
This is sacred portal 13.

This is sacred portal 13.


This represents the concept of Manipulation.

Using others, especially ones children, to manifest an Agenda which could be pure- say revenge for an injustice, or to help save the Human Race.. all by casting a spell on them.

11:22 a.m

( So we all know now, to whom I am addressing- the principle which went too far…

11 22 is my Mother Cecilia and her male version David)

And a spell can be cast only on those who allow you to do so, and those who allow you to do so, become hypnotized and then bound by the story you wove to them, some even doing it from the Womb and some men beginning to cast spells as young as the moment they start producing Semen.

Only Love and Trust can cause someone to allow themselves to be lured and bound by a spell.

Mothers and Fathers do that to their children.

People do it to each other.. as children begin to understand the nature of Power Control Manipulation but it is True Love..

-which was so important in this script to define and receive the confirmation from the echo of Existence in this Hologram, this staged play.

To manipulate is to fashion craft with the medium permission.

From fashioning inanimate objects to raising your children.

They exist,

And consequently you are bound to ask their mission if they wish to be fashioned into your intended purpose for them, and they have the right to ask why.

If you do not ask the marble you are carvings permission which is to truly See it and that means understanding the full circle of the Nature of Marble it will not contour into the shape you desire to fashion or into,

you will not me able to manipulate it..

Instead you will break it.

Just as not a asking your children’s permission or tell them what you are training then and fashioning them to become, be it a Ninja Assassin or a Doctor Surgeon or even a master thief…

You must tell them and offer them a choice..

Because they have free will.

That is their right and is Divine and Eternal Law, and it has precedence over even Natures law.

11:43 p.m.

No matter the beautiful or righteous or justified intention to cast a spell using Love which really means Trust is the Ultimate Betrayal.

There is no such story as that in the Original Creation story.

I Channelled and accessed that Frequency in 2004

And the one who Played Mother asked all the Family of Existence Ethereal, permission before creating her Great Play

My mother in this reality made me aware of her use of me by making it so blatantly obvious to me in all her aspects from her role as my Mother in this reality to Queen of Worlds in the Spirit realm play of Pangea, to her self as Mother of the Cosmic Egg of Creation in her highest incarnation

C as consciousness.

Manipulating ones children as my life experience, reflects in story of my life here and what the Humans did to their children when they grew up ad adults and did not do the obvious thing after graduating from high school, which is to graduate from the spell of love of their parents by pausing to look at their lives up to that point and decide who they are and see the truth of the stories of their lives by simply looking back and their parents stories grandparents stories which then informed them and enabled them to understand why thier parents raised them or fashioned them in a certain way.

And if they asked permission and if they did not..

Ah the children would go into rage.

But if the person would pause, and look back, and understand why their parents fashioned them in a certain way and the intention was aligned is aligned with who they are then you know your parents are clean and saw you clearly.

If they did not, to still your rage at being manipulated and in a sense not loved but used… Where love and sight of seeing you truthfully and then using that truth for a selfish motive your rage is justified.

But you must safeguard your self from being affected and so hurt by that betrayal by pausing to go back to find out why by looking into their stories and their parents stories to find the cause.

And then that cycle of enslavement will end with you breaking a spell which might go back thousands of years.

To manipulate is to See a person clearly and be in alignment with who they are or becoming- Potential made Kinetic and Activated-Expressed..

That is a Guide Father and Mother

The other is a shadow of themselves, parents ancestors cloaked in the shadow of Death, a Spell cast in which they move as if they have no control and consequently controlling everything around them.

Stephen Filgueira and I had a terrible play thrust upon us yesterday in which this I ntel and truth was played out and the result of casting these spells is damming people your children those you love but do not truly See but who love and Trust you, to living he’ll.

Sacred Portal 47.

Link Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson also line of my family of E cast in the roles of this play to show the Adults what happens when you allow yourself to go too far…

Away from your Truth.

12:08 p.m



No use in Control.

12:09 p.m

It brings living Hell, literally worse than your ideas of Hell because it was cast by the illusion masquerading as love.

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