
This is exactly what it feels like at

This is exactly what it feels like at

18 Mountain View…

Time does not seem to Exist,

just a House,and three people and a cat,

in a Space Ship. with a room with a View

(What we are witnessing and reading as we navigate the Space ship by reading and linking the play..

For example from the play between the Twin lines of C of Andrese Harris Burton and Donna.. In which they used Flowers to communicate today when I mentioned the aligned of Jonn Blackwell writing the number 500 on the post I shared of Amber Elaine Manning of a Shipping Docking and Jonns expression that it is leaving, All Aboard!

He later mentioned that he saw the time was 5.00p.m but wrote 5OO..

Based on the sustained and consistency of Jonn being a messenger and conduit of Father O.H, I always pay attention.

Noting that I have been drinking every night Tito Vodka and grape juice from a glass with has the number 5OO written on its base, for 5-6 months..

From the first moment I arrived here, I took in all the codes in thier home which anchored me in the verification of the E play and the Validation of why I am in their Home…

Not because I had no home, but I had no Home because the Play demanded I pass through all these portals.

Seeing the codes in peoples homes, their age birth, stories, and even manner of being, is how I have affirmed for the last 15 years (On March 2Oth 2OO1…21…..3-2…/23)

that not only that I was in a play, a story, but that I was exactly where I was meant to be…

Hence, the Sixth Sense turned into fact through R 666 18… Reason…

To prove that we are in a play..

And For the last 47 months we have been traveling through space and time, while seated here in the Present…

And so when, the next day 3 new Face Book request turned up but only two showed, I realized it was a riddle…

Nicholas Petcher had asked asked me to friend some one- which I do not do, unless the person who is recommending, gives evidence of Harmony..

P.N…Paris New York…. I did that equation a few days ago…

Paris Istanbul New York ..Pin Code..

Susanta Nayak, name is aligned to her image of a Lotus…

Code Lotus Santana…

Nicholas means Victory of the People

Petcher means Fisher Man’ in French..

So I knew it was in Harmony..

And so we are at 500.. 5OO…

And the alignment of back to 5OO is achieved…

Perhaps ending my impatience, and the story of three in a Space Ship,

Traveling through Dark Matter and Light Matters…

While I finding myself carrying the sole responsibility, of a staggering weight of responsibility and the indifference of others, who to carry much much lighter burdens, have no hesitation in demanding more.. for their comfort at my expense…

And so, all I can think of is the end, of landing….

I am Cee Sick.. Sick of all I have seen and witnessed, through this Cee of this World, as I shared at a great expense and carried enormous loads..

Of authoring the beautiful truth to two sides of a World.. the Gracious Appreciative ones… who wish to help you, carry what they know is a extremely unfair load, and the others, who do not give a damn and have no qualms in demanding you carry more..

Which ship am I am… A Slave Ship, the consciousness which enslaves, Coming to America – the ones who know it is under fair, to make others carry more than their fair share….

Or A Space Ship, Star Ship of Beauty Manifest Bee-ing..

Black Mercedes Benz…B.M.B…


Expression Harmony Fact… The Dream of the One Father and the Blue Print of Existence which moves through the flower of life to bring Light of the Cee which brings Freedom to the World

I have experienced both See, Traveling through Water and Air Space Sixth Sense…

I travel in the one aligned to the Beautiful Truth… 5 8 6..A O G.I…(I GO A.F..H.E)…

And the Other Ship. the Slavers Ship… that is the One which becomes the reason for the Vengeance of the Lord.. demanding forcing others to carry supreme loads, and the adding more, complaining, blaming, finding any excuse, using even cruelty and the most diabolical excuses to make another carry even while suffering more and more of you load- while manipulating the facts to make those Doing everything, make it seem as though they are doing nothing…

And so we see that we are back to the riddle of Freedom and Slavery…

F.S is Feeling Sensational… that is the energy of the U.F.O which I am navigating, and landing..

