
This is a long post…

This is a long post…

It moves the Story of the West and East traditions and Creation stories backwards in conclusion of this play back to NRI-ERI…Creation Story of the OI,Nri Igbo peoples of South East Nigeria..(Biafra)…And to the Awaka Amawbia people who are next door neighbors to the O.INRI…

And to the Oracle of Amawbia Awka.. and The Legend of the Beautiful Ones contained within the O.INRI version of Creation who recall coming down from another Dimension through the portal of the Moon, while recalling the way home was through the Sun..Light.. Sun Shine..

The 27th State…

All of which I recognize as Absolute and Universal Truth by my personal experience, and each part of this story rising in my body, and my being and flowing through my Expression through a Will of its own..

So to me, it is not a Story, it is the Truth of my Experience proven True…

Because that truth rose up in my body for everyone to see…

Memory as the Elephant symbolizes….

This has been the Weight of my burden imposed upon me..

Memory of this realm true migration patterns and evolution of Consciousness matched up with the Eternal Truth..of the E line.

Where my facebook friends have observed as I publicly, correlated that which was and has been rising with a will (still beyond belief..but now aligned and linked to reason through this modern day and present day, sum total of knowledge expressed)..

and linked to the Eternal Truth…


Natures Truth…N.T..

And the Eternal Truth…






By being forced into the role of The True Elegant Nomad…

TT..E.N..(20 20..14 5…59..E.I./I.E…40..4O + 10 (John Weedseed-Jonn Blackwell..aligned to one.. Erik Ebright, Eric Eposito..EE.EE..55 55.. 20..Letter T.. or 2O…Two Full Circles)

11:48 p.m. – 12:03-4 p.m.



28-7-9.. B.H-G.I.

Being in Harmony Golden I.



God is Beautiful Harmony to Infinity.

Today is my sister Nnoni’s birthday…

And Kevin G Gordon..(Happy Birthday OlChap)

I called my brother O’Boom Boom recently, twice asking him to give my sister my number, that after all this time, that I believed that it was time when we should speak, and I would tell the story of what truly happened to me.

All roads have led back to Eri and Nri…

Symbolized by my First Contact with Erik Ebright (John Weedseed)..

in 2006 and again in 2016 at 29, N.E, 60th Street, Casa De Bodhi Miami…26..Z..Zeus…Amadi-oha God of Thunder of Lightening- Slavic version ‘Thor…

..O.I..N.R.I…(N.O.I.R..I..I am Black..Smith..?..I.O.N..R.I.R.E ..The Catlyst ION..is Laughter…Amu!…O.R.I.O.N…O.I..Awka Amawbia..A.A..)

Nri Eri…N.E..R.I..

*The Name NERI means. The name Neri derives from the verb ??? (nahar), which means to flow or to shine..

It also means Burning Light, Light of God.. my Burning Light.. and Ocean Spirit…


Henry is a name which has also followed me throughout the last 28 years of my being aware and conscious that I was in a play…Script..

Henri means Home Ruler.. Ruler of the Hearth Ruler of the World..Mighty Rich and distinguished ruler of the home and the enclosure.. the Room with a View… Space.


Henry Azubike Onyenobode…

Henry is the middle name of Joseph Carey…

Nnamdi Emeka…N.E..

Nature Existence..

Natural Expression..

26 N.E..60th Street…

Z.H..(Z,H..Zeus Hera…Zorro Hepheastus..the Black Smith and Aphrodite and their sons N.E..Narcissus (ECHO..53 80…Elizabeth Clarizio and 80 U.S.D…Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..80 Spring Street -Balthazar, Myrh..Transformation.)

Do Erik and Emeka Echo the same Expression.. or was it or is it the E-Spirit moving through him as well as Everyone..

A Consciousness flowing through everyone I was led to meet, connect with because the entire world share the same Dna..And all come from Africa…

2:07 p.m.

Is he my brother, eternally beloved, who played my Father and guide in a play which I would never have agreed with, where the physical body, its functions and meaning as Dna (The Bean shaped Mitochondria Producer of Energy) which has risen in the Human Species by this play of constant expression and bringing it to peoples awareness, by 27 years of non stop expression. And 15 years, of publicly and no longer talking to only the Silence.. but to people..everywhere I am lead..

