
this imagery is Brilliant..

this imagery is Brilliant..

And aligns to the last Riddles and Sequencing I have been solving from the Namaste-E Consciousness from Beyond..

Full Circle,


Music Sound Color

Do re me fa so la

ROY(G)GB.I.V..E Harmony

4.3 Million Albums..

43 Sacred Portal True Life’

43 7 12.. 1984…Big Brother Watching’ 1O3..13.. 4 D.

Everything checks out Kosher even the code L.S

Larry Sax.. code 19..47

1O:O1-2 p.m

Sword Crowned with Laurels of Victory.. over Sight Sound and the Dark side of the Moon..

is really the process of Quantum Quintessential Transformation

-That is the great mystery of Dead..

not really about the Pharaoh…and the Pyramids of Light

Say ED Light..

This is the equation for A.B.C.. Light Divine Expression I- Infinity…

E.D,I…F=Fact of Sixth Sense is the note of Gee Harmony..Infinity..

Music -Voice..

A,H,.. M,V…

Moves V=5=E..

Literal, watched Like Summer Like Rain yesterday with Jonn Blackwell and Donna.. L.S.. L.R.. Larry Sax, Leslie R..C

And there was this boy playing such music that I literal watched as my body began to move.. literally with no will of mine, it was being moved by the music.. And as I have stated, by literally biological body is fascinatingly awake with a will of its own..

A Joyous presence within me people say..and a body which dances by its own accord..

which was my last prove 12 years ago, that this is the literal Awakening of the World- because it is literally ad figuratively happening to me..

1O-11 p.m

Ga La X Y Z.. C.I.. 1O-11..


1O:12 p.m

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