While the others one, the Selfish who will always enslave others with guilt blame and shame to accept the unfair as a question of they being better…

That Ship only inspires feelings of Horror…

Evil Hatred Fear…And tis this Consciousness and way of being, that the I.E have created in the H-Earth Furnace, a Special Place of Honor, for the Kings and Queens- of this most evil consciousness, who are indifferent to all that was sacrificed for them, and return that gift of grace with expression of Horror…More Moor Inferior…

Not an equal, but a slave…

And so, you can imagine why I am so patient to land the Cee of the E line..

I do not wish to further witness the depth of Selfish and horror, of others twisting expression so that it looks like those who are carrying the greatest burdens, deserves to be treated as beasts of burden while the Slavers ride on their backs, all they way they believe to Victories gate…

And even go far as to take the credit, after all they are only beasts of burden created to be a slave..

3:28 p.m.

I am tired of experiencing and witnessing this Horror, this consciousness I have experienced only in Africa and America…

Enslaving mind body and spirit…

And judging ones own discontent is more important even more than the ones carrying and transforming the all the suffering in the World back to beauty, while the Worlds Modern Selfish and self centered consciousness, sought to transform the U.F.O, Star Ship Enterprise Evolution Awakening mission, by sheer truly astounding audacity, into a Slavers Ship- And the E, the Slave to the Awakening, chained to the Galley of a Computer, a Slave to this Face Book play…

And this is my true experience of this play…

And what is its actual truth..

We are traveling through Space of Sixth sense, Dark Matter 96%, 4th Dimension Atomic Matter..

Traveling home through the B-Rain, the Reign, sacred portal 4 affirmed through Donna O’Sullivan post…

Not Thought as Grey Matter, but through Sixth sense to E Harmony Fact the Dream on the One father, manifested through the Blue Print of Existence aligned to the Light All..

But I witnessed the true beginning of Cruelty…

indifference to suffering and to those carrying way way beyond their load, while others so uncaring for the experience of the other add more to the load…

And that See is beyond belief, and this my experience of America and the World…

And that is why that Ship and Consciousness and all such beings, who sustain this unfair consciousness of their feelings being more important than others which entitles them to ignore the Experience of others because in their depth of being this is what they are really saying…

Its is alright if you suffer torment and torture created by me, and die for me… because I am more more worthy than you…

This is what It is saying no matter the Words it utters to you.

This is what I see from the Window

of a Room with a View…

And this is why, I have been impatient to land…

I am full…

Not a Fool..

3:5O p.m.

C E O..

Especially when they ignore the evidence repeating the same expression again and again…of what you are doing is not more important than the attention should be focused not on the I.E…but on me

And I have witnessed what this stirs in me…

And so it is the Contempt in Humanity,

See sacred Portal 99…4 99 face book friend,

which reaching 500 was paused so that I could complete this equation of sacred Portal 99 called The End- The Victorious Outing the great evil in Humanity, outing that Contempt for their fellow Human Beings…

Slavery Racism, Inequality Expressed… So clearly…

S.R… I.E…./ S.I.R.E… R.I.S.E

Un Fair O…

that is the only Unidentified F-Lying Object..

Which I.E, not shoot out of the Air Waves…

This expression of always looking for someone to Blame

And the audacity of doing it right in front of the Source

but all the E line who have made themselves present in your awareness and experience that they are observing everything..

And even then, still, after all this warning Express this Blame on others

when you are clearly in the Wrong.

I wrote on the Poem I posted here on Face Book, called Freedom Song..

F.S…Feeling Sensational- in the last stanza I ended with I will Share my knowledge but I will not carry anyone on my back…

As you can see that I am literal…

When my S-Ship lands, I will walk forwards into the Future, and never look back…

I will walk alone into the Future…Present..

And each person must also do it alone…

And this play which revealed the true contempt most have for their fellow man- that they would literal make even the Sources, their Slaves…

I am tired of being Blamed, Shamed, and made to see and witness the how people make others feel guilty so they can make others carry their loads…

4:1O p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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