A Brief History of the Under Dog of World Creation Stories…


I have spoken a great deal about this story of O.INRI..which has been flowing out of me, as I walked through the Spirit World and the Minds expression of Humanity, both past and present..

But I feel that, a very brief history of my ancestral origins of both my Father and Mother, might be advisable to link in completion this Play Theater…To its point..

For truly, I am tired, truly tired of both body and being of figuring out these riddles..

Erik Ebright’s (John Weedseed..J.W..J=10..W=23..32..His age, 5=E..

-and is it not strange that this is the name he adopts, and that I can no longer tag him through the name Erik Ebright.. EE..55 as is that story nd play has been completed…

J.E.W…? or J.E.W…E.L…(28…45

Or better still J.Double V…J.V.V…JOVE..Jupiter.. J.V.V…

J represent in the Alphabet, 10…1O…VV. V-22..44 +10=54..

54 The Bean…1O+22 22..45…


Eriks Father ( Who through education linked to me education wise in that we both studied Urban and Regional planning,and then my linked to the Son,education by both going to Art School.. and then all linked by Computers and Programming-…His line linked by three generations, and mine, right to my grandfather conducting his multi million dollar business, by using an Abacus to my uncle Chidiume graduating from computer science from the University of Lagos in 1982…

It was Eriks Father who commented that I was using numbers and codes to navigate and bridge the gap between the Spirit World and the Physical World.. Quantifying and linking the Seen to the Unseen..

And Erik (John Weedseed) astounding me even more by quietly and confidently, explaining in a few words, exactly what I am doing…

I have been walking through the three worlds of E.S.P…

Using ESP…Energy Spirit Physical.. Energy Momentum Material Embodiment.. E.M.M.E..

Which were the initials of the three then 2 remaining people left at 26 N.E 60 Street, South Miami, Florida…who became a couple..

Emeka Kolo…Erik Ebright, Izzi Creo (M.M)


*See the Signature of Sacred Portal 55…


E.K..M.E.M.E.. (Same)

E.K..E.M.E.M..I.C..J.W..John Weedseed (E.E.L…)


*The power alien meteorite which Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula spoke about a great War between the Benin Edo Empire and the Nri Kingdom when it was kidnapped..stolen.. And the great war to bring it back..


Yes, I have no doubt that Erik Ebright is my Brother Father…

does he know, feel or remember.. perhaps it is better you ask him…

I am tired.. I have linked TWO Aspects..

Link Fractaling As Emeka Eze..F.A..EE…

FA as the 4th Dimension is represented and embodied by both Erik Ebright…N and Eric Eposito….

Casa De Bodhi…as well as the Mcquiness Freeman Shelter, Green Point…

And I have linked Universal Body and Universal Being..(U.B.B.U..Double U….BB..2 2.. 22..V..-5..

2:43 p.m..

..to the 5th Dimension…

Using constant Expression and Spirit (Mind. Brain..MI.END..B-Rain)

for 27-28 years, Fully Conscious (F.C..3 6.. 360..) and Fully Aware..FA… Through the 4th Dimension.. the note of Fa! and the note of Mi…The 3rd and the 4th.. the 4th and the 3rd…

Mi Fa..M.F..Milina Franke..Morgan Freeman..



Bu means to Carry a Heavy Load…in OINRI Igbo…


A.H…Alexander Hephaestus…

Alexander is Aphrodite…(Hephaestus was Alexander The Greats be say lover…And yet that is the name of the God the Blacksmith..)..

A,A..really A.H… The same person, Brothers Twins..

Eros Cupid..E.C..53…And now, their ONE Expression..

The Spirit of Beauty Mami Wata the Ocean Spirit…

The Lady of the Lake.. The C..See…

Six Sense… Erik Cecelia…E.C..H.O..

Hephaestus is the God of Fire and Smelting…

I am Fire.. Erik is Water…B.EAU..TI…

And the Hammer and the Anvil.. and the Forge is the Earth-Volcano…and the Lava flowed into the Sea.. and a great Mist arose..

*Mists of Avalon…

Which rose to the Heavens.. Mount Olympus.. Enu Igwe where the E.Gods live…Ascended Masters…

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula’s post did not surprise me in the slightest.

