that I would forgive… ?

And not encode a response which will make the Edward Munch Scream nightmare they gave me x 1 billion…

A suitable response with interest.

The fact that not one of them sent a gift package, came to visit… and even had the gall to unfriend me…. And just leave me to such a fate…

Ah there is no word to describe this kind of Selfishness…

Not even Evil…

So… Goat O tell the line of the Usurpers.. all those who felt themselves better and superior to me, that there is not fury as the one which is coming for them.. no mercy and in every dimension in ever cell in ever thought they will find that wrath which will not allow them to die or go mad.. but simply fade out of Existence through Horror and Shock as they left me to live along with all the so called Igbo.. my so called Blood Family… ALL…Who did not raise a finger…

But these are the Worst… they knew… raised not a finger… not even a gift not a word….

Ah… See me show you the response to Evil beyond…

8:31 p.m.

…not even a word…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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