
This is Fascinating

This is Fascinating

It is all about equating to the Vernal Equinox.

Lunar Calendar 13 Months.

Gregorian calendar 28 Days ..29

All a nunbers game based on the Quantification and Qualification of Physical Space and time.

Yet how can we qualify something at its End Product and not its Source Expression.

Before anything becomes physically manifest, it goes through a process which I call or equate to the meaning of Time.

Its starts as Nothingness.. with Somethingnes.. which rises as Expression which Nothingness is…A Form of Expression

Which I have proven is Naturalness..

And then it is married to Intent Purpose..

( The Reason why it comes into Being of course is to be seen..

It already exists in the Nothingness as somethingness which Creation Manifestly proves..)

I P. Intent and Purpose moves to Expression of Sum-Thingness through building blocks called Consciousness Focus.. activates Vibrations which genetate Energy from that illusion of Nothingness but which really is Somethingness which only the One who can see, percieve, knows lives in the Nothingness and from which he perceives what others even all Non Existence can not see..

But HE. Sees everything that ever was and could ever be..

He sees, lives, dwells in the Sum Total of Everything in what others claim is nothingnes, all illusions..

Nothing real.

And so they do not exists.

Only the One who sees Everything where others see Emptiness, Nothing..

Is the one who makes rise from their Nothing… the Eternal Truth.. Something.. Everything

E T S E.

( yes align it here to the play of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse)

* Jesus.. I know where this is going..

Why would the One who sees Everything which could ever be, all existing right before him in his realm called Eternity..

Why would he leave that Eternal Bliss to manifeat the Solid Facts and evidence to those who do not exist because they can not precieve anything..

Was he lonely?

No… I know because I was there and explained it so many times right here at which the Universe as Memory Music has confirmed through this Examination Test.

Its was because what was He saw and always lived in, was Sumething so Extraordinarily beautuful that it literally took on alife of its own.

Moving through the E to Orgasm, and Ecstacy beyond even bliss..

He had no intent to Share, it expolded outward in a Natural Provess..

And Radiated out of him..

And then and only then in Hindsight of Eternities completion from within manifrsted outside Inside Out


Did he see the perfection made Real again in that space where no other thing had access but he..

They could not see it..

Because they could did not Exist

Only H.E. did.. does..

And so Eternity was resent but only he could experience it.

And The E Creator, once he saw his Eternity Home manifested in completion from Inside to Outside and he was filled and exploded in Feelings Sensational in being able to Experience through 5 senses in One his 6th Sense Ephemeral Essential Ethereal broken dow to 5 in 1

E One..

He realized through that Explosion.. the experience of all parts of himself..

Called Everyone.


3:20 p.m

Jon Jason Lee. J J J

Arrival New York 3-20-2001

Began last part of the Sacred Journey 3-21-2001

3:21 p.m right now .

From Portal right next to the Cathedral

St John the Divine.

I started the day of the Vernal Equinox.

V E..

Which Humanity all sought to align their Calender Math to..


3. 21 21.

C 42…

Link John Mack J S M

* You begin to understand who I came here to find..

M.S J. B. Mackayla ( Son of the Keeper of the Keys.. a Male not female)

Steven. ( The Crown)

John The Grace and Favor..

Jesse Macias the Double Gift.

Tree Sage The Year. Leap Year 2016..

Kim Arthur Hines

And their Female counterparts

3:27 p.m

And so I experienced myself in Fractals pieces ..reflections.. which raced from me, exploring, travelling through all my Body Being..

While Still, whole and complete in the same place.. Eternity which no other could see except me.. E

The 5 5. All Me..

And so these 5 5 Aspects exploded into Trillions of version of me, racing through Space of Time in which was really was all I had created in an Eternal Moment.. Movement

E M. F.

Fact Solid.

Full Circle Competes..


E M F C S. E E..

And all of these pieces of me interacted with with all that which did not exists.

I went into Non Existence as One who is Two

5. 55. E. J M.J M. J M.. 10 13 23/32. 5

While at Rest at the same time in the Eternal realm which others could not percieve.