Anyone following this 4.4 month demonstration, can read clearly the facts, and where these road has led me..us.

The equation I keep on translating, (while I counter it back with the weave and consciousness of the E from the 5th dimension consciousness), keeps on moving back to Eri and Nri…

Erie, as in Lake Erie, Lake Aguleri…

And to NRI… Jesus Christ….the sign on the Cross when the romans crucified Yeshua Christ…The Anointed Word Energy A.W.E.

O.I.Nri of the Igbo people who are linked to me by ancestry, and Dna…

As well as my bio Fathers Ancestry, Amawbia- which simply means ‘The Visitors’…

Both areas have histories shrouded in mystery… The Visitors..?

The Strangers.. and their mysterious Amawbia-Awka…

And the stories of both the Amawbia craftsmen and the Nri priest are very similar to the story of Zeus, Aphrodite and Hephaestus-The Black Smith, and Eros and Cupid…

In Awka, we believe that we are more ancient than Nri. Our traditions say that before the eponymous ancestor of the Nri people came from the Anambra Valley to settle in Agukwu, Awka was already an established centre of iron technology and the trade in ivory. Nri traditions would appear to admit as much. According to the legends of the Nri people themselves, when Eri their purported progenitor came down from the sky to the valley of the Anambra River, he could not settle there because the land was waterlogged. Then Chukwu, the high god, sent an Awka blacksmith with his bellows, fire and charcoal to dry up the land. Eri was only able to settle there after the Awka smith had finished his assignment. Eri was so impressed with the Awka man’s work that he rewarded him with an ?vb? (short ritual staff) which conferred on him special claims to the smithing profession.

A Dude arrives from the Sky..-N.E.O…Mr Anderson (Nnonyem/Nnamdi Emeka Obum..N.E.O..Code Natural Expression O.E.R..I.E…(Air..Aire I.. Umeano…meaning Breath, my mother Onu meaning Mouth)

The Blacksmith….Crafts Men…

These first Awka people lived on the banks of the Ogwugwu stream in what is now the Nkwelle ward/village in Awka. How they got there, who their migratory leaders were, whence they came, are all lost in the haze of remote history. We do know that these earliest people consisted of three kin groups – Urueri, Amaenyiana and Okpo – and were collectively called the Ifiteana. ‘Ifiteana’ roughly translates into “[people who] sprouted from the earth”.

*My Mother Grandfathers village in Enugwu-Agidi, Nri is called Ogwugwu… Stream of Consciousness…

Ogwugwu means Infinity.. God Divinity…

Ogwu means Natural Medicine… Asclepius..Ophiuchues..

13th Door (Nnamdi passes age 13..born Easter, leaves full circle the same day…13=M..A.C… Avery Colobert…

A.C (=10..1O)=.M.(D)

A-AHTOM Is Energy…

My equation for Energy..

E =C.M.e 4/3…

Sacred Portal True Life…

Which means that to pass through the Portal, you must be a Healer..Which is what it means to be a Hue-man Being..H.B..

11-28…Not a Destroyer…Only that which Creates can Destroy..

Only the Creator can be the Destroyer…

3:34 p.m.

Afa divination[edit]

The name of divination in Igbo derives from ígbá áfà or áhà meaning ‘to name’ coming from the diviners skill in rooting out problems hence naming them.[58] The dibia or ogba afa, ‘interpreter of afa’, is considered a master of esoteric knowledge and wisdom and igba afa is a way in which people can find out the cause of such things as misfortunes. The diviner interprets codes from àlà mmu? the unseen by throwing divination seeds, cowries, and beads,[58][59] or observing a divination board sometimes called osho which can be used in pronouncing curses on the evil.[60] In this way the diviner is endowed with special sight.[61] it is related the sciences of homeopathic medicine known as ?´gw?`,

The Ifiteana people (i.e., the Old Awka people) were a settled agricultural society. However, big-game hunting constituted a very important sector of their economy. The elephant was their most prized game; its tusk was a very valuable article of trade.

The Ifiteanas already knew the art of smelting iron ore and fashioning the implements of farming, hunting and, of course, war. Their first and chief god was an old deity called ?kikanube (usually shortened to ?kanube). According to the myths of these people, ?kanube was a supernatural being who came from the sky and taught the Ifiteana people of old the arts of working iron and making medicine. His name ?kanube means ‘He who is Pre-eminent with the Spear’. He was basically a hunting god and the myths say he showed the people how to hunt with iron spears (ube) laced with medicine, hence his name.

