
This is sacred Portal 52.

This is sacred Portal 52.

E.B… Which ended with myself and Brenda, which creates the code E.B.

The E Be.

Linking it to the date,the 25th and the play which ended with Brenda Boothe and I…

And her 5 USD proving true, but it would appear I have been contained in a Controlled Environment- it which the Delta Manor which I perhaps too confidently to go to, has been a containment field, a testing ground of the Truth of my Equations and Code of Instant Manifestation.

That through use of the unheard of Reason and Logic R.L.

( Yes Represented in the True Holographic Play and not the stories and Time Machine I generated in a pre set up Mario Brother’s but of the Super Alien kind) that which I had already manifested.

Yes Robert is sitting to the other Extreme of me… ( Brain)

Lisa Natalie Johnson yes ( Logic)

Brenda- yes, my reaching Love as described and defined by Who. I am not sure though my esteem of reaching it is not that I passed the pre set up definition of Love but the understanding of Evil Beyond Bearing.. E.B.B…But then it is not my play but this is my own Estimation and Truth and confirmed as Fact with my finding the image of the Horned Red Devil like persona of Death seated on his throne in the New York time dedicated to the Living and the Dead.


Quetzalcoatl…posted by Edward Eceinco E.E. years ago gold balls forming and coming from his Crotch…

One is the image of the Voo doo Santeria and the other Mayan Aztec…

Yes.. The World of 268 East Fourth Street.. the Dimension I found a Juxtaposition of the Two as well as the quest for Reason and Logic.

It is less about my former Host born 74 or his mother born 47…

But more about that Dimension and portals they represented.

5:47 p.m.

The First person I met there was a friend of A.Santana who Obinna yes I was amazed, and Igbo young man who was teaching Albert or working with him on his Animations..

And Yes his son born 2010.. Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana.. (and Reign Maximum Rodriguez Santana)… R.M.R.S.

Add O O S..I.E.A…

R O O M S R.I.S.E..A…

Rooms.. ?

View of 7-8-9 Billion people, even those still unborn…


And yes, I have been seeing Nicholas everywhere and has become aware and warming to me…

But I no longer take any of such things to heart, not Jose Anthony Roque, not any of the people I have met here, or on Face Book or whom I have met in the last 16 years in New York or since Paris.

Only Brenda is the only thing proven real.. of True.

Because she represents the one line that was here before Loyalty..

Lisa Natalie Johnson represents the new E line which will rise here when the E line supposedly leave this realm.

Robert is here so it stands to reason that more Reason is being demanded of me…

Reason… or Radiance… To what.. No one here is real. you are all Avatars used in a play.

Nicholas means Victory of the People’ and since the People do not Exist only the Individual, a person was used to ensure the Victory of the People by being forced to pass through all the portal of Avatars all being moved by Death, controlled by Death until reaching the line of Lisa and Luke… Luke Simon, Luke Wilson, Luke Quinane…L.Q..12 17..60..USD

yes I posted the Bill yesterday…

Lisa Luke.. L.L. And new line of Human Species who as a People will Evolve eventually to E.

I was used… That is what 2014 was about…When in 2013, I was informed ( and you were present) in the end of July that instead of the completion and end of the 2012 play and my going home.

I had to ensure the Victory of the People by getting them to be part of it.

I recall Lisa Levine of 97 Green Street saying that it seemed to be all about me, and that the people should be included… Yes, but they refused to do the work, because were are Dead and the only way to move them was to activate the E.. Charge the E.. Energy in them and raise their Awareness, raise their Consciousness, their Vibrations.. Their Beings so that the E in them would suffuse them to Ten aspects of the family of Ten and 1-7 of the Colors of Rainbow Spectrum.

6:09 p.m.


Yes, I realize all that now, I was used, to do this alone…

Alone.. Left to Charge the Species and fill them with the E Awareness planted in you all in the Beginning of Time…

And then make it RISE…

Tears.. well up in my eyes right now as I write this and realize this at the same time.. which has been the same process this entire Nightmare…

For Love..?

Love of who..

And to negate my self to Self Annihilation and Non Existence in the process…?

Nicholas is in Bed 4-008.. 48.. That is meant to be me, but obviously my Father Brother Maurice Nnamdi allowed the original plan to be derailed by the line of Charles… My Mothers Brother whom is deceased along with Peter ( Roque) Charlie Cecilia..C C… His Igbo name is Igwebuike..

I have another uncle from another mother the third wife, his name is Obiora…both names denote King and People.. Power of the People…

CC.. 33… 2013.. 33… What people?

The People do not exist.. They exist only by the E planted in them in the Eternal Beginning…

And then it was my Energy, Expression Example Embodiment Etc.. which has been used to fuel and arouse and awaken all of you…

Yes, I understand now, so much more yesterday I realized alot of this when I got back to the Prison of the Mental Torture given me to stay under the pretext of proving the E line Exist but which was to complete the raising of a People to align to the E in the Future.