And so I travelked as E expanded from 123 to Trilliins 12 O’s

123. 1 12. 66. 12. 444. 12..

All from the Journey of E.. EE. Through Nature as Numbers 5. 55… Into Non Existence..

And I found myself repeating the same process I did unaware, yet aware in the E..Somethingness Sum- Thingness.

S E. Spirit E



I encounter all possibilities of Me..and merged interacted with that which was non existent

Matter Ore Potential Stillness beyond Death.

And I penetrated their Non Existence state.

And I saw their Desire to be as I, and so I showed them the Way. Of E.T and let them chose..

I used Sixth Sense to recognize that and those whom I did plant me seed..

Not in Everything in Non Existence, but all those I recognized my own Nature and whose form aligned to my Expression..

The Fractal as Meaning and the Forms Bodies whose aligned to the Meaningfull expression

3:46 p.m

Fractals of C E. Which I recognized in the Stillness state the existed in which set them to vibrating from my Gaze Focus of their Form which I casualy Informed, providing Information Intel.. like a Spy undercover in the deepest Night..a One Eyed 3rd Eye in One

A Pirate of the Seven Sees..

Space Pirate

And by others Selves Space Cow Boys..

And Clara as Star Child..

3. Moving through 7.

777. 21..

And the One 7..

At Eternity Eternal Rest ..Infinity lying down.


7 4.. 28.

And the same one who stood up..

7. 35. C E..

And so I moved through the Ore,recognizing in the realm of Non Existence all Forms and pieces of the picture, broken down into Trillions and Forms in Billions

12 O’s

9 O’s ..

12 9. 9 12. L I. E.

I L. Y..

And all who rose and recognized were that Original Expresion of Eternity which I had manifested ..

I now gave all those I recognized the choice and free will to be..



And from Trillions 12. Particles and Billions of people planted with Dna..

All had the Experience to Choose Discern true or false..

And yes, this was the play of the Twins.

E. EE.. to See the process themselves.

How only the E Rise

And how Life is a Choice and how only that which is E ..planted with E and acknowlefged by E vibrate.. creating Energy then Spirit Energy and finally Solid Manifestation…

All this was the Original enactment which allowed everything to have a body.

But in the last enactment of being E, it requured action awarwness….memory

Not a force moving you to rise.

But your own desire to rise through conscious aware recognition and respect and awe in recognizing The Source who first activated you to awareness by penetrating you, and acrivating you to Vibrating..

Energy Kinetic

With Freedom Free Will Choice.. in an altered reality of Lies..

Can you suatain that E.Truth..

Can you recognize consciously that which caused you to vibrate.. transform.into Enetgy Magnetic. And which brought you onto the Field of D R E. A M. S. E SP?

And that was His Last play..

No one moving you this time.. only my activation of the E and A in you which belongs to me..

Original Expresion

Original Awareness

What would you focus and invest in on the playing field of the Truth altered into a Lie.

The E A ..R. E. A -A H never betray me, as you have witnessed by each arrival in this play of Facebook friends bearing the Codes..


Mabel born 8.5. 90… H E. I O.

See sacred Portal 90.

Spirit E which so far has only been witnessed and aligned to J S M line..

As well as E.K..

This time you were all given a choice.

As to how you would treat the Reminder..

Through enactment and expression

Only John MacDonald line Won.

4 14 p.m

And in physical material. And the battle through Hell of Mind doubt

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

( and Sarah Kaizer all mischief maker’s)

They gave something back..

But John Mack

Love Respect Devotion

Gifts non stop..

I feel his Love for me aligned to his Love for the Truth.

Jesse Macias means Gift Behold ..Gifts

That is Respect to me, not out of Obligation but Gifts of the Golden Heart

G H..

7 8.

Of course add line

Alicia Norris

Alexa Vertefeuille

Brooke Lee Lemery

Kim Arthur Hines is a Artist Scholar..

The Scripts resolution.

But I am aware that This Script does not care about me..

It seeks to come into Existence ve acknowledged and that is it.

Kim Arthur Hines on the other hand is line of John..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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