The elephant tusk, called okike, was the symbol of the god ?kanube. Every Awka compound had this important ritual symbol kept in the family chapel cum reception hall (called the obu). In the fifth month of every Awka year,

He is pre-eminent with a Spear.. Orion..?

Those are the sneakers, I wear and has followed me in this play even to a chap called Angel Perez..A,P..

*Apollo Perez

whose energy and spirit, I recognized, had the Tatoo of ORION../NOIR.O..The Black Source..

(Jonn Blackwell, Sarah Nkem Blackstock, Sonny Black)

Black Smith -Hephaestus…

And the female Goddess which replaced this famous and feared Agbala Oracle was female..

A Virgin…and a very interesting story with Igala Medicine men…


Which then overtook Apollo (Okanube) Agbala..

A.A..O.I…N… ION…N.O.I…R..Robert…N.O.I.R..O/O.R.I.ON

(Erik Ebright (John Weedseed), Robert..Q..

And their most famous Market is called Eke Oyigbo

E.O..The Foreign Python.. Oyigbo means White Person

European Python..E.P..Elizabeth Palacio..(..J.B..Jonn Blackwell’s Mom)

I Guess, I fit the bill, considering that my intials are E.K.E, and I am doing this work and mathematical treatise and equation of the Circle ‘Kolo linked to O.I..Nri.. (Okanube-Imo-Oka..Nomeh..(Nom-E.H.), I.O..I.O.N..

Chukwu is the supreme being of the Igbo religion. In the Igbo pantheon, Chukwu is the source of all other Igbo deities, and is responsible for assigning them their different tasks. The Igbo people believe that all things come from Chukwu, who brings the rains necessary for plants to grow and controls everything on earth and the spiritual world. They believe Chukwu to be an infinitely powerful, undefinable, supreme deity encompassing everything in space and space itself.

5th Day..

There are five aspects of Chukwu:

Chukwu – the first force and existence of all beings.

Anyanwu – symbolic meaning of the sun. The sun reveals everything so Chukwu is the source of knowledge and the author of all knowledge.

Agbala – the fertility of Earth, its people, and its spiritual world full of sub-deities.

Chi – a sub-deity functioning as a personal, spiritual guide.

Okike – creator of laws that govern the visible and invisible.[4]

Linguistic studies suggest that the name Chukwu or Chukouuee is a portmanteau of the Igbo words Chi (spiritual being) and Ukwu (great in size).[1]

This legend rationalizes the relationship which existed between Nri and Awka for centuries. Awka’s prowess in metal-working was invaluable to the Nri hieratic elite. Awka smiths manufactured the metal paraphernalia of the Nri man’s priestly office, including the ?t?nsi staff with which Nri priests claimed to cleanse abominations. The creative forces behind what has come to be known as the Nri ‘civilization’ were, in fact, three distinct social castes: First, the Nri priests who performed rituals of various sorts; second, the ?m?di?ka body-artists who cut the intricate nobility marks (called ichi marks) on the faces of the elite; and third, the Awka metalworkers who produced objects of utilty used by both the Nri priests and the ?m?dioka body-artists. A remarkable combine of ?m?dioka’s artistic skill and Nri’s spirituality, backed by Awka’s technological power lies at the soul of Nri cultural greatness.

In this wise, historians have postulated that the Igbo-Ukwu bronzes (the earliest known works of their kind from sub-Saharan Africa) were made by Awka smiths working under the aegis of Nri. If indeed the Igbo-Ukwu bronzes were connected with Nri rites, as is thought by some scholars, then it is most likely that their manufacturers were Awka smiths. There is no tradition that Igbo-Ukwu ever had a caste of smiths; the nearest important centre of smithing to Igbo-Ukwu was/is Awka, less than 20 miles away. The theory that Awka smiths made the bronzes is a compelling one.

In Awka, we say: ‘Etuvbe, etuvbe gbavba a gbavba, ?ka na Nri bu ovbu, ebe-ne-ebe.’ This roughly translates: ‘If you search deeply into history, you will find that Awka and Nri are one’. The activities of both peoples complemented one another.

