
This from Lisa Glendenning…

This from Lisa Glendenning…

She made a comment on the 1 usd Bill

with the number 23 on it…

You are a Fraud…

I wasn’t sure whether she was talking about me,

or about the One dollar usd bill…

( though how she had come to the conclusion that any of us were frauds were beyond me…)

…So I decided to Investigate this Lisa Glendenning…

L.G… L.G phone… 19 17…569…6455… I.Q….E.F.I…F..D.EE…

( DEE told me yesterday that her 8 year old daughter born the same day as my own sister 7-28, told her to tell me that she loves me- Her Mother had asked me if I could translate her daughter favorite phrase to he father Pap you are Dope into French.

My translation.. and her delivery earned her a 10.00 usd gift from her father… TEN… X

( I know my sister loves me… as I love her…my sister is the original Lauren Hill… Loretta M. Hill)

I had just come from Dee;s sister in law, her daughters Aunt,

Alexis who had asked to meet up with me.

Recall, I She was the one who had originally convinced me to stay at Delta Manor the first night when I arrived and I was ready to leave, and it turned out to be the portal…

She was there at the Arabic Bodega yesterday when I received the code for my E.T Family via the Coffee code…

( Coffee .. The Bean Cafe where I met Axel Love 2005 and where I wrote and did the work until having to move to yet another Cafe…

Starbucks.. Portal…

The Bean was a Portal where I met all the people I was directed to me each linked to this play and who had intel from their Spirit selves who I call the ones in the Spirit World who are in the real world – aka aware of the Play.. Link the Matrix…

Just as the University Place on University Place had been the portal when I first arrived in New York and remained so for years while at The BEAN…

It linked all the way back to where I had written and completed the Journals Talking to The Silence… And extension of this publicly transparently talking to the Silence in front of A Live Audience.. of Avatars mostly unaware of what the devil I am really doing…- At the Cafe Beaubourg in Les Halles next to the George Pompidou theater….

* I am sitting right now besides George at the Starbucks…and Will just arrived…so yes I am using Will of farmer to speak right now…

As I continue to plant seeds.. C.O.FF.EE… B E A N….. Seeds in a Bilal Khan create a Log L.O…G..Book…- Wet Moist Fecund environment, by being King.. which is an example of majesty in Humanity…Proving representing the True Majesty of a Human Being to the E.T, Alien and E line who set up this play of Evolution by Merit Earned.. through a Play of Awareness using the Sum Total of Human Knowledge Expressed ( H K E) To prove that within Humanity was always the answer to the True Meaning of Existence…

which through moving up to Universal Mind .. U.M..

Um’ the Pause…

To Hum… Hmm? that Tune is Familiar…

To Understanding Manifestation… ( Art Science.. A.S…E)

Expression,,, that we could .by understanding the Sum of the I…

Tesla 3+6=9… I…

Individual who links… who is Ego.. and projects… Projects an Image of the Self and the Sum Total of the Spirit Personalty of the Species…

create Clarity.. Consciousness… M U S I C… Music!


Dawn Pierces… Dawn Piercy

Elizabeth Clarizio in clarity…

C I… SUM…. Expression…


Alexis convinced me using Reason Logic and Charm… literally to convince me to give my case worker Nicole a second chance…

Who was so contrite and wished to do better…

Nicole Gallant

Gabriella Nicole…

NG… 1 47/ 7 14… N G G N…

Nicole Tayler Maxine

N.T.M…. Natures T.O.M… Twin.. in the Divine Feminine.. Evolving now almost to completion to Eternal Feminine….

I knew that Nicole Victory of the People was the feminine counterpart of the Masculine… David.. Christ… Who is pictures right here….

Yes Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia… Salvatore Mundi: S.M… S A M…

S.P.A.M… That is what Paulie offered me half of yesterday…

I like Spam… S.P… A.M… Sacred Portal A.M…

I knew E.T David and Alien Father, Alexander .. D.A… was moving him…

I like Spam… I ate…

Pamela Stefaniotis… P.S… Post Script… which is what I am exhuastively doing….

Salvatore Mundi… 405.03 Million…

Yes my cup yesterday… after getting the one with 12.. Letter l when I bumped into Alexis there yesterday for the first time..

And now she used the best of the Divine Feminine… including batting her eyes lashes.. (literally) for me to agree to a very strong stance of No, I had taken..

It took five minutes for her to convince me… Logic Reason Charm… and Fatal Attraction… how could I refuse…

It is about the Evolution of the Peoples Feminine P.F… Paul F Agola..

