
This is playing right now at Starbucks..

This is playing right now at Starbucks..


Man In the Mirror…

The Man in the Mirror in this case is the World.

And the Reflection .. and responsibility of the entire Human Population,

is President Donald Trump,

President of the Free World.


I would suggest, especially after the Play of Last Night and Delta Manor Shelter

of the Spirit World coming from out from Undercover…

( From the sheer relentless force of my proving them into Existence in this Material Plane…

There Great Mystics, Shamans Scientist of Time with all the greatest secrets and accomplishments of Humanity through out Time and Space..

Recorded, kept secret.. and handed down from Manu the First Human Ancestors..)

In which Igbo Anthony infront of Rey, Mike and two others.. on the ground floor recorded and observed by staff and the secuirity

a play in which corroborated my expression on Facebook of recent, and more so of Ten years with 8 years of being punished savagely

that the Unseen or Parallel universe has been interfering and meddling with the Life;s and minds of their Descendants linked by Blood, Noise interupting and violating the Dna- (Made out of Sound) and the song lines which make up the Sinews.

Igbo Anthony spoke in detail to me in Igbo of how Donald Trump was also a Black Man who had been a boxer.. and that was his incarnation in the Spirit World -which comes as no Suprprise sine black people are white people and vice versa, I have prove this over and over again ( as has science with Dna)…which is why White chalk is used to represent the Spirit World and why many Africans called White people on first contact Mmuo: Ghosts… and recognize them so easily in their own lineage as does Igbo Anthony of often baffling people….

That Donald Trump had watched the Forest People he was loyal to, betray democracy and how they had betrayeed decieved and then tortured him.

And how he ran away from the beatings that were being inflicted on him and found a being who saw him on the road…

Who saved him and put him on the right path in the Spirit world which was to play the role of the Reflection of the Sum Total of the cause and effect of the U.S and all the nationalities which make it up.

His role, literally was to become the Face Talking Head of the World….

The face.. beaten ugly, ardent, the Business Executive and head of a Co-Operation… U S A..

That he is the perfect Ego Projection of the Sum Total of the Human Spirit- People hidden intents thoughts, and projections they Create on the World -Mirror in the ROOM With a View.

The Intention of the Nze…

Ndubuisi A Nze

Ijelegizida Omenigbo

Obi Ckc Nwakonobi…

The High Priest of OINri which Allen Murray represents…

And their hope Dawn Piercy Sarah Lagrange Kemi Sara.. lines.. Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones… Nadee Nakandala

etc… was that on seeing they as the pure true guardians and regulators of the Priests Shamans and all those Mystical orders was that on seeing Their Reflection as in thier Distorted Ego projections.. it would Make that Change…

A Naive but well intended solution of the Ancestors .. As the most qualified in this particular :Story: to bring the World back to their senses…

*See the Movie The Dark Crystal ..( T…D.C…. C.D.T…. Trump . Rump… Trumpet.. Elephants.. Trunk.. Tree.. Memory… Donald Trump C.. the 3.. T… D.C… See how an Elephants sound can travel up to possibility 100 square miles… But it can not compete with the E even in this realm see E.M.F… Current… I activated mine manually laboriously, to be able to move and embrace all hiumanitt and link from here to the E…

See Theia Fotizo… Her name and Its meaning- was the respond of the World Mirror of my expression on Facebook responded with.. yes see the Magic Mirror and the True version of the Man in the Mirror..

A literal Man in two places at the same time..

*See meaning and Adnan… A DNA N…E

But the High Priests, of which I was unwillingly and without my permission consecrated into- even though my Vision as a boy of mo mother as a Great Queen in the Spirit World Story

* Please see the New York Times.. Today.. Martin Luther King Day… 1-15-2018… 38 ( 38 mins Hawaii… 50th State.. 1-13.. Code A.M.. 50 the State and the False Alarm )

Queen Elizabeth, The Rarest of Gets

This M.O.N-…A.R.C.H….. Link Ana Leonardo Caixas A.L.C… Link Ana Raquel Cintra A.R.C… H.. is me…

relaxes about her 1953 Coronation…

53.. Blair Room 5C… 5 3…/ 3 5.. C E ..