Awka-Amawbia, Enugwu-Ukwu-Nri.. All these twowns including Oguwugwu,feature in my where my parents and grandparents came from each of these places..

Awka-Amawbia, Enugwu-Ukwu-Nri.. All these towns including Oguwugwu,feature in my where my parents and grandparents came from each of these places…

And recall the story of my coming third in the State, in the entrance exams to University of Awka.. to study Brewing..

My mother recounts that the man who was later to become her boyfriend, after she left my Father was already living in my grandfathers house, when she was born…

He was the Chief Librarian of the entire continent of Nigeria..

(Elephant Memory)

He came from Amawbia, just as my Father…

Nnamdi is was buried there…

Amawbia people used Medicine to Kill Elephants.. Kill Memory..

O.INRI People used Ogwu medicine to Conquer Memory…

by being able to Remember beyond this life and existence..

The title given is Otigbuinyinya Inyinya means Horse..

Symbol of the Spirit.. the Mind..

The stillness as Death, the Stillness of the lake, becomes a mirror in which all memory comes back…

Thus, to truly conquer memory… Symbolic of the Elephant..

one must first Conquer the Spirit.. World… The Mind….

3:48 P.M.

And so I am at 147 The Bean…

14 7..N.G…/ Greece..NRI…

Just got of the phone with Clio Fotiyadis.. she is at the island of her Mothers birth.. .

i left Istanbul in 2000 November.. I have not seen here in 16 years..

She told me about how much her life has so dramatically changed and how she went to India, studied under Shamans and has become a bona fide Healer!

She healed a woman of cancer.. in San Francisco…

And I recall the Woman in the Cafe in France, in 1992 who walked up to me infront of everyone who began begging me to heal her friend of Cancer…

And then the man who I lived with who had Leukemia…Erica sent me to live with him, saying I could heal him..

How? I demanded..

Just be yourself she said…

He was cured I heard after I left his house…

When I was doing my Thesis on The Ancient Nri people, there was a theory that they were related to the Greeks…

I saw the possibility but was offended by the idea that a western influence had to create the Nri cosmology…but It is obviously the other way around….

4:03 p.m.


I am sitting at 147 The Bean Cafe…


Emmy .N.G…See sacred portal 147..Emmy

E.N.G..L.A..(E) N.D./D.N.E…

*i was born in London England…


Awka-Amawbia…Rome.. Italian…Eric Eposito…

And yes the two of them are one…

N.(E) G…/

G.E.N…Meaning People in French…

N.I.E.G.E ..Snow in French

A.R.. .1 18… See sacred Portal 118…Revelation of the Source by the Horned one of Africa… Rhino Africa.. Alchemists Magicians Sorcerers Magicians..Dibia…

A.R..E../ E.R.A..

People are the Era…?


E.A.R.S… Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana…

The correct equation out of all these correct equations is …

E.N…G.L. A.. E.N.D… EN G-LA(e)ND E…

IN g=7..007.. La (6th Note Fact) the END/ D.N.E..Transformation..

IN Grace Land..E..




Ege Clio’s son means the Aegean Sea…

She is on a Island called Gokceada…



(Placename) a Turkish island in the NE Aegean Sea, west of the Gallipoli Peninsula: occupied by Greece (1912–14) and Britain (1914–23). Area: 280 sq km (108 sq miles). Turkish name: Imroz..

ZOR MI…Zorror Mi…! AMI…


It means Center

Centaurus… Centaur.. Center US…!.. Cent TA U R…US!

See yesterdays plays.. Scorpio -Water..AEGEAN E.G.E

E Greece Expression…

Zayin.. number 7…

The Mother is in the Womb of her Son… the B-eau ti ful Blue Sea of Paradise…

Ege was 9 years old when I last saw him.. his father is Mehmet Mutaf..MM..is male.. a Man not a woman…


Zorror Expression Zeina…B.eau ti…Masculine.

C.F… 36…36O…Circle Center.. Centaur…


M.C..E… M.F..

E.N.G..LA..(E)..N.D.S.. G.E.N.S

IN glands….Pitutuary Gland…

E.A.R.S… that listens… H.E.A.R.S…


IN Grace of the G note LANDS


4:43 p.m..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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