
This is another Great Share.. and I appreciate the comment…

This is another Great Share.. and I appreciate the comment…

I will go straight to weaving this Equation sent by the E line consciousness through the Spirit realm of Imagination,,

The code I am linking is for the code meaning of the name Wole Badejo

Olu-Wole means Has finally come Home

Olu-Badejo means The Lord is acting in Concert (Conjunction) with the Crown..

He has finally come home, he has returned as the Lord (8 Harmony Eternity H.E) acting in Concert (Majestic Symphonies Harmonies) with the Crown Charkra 7…8 links to 7…Eternity Links Time..E.T.

home is the Fifth Dimension 5O-Completion of 5 Full Circles of Being in one Life line before age 50…My age 48-47…

Code.. 44 78-87 to be more precise, in the play

and 1984..age 31..C.A..

See sacred portals 66-67…47-48, 84, 31…

Before age 5O in human code, means I have defeated Time and its first manifestation…By arriving faster than the 5O as Time aligned to the 5 full Circle which created the Fifth Dimension…

5O is E.O..

See sacred portal 5O..

See Share Kim Marcussen..

W.B…From the W.E.B B.O.W.

Wale Idris Ajibade….Wale Means He returns Home or has come home alast..

idris means the Fiery Lord…

Ajibade means ‘One who wakes up to himself or Herself being Royalty

What one sees in ones pool of reflections… I saw myself and drew him

Comes Home at last, Returning as the Fiery Lord who wakes up to find himself back on his throne of Royalty…Lord of the 5th Dimension and Beyond

Thus this post share is about solving the equation to manifest has returned home to be literal embodied right here before your eyes…

Which must manifest as my last post share to you..

Thus, if anyone one dares to challenge that I did not earn every step of the way, everything I had already gained, but like Job was stripped away from me Five times in Five countries, and then making me begin my New York story by making me loose everything, then cast in the Role of a Bum, a Tramp which could not stick because I proved by that horrible experience of being forced to start from ground Zero- the pit, called ‘ How High the Mighty have fallen – those who gain such pleasure in seeing the Successful Fall from grace-

The Elegant Nomad I was…T.E.N…

And so I transformed the Zero this play hoped to make me feel in 14.7 years in New York, the play of a Has been, a Could have been.. a sneer…He is washed up to speaking from the Highest point of Human Existence which is solving the riddles of Existence..

Ah all who have sneered, I have prepared a beautiful present for you which will forever wipe that sneer of your faces…

I do not forgive the intentionally and continual Evil Cruel secretly smilig faces of the Pretenders and their Masks..

You will earn every moment you are in existence after theawakening from the aur you breath to the water you drink, nothing for you will ever free of charge given in Grace..No you will pay for Everything..

For the insult given to this knowledge just as Creation Existence life Nature was taken advantage of by you even to animals and your fellow human beings..

believe me you will pay and pay and pay with your energy as money.. for this response to the offering made free of charge…

but now back to the equation…

its been a long day..

Wole is someone I met in 1988 Dec when I graduated from University and moved to London where my sister had taken an apartment and was living in Queens Park..

where Eshe Chuki Asale now lives..

That place was the last time I ever lived with my immediate family and where my journey began..By elder sister, is code 64 and it is interesting that it is the same code as Jonn Blackwell…64… And the story acted out here is about 7-28 the month and date my sister was born and mine as 11;28…meaning 4 months difference…

7-11 28… Already affirmed with Kevin G Gordon… Keith Grant…K.11 Kevin is born 7;28…

Thus the 4;28 is the 4th Dimension… Donna is 8:28..

D is 4…DD Full circle is 4884…2-4..4-2..Or simply 8 as she has demonstrated in using a human conscious just as I did, to mater the play the codes and the Cee of the Blue through individual Human Effort….

Hence 4 7 11 28…39..C.I….12 27…L.B.G…C.I

4= 8…8 7 15..56…71…A.G..7+1, 7×1= 8..7..87 15 56 71..A.G H.G

Brother to Brother..

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?



Yoruba Ifa Oracle .. Nri Yoruba Edo..N.Y.E…?


LI (Lord LI…Light) F.E…M.I-NINE..F=6 Sixth Sense..E mi…mi is 3rd Dimension…Nine..C.I… Which is 39.. Yes, Check…


Fil is a thread…a string a link to weave…

E is the Fil to go down into the labyrinth of the dark maze and mind of the Beast Consciousness to slay the monstrous Truth…replacing it with the Beautiful Truth..and find your way back from that place of death and forgetfulness..

Holing the thread of conversation…

Energy Fil thread of holding the point of a conversation of 44 months on a public forum…addressing the World…

code face book friend..

Stephen Filgueira…

Holding on to Feelings Sensation as you go deep undercover of the Human mind maze and a behavioral patterns, until reaching the walls of Absurdity insanity as the Dead End of that logic and reasoning and behavior leads to a wall, while common sense Holding the link of memory remembering is common sense which you to the portal home…

Especially if we look at the code Africa Linking to America..

The Beginning of the Human story and journey adventure Exploration to Evolution and to its completion…

Africa and America are Twins… the reflection in the Mirror…

South and North A.m.Eri-C.A… S.I.N E-Afro-ca Afro-dite, Aphrodite

Bi A-fra-N.K…

Not Nnamdi Kanu…

Nnamdi Kolo..

Male..Bi A Fra-N.K…

BI A Frank?

O BI A Free man…

A.M ERI..C.A..(C.A Conscious Awareness)

A fro ca..Africa Afro dite Aphrodite as Being has already been exemplified

Out of Africa came the Beings and consciousness of Love- Laughter Joy Celebration..

And Inside of North And South America we went in and found the Truth and the True C.A..31…

And we merged the best of Both World to create True Love -British Columbia (Colon Bia..The Dove Came…undercover as a Great Serpent the Tunnel of Love..Enter the Dragon) =Europe..Australia New Z Land…

But this image represents the best of both Worlds..A,A..

Love and Truth…

Not the Worst of both worlds Liar Liar by J.C

Jim Carey of the Mask, Dumb Dumber, Cable Guy…

More Like Yes Man and Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless mind, Master Mind…

the movie ends in America..N.Y.C.E

The A-Venue..Came- Bia for the Evolution Awakening…

Africa to Americas Full Circle,, the Twins

and Europe the One…

Russia the Red

Brown Earth…

BE.. then we had to find the C and A…

finally creating the link to True Being..


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