Jamel room 5A bed 5-003… 53… E C/ C.E..

..where I recounted how she had spoken up about me, to the Council to help with this problem the saw ( Seers .. and my insistence that they come down from their Ivory Towers, and come into thi srealm in bodies and live the experience of being Embodied to get a better picture that just Seeing but Feeling also..)…which they felt was bringing the End of the World via the Word… Ezi Okwu the Way of Speaking Offor…. Truth.. Which of course, manifests… Instead the lie was manifesting….

But by meddling with the Minds of the Descendants who like Allen Murray has proven, and did so today, Humanity who are the children of Expression Energy are made of Sixth Sense which is Truth Manifested… And they sensed they were being meddled with but could not explain it but every once in a while they got glimpses… Imagination is a powerful tool, combine it with a Naturalness to express the Truth.. and Bingo.. As so many childrens book tell.. you open up a portal to another world.. the truth where that Parallel universe is doing all that Meddling

And grown ups who have retained this and create books films art.. stumble upon that parrallel universes truth despite it being a little infected and distorted and covered in the Blind ( Cecilia means blind but also the number 6

See Cornilia Funke.. Ink Heart, Ink Spell.. Ink Death..

They broke the law of being.. and since it was a story we can say that they failed the exam..

The whole idea of seeing oneself in the mirror.. Ego… Projections.. is based on the people ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY… That this is Their Reflections and the Consequence of not necessarily who They truly are, but rather what the decision yes no 10 1010.. has created and manifested onto reality…

Robert age 53 is just leaving… he arrived as I am writing this.. and leaves now as I complete..

It means that I am speaking in perfect Eternal Clarity…

Because these ancient Pure aspect of Dark Crystal story… set up a Court to Judge whether I told the Truth..

But took too long to rule and created a set up which they could not see was Evil… Evil which The dark side used…

Arrogance in believing themselves so pure.. Ugo Nwamama that they could not see that their pure intention to find the truth and the test which they put me through.. after I was sent into the Okwu Mmuo Hells Fire.. of the Dead… Madness… Realm of Madness.. Death as Horror… Terrible after they disputed the possibility that they had caused the mess as well as the Evil ones…

After they sent me to investigate…

After all that they allowed me to be tortured to see if I would recant…

Then tested me and tested me putting me into the Maze of which None can return but the One True…

After all this they still checked my truth.. that they Evil had meddled with the Human Affairs and minds and bodies and they were are complicit in the not only in the Mess of Ages..

But forgetting who they were doing this too..

Made worse by my saying to them that their Realm called the Spiritual was not real, just as the material is not real..

That they are all products of Mind and Body.. of the Simulation Center.. Planet Earth.. Which is not the real Earth…

6:19 p.m


53 is Emeka Clarity… is Supreme… the Harmony which MANIFESTS..

And that the real Story.. Alpha Mission was to Evolve back to Eternity with Humanity evolved to HUE Manity..

The highest Elementals Ethereal Energies finally having bodies… which they could enjoy being Here .. but in the True World and the Truth Earth.. and Victorious Body…

6:21 p.m… F.U… Yes.. I am the U.F.O… E.M.F Current Expanded to Include ALL

6:22 p.m.

f v..

F.V.. Fritz Venneiq.. Yes I passed through his portal in 2010….

5 6. 6 5…

F V.. I E…

F V I E…

F I V E..

6:23 p.m.

F.W… F Double V..

6th Sense come from Expression Truth. then you sense … 5 came before 6…6 is the outcome of 5.. Expression.. not the other way around . There is no, Emeka Kolo born 19 65…

6:25 p.m… Fact.. Y.. Male..Y… M Y…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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