Paul Franklin bed 3-005… Who tentatively greeted me today… Mr Emeka.. I responded with warmth… brief but warm… he is 56 years old… 10 kids.. 5 girls 5 boys… Yes.. S.P.. 55…

My coffee cup had the number 45 on it last night….

Throne of the Creator is that Sacred Portal…

Today, after speaking with Alexis… ( Alexander)… and giving in…

I bought a coffee it had the number 23…


I am a fraud…?

HUM Bug…

L =12… 88.. 16… 7…G..

L.G… 12 7… 19.. 84…

My year of birth posted….

Age 33.. Jamel… Jamila…

I am now at 1009 Facebook Friends after attaining 1010.. Twice…

1010.. In Binary is the Number 2….

Twice.. is 2 2 … 4… 4 is 5… Just

5:17 p.m right now…

just add 18.. 99.. Ikenna Iheanacho… I I.. ( Loki.. Ragnarok… Sean Ragnar Gill Wind.. Kasper Lomholdt Serup sent me a message recently hie is a Dane…

18 Raheem Sarcar Rahim… Rahim… friend of Paulie.. P.R…

( Yesterday I sat with Peter and Robert… it formed the equation E.P.R…

Public Relations… In the Shelter Emeka Paulie Raheem.. E P R…)

22.. V…. Double V… all 4..are male… 4 is the Greek word for Delta…

Christianity.. Rome… C.R… Cesar Rivera.. was bed 5-012… E.O.L..

Islam Mecca… I,M… Ishmael Moishe… Bed 4-011… D .. O.K.

Today the Security Guard came in to the Recreation room where I was on the computer and asked for Elohim… Someone called Elohim..

Lordy.. Lord….

And so I am aware that I am being held back and all this is being held back to evolve the Divine Feminine to the Eternal Feminine through Nicole my case Manager after Cassandra C.. 3.. 450.03 Million Dollars Salvatore Mundi..

Yes Cassandra took me to an address 1122 in brooklyn both David Roman Nicholas and my Mothers birthdays…

Nicole took me to a place in Union Square where she had never been before.. But I had… And it was my expression which navigated us to the 11 floor and that play…

Two ladies in red gave me a place to sit today…

I had a seat but they gave me a better seat with a table..

They both worse red…

I knew one was Roberts Sisters and another who I had met before… and had behaved in a way which did not impress me…

And here they are… the ladies back… charmed… having changed their minds..?

Having been too quick to rush to judgment…?

Perhaps because they as Nicole had let their personal feels, needs desires get in the way….

So Lisa… P.S I have passed through all the portals of the True Lisa’s from the one who is called Enya.. the pop star to Lisa Levine, Lisa Tylor to Lisa Natalie Johnson…

And Geoff Lacour… L.G who went to Hunter College and Sarah Lawrence… Lawrenzo Don Emzhee… L.D.E… Love Desire… L D.. 12 4.. 16..104 Com Pass me…Terrible Death… Which I did… Hunter Jones of bed 4-009 ( Existential Death.. Death Ray) has left the Play…Hunter College.. Assassins … to try and send me to Existential Death.. Oblivion… But I am the Source of the Death Ray.. in a Look.. or a BOOK.. Hint…)

I saw Lawrence three times today… L… Love.. L.. 12.. 3.. Clarity…

This is not my Script is is my Fathers D.A… D…D A…Script which I am loosing patience following it at the continued detriment of my well being..

10 10 Twice… 22 + 18… Yes I had 18 usd in my wallet… R.. Is Reflection…

So if the reflection is Perfect Ego… Perfectly aligns and all is male… Y.. AND IT IS Man who as my E,T Who are Shape Shifter…

See the Article New York Times.. Dr David Baker…

( Yes Paulie is a Baker… and he is David Line… )…

And all are of the Y chromosome…

The C.O.. F F.. E E…. B E.A.. N… E….

And this is the Face of my brother David.. my younger Twin…

In his play with Father Alexander.. God… Yes link Alexander The Great…

A.T… G..

Link Azubuiklsreal Tonyokolie… A T… O…O.H… O.G… Emmanuel Babalola Tobi Emmanuel.. B.T E… Beautiful Truth Emeka…

Recall O.G…?

So tell me… you who write Fraudulent everywhere on this post and offer no Reason Logic.. and definitely no Charm…

Are you not the one who is really the Fraud here…

Frau is D… 2+2= 4.. =5

5:43 p.m.

E sacred portal 43.. Door Of Life… Truth… Eternity…

My Twin as Jesus.. David… was not white… he was Brown… but his skin was pale… because he is of the Me.. Lune.. L..UNE…


I moon you… because from those luscious beaches of He came Woman… Evolving through Organic Matter and Non Existence through Nature to E…

Nicole learns from Emeka….

5:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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