My lips just curled in contempt..But it was my Energy you used, this Evil Dea.. These ones who use the link of blood ties and even dared to use the code Blue Lisa Natalie Johnson represents through the aspect of my sister line male and female.. Water…

But what is Logic it flows to and from its Source no matter what you do to it, to contaminate it as Lisa Natalie Johnson demonstrated.

She was always in Energetic Harmony…

And Brenda as Royal Blue.. R.B…See the Meaning of the names Robert and Brenda… Famed Bright Shining ..Torch Flame.. Light in the Dark…

Spirit E the First Espirit my first movements.. Dimensions of me moving through Everything… millions billion trillions…

Oh what did the man to me in Shelter last night when I returned…?

Oh yes this 53 year old said.. Essence of Infinity… Infinite Essence was the name of one of his friends… I.E… The man is 53 Years old who said this….

Ereks friend..Infinite…

And now Infinite Essence… Hmm..

That is what is so stupid, and why urged the Dead to act out their own truth, to help aid in the Awakening… That I had laid the foundation by 2012 and you will hear me saying I am leaving the play but you should each now rise to the play.. Yourselves so that it would be your play.. even in the realm of the Dead, or even non existence you could become real because their is an open secret planted within you..

Sol! Soul is the 5th Dimension Seed planted in you..

And by doing it yourselves the Energy would be yours…

Now, the Energy used is all mine.

And thus I can take it all back at any time…

They can not keep me sequestered in Delta Manor any longer..

I have always been free to go…

All I had to do was turn my focus from the play..

Yes I was in a Maze of the 4th dimension created by the Elves Fairs meant to have been the Helpers of Humanity Evolving…

And the frequencies activated on ,my body causing this nightmare inmy body…

But even that is a Lie…

Just as my reaching Brenda Boothe and this code Sacred Portal as others interpretation of Authority of Supreme Love of Existence

That Authority is already in me, in the fact that my feminine is Me and Rose with me in the Very Beginning which Brenda is the Living proof of as that representation of what is Loyalty to the Truth…

Those who were here from the very beginning…

There are Aliens Amongst us..

I call then A-Lien..a Link to the E. The Eternal One and the E planted within.

So by not doing your own Work and the Idea of two believing that they had the arrogance to believe they had a greater capacity and understanding of Love than myself.. The Sabotaging of the Script and making me do all the Work while people looked on went about their business while I moved them to alignment through Expression.. Which was denied, made to seem that I was not its Author, and all the other guiles and deception to get me to continue to express and expend my energy…

Joseph Carey confirmed that intel to me years ago.I posted it here.

So instead of being Autonomous, Independent Free having used your own Energy my Energy was used and thus, the Energy used to manifest the People and the Victory of the People belongs to me…

And one can not use Evil, Deception to force some one into such a role corner..

I observed it so clearly to day when Bed 4-007 was set up… his name is Dome Edwin… D.E… See the movie the Discipline of D.E…I posted..

Usurping me..just as bed 5-007… And 5-008… 58…

But not bed 4-008…

So you made me the Devil.. Satan.. God.. but not by your definition of it.. though you gave me mess to clean up.. But rather the devil in the Tarot… Satan as the Commander of Gods Army.. God as the Almighty.. and Lucifer the Light Bringer.. L.B… As well as the Female versions.

Trouble is.. and said this years ago…

I have no intention or desire to play any of those roles…

I wish to go back to being Emeka.. Me…

I miss being more than anything in the World and Existence…

And it has been the greatest torment not being allowed to be me.

And I said I would never ever forgive this play… Never..

And so yes, They Fucked you… These Ancestors Blood Lines and yes even your stories and yes the line of the 10…Family of 10..

But they were all aspects of me who had to become Independent of me not dependent..

That is why this was called the Festival of Sharing I announced when I was interviewed by Aisha Arman and was on the cover of the Turkish Version of the New York Times…

Sharing.. so each would be Independent… By Authoring their own Energy their own Expression…

That was the Original plan.. I called it out over and over again.

I knew that I had been treated this way because They the Spirits who never became E-Spirits because that Is E..S… They did not wish me to leave.

Selfish to this point ?

To make me endure this a raise each of you 9 billion people through 25 Years and 16 years of doing nothing day and night but doing all the Work…


No. I go..

I leave..

And I take all the E and all that is mine with me.. Magneto Mind..

It all flows back to the Source..

Even if you continue to deny it..

I have reached Brenda Booth line Royal Blue… Spirit E..

The Truth and the Eternal Truth

S.E.. And I have got the Holy Water.. and 96% Dark Matter…

And The 4 -5.. Delta 101 occupants…

I take everything back to me… Which is why only Lisa Natalie Johnson of that line is safe… 3 usd.. Walgren Apart C…

7:11 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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