
This equation and post is part of the play and demonstrates how I am Impulsed and Stimulated by your Human Being Intelligence to the Script…

This equation and post is part of the play and demonstrates how I am Impulsed and Stimulated by your Human Being Intelligence to the Script of Evolution and Physical Transformation ( Spring) to regeneration and the last part of my Equation I was forced through this Controlling Script to prove as a Human Being but using the 5th Dimensional understanding of Conscious Creation from nothing to something and to move the E in Every Thing

Every Where

Every One


One Two

I. I I

Meaning Everything in Existence Creation manifested From the One who is Two.

This was inspired by Ogonna S Omocrafts

O S O.

Full Circle the Source in Supremacy as The Creator- which comes to me ( represented by the Equation I manifested through this Pans Labyrinth, Maze of Daedalus and the Numeric Matrix.

This it is the E.L O S O E .L script and by answering or equating this test of awareness and equating this to my script..

For example John Mack was wearing a code indicator The Bean

Mitochondria Cell is Bean Shaped and produces Energy for the Body.

He was present when the People as representations of the Equations I have been solving resolving through raising their awareness to the different way the E consciousness read and perceived the world.

Through Common sense.. Matching and Core-relating.

He arrived with McKayla Rays and Andrey Klebanov on 3-8-2019.

It ended with my Equation

1. 11..

Meaning at 1 was where all began and then they became two and from the 1 who is 2 to infinity came into Existence Everything which ever could or would be…

See sacred portal 147. A.B.

* I got up and came to the Kitchen last night and the time was 1:47 a.m

Today I happened to check the time for the first time today, once again the time was 1:47 p.m

The Time now is 4:03 p.m


Sacred Portal Door of Life

John’s Initials first and last, create the number


There are 46 Chromosome


The Bean

His full initials firm 42..

He left to Costa Rica with Mckayla on the 24th


He is X chromosome as is Mckayla who is the feminine version of him

Generation X

Manifested from the Masculine Feminine expression the two in One..

Rep Thomas Lang and Liberty C Liscomb.

And 5th Child Jeron.

Sacred Portal 46 is The Creator on Cloud Nine dropping his first seeds semen- self onto the World.

64 is he as Man Universal S ensie of the Divine Serpent.

But 64 was represented by Jonn Blackwell (J.B) Delguidce husband of Donna O Sullivan where I spent 9 months in 2015-2016 with them at Mountain View, Poughkeepsie..

He was born 64

She. 58.

He is male J.B.. J.D .

See sacred portal 104 J.D

And me as J.B.

right to connecting with Josh By-water brother of Esteban Miguel Filgueira.

M.I.T. O S I.S..


S. I.S O. T I M E. (Father Time Neptune)

4 Stages of Division

2 4. ( 1. 2 4) 1. 11. 11 11.

4 2. 1111. 11. 1

As I stared this is the play.

I equate the alignment of this Intel which links to the First Cell and the Division of Cells which then full Circle back to one Body.

Micro Macro…

And that all Creation is moved by Expression as 6th Sense planted in as Knowing without even knowing why.. no reason and yet all manifesting, blossoming, rising, moving in a natural perfect timing called 6th Sense

Expression Sixth Sense.

4:20 p.m

And so, once again I am completing the Equation of my awareness and knowing not only where I am in the Script aligns with what I already know…solved and have been Reading the echo though all of you and our interactions which reveal Intel

That we are at the Regeneration of the Physical body- the last evidence of Proven True Fact of this is Evolution to the 5th Dimension and back to Origins E but the line of the EE T.W.O

Now have bodies too.

No longer invisible to humans..

Ethereal Elemental

Sub Atomic parties and waves

The ones who came before all but


The Nothingness or Full Circle from which I have stated I recall rising from was filled with quiet expression in my eternal contemplation of everything.

And how when the full Circle of the understanding of the Infinite- Infinity and Eternity rose – called My Home and soon here, The Home of the Eternal Ones, manifested into Solid firm- the realm beyond even the meaning of Beautiful for it is from here that all The Beautiful arose for it is the birth place of the Two Beauty and Love..Life Eternal

See sacred portal 31…

1987….. 31

Erection Generation Ressurection Rebuilding

True Creation

True Clarity




None can go beyond the 1

The I

The Creator and Source of Infinity and that first nothingness he ( I) dwelt in ( which I am being forced to prove twas In deed I, as a Man.).

– dwelt in which later became the first fill Circle.

Translated in the Bio physical material realm, as the First Cell.

F C 63.

C F 36

Fritz Venneiq is also Fritz Campbell V

Christopher Filgueira C F

ChrisFranco..C F… I met him through Nikoma he was living in the same building # X.

In the cell or what later become the Cell after my Contemplation and reflections in the Nothingness of Extase Bliss began to take on a form..become translucent like a bubble ..

And there I began to hear my own contemplations and Expression from silence turn to Quiet and then Sound.

Seeing 1.47 a.m and p.m

Morning Afternoon


I knew I was being told by my own Best Friend Harmony. The Play today

Body and Being.

Proving that within the Nothingness was my own quiet knowing of Everything expressed as knowledge which is what can be called 6th sense..which is the Perfect Timing and Knowing of how everything is and the process of how each thing that was one become that expression of Infinite variety and like Snowflakes linked to Water..

Clouds. 9

It brings forth Individuality which goes on as Infinity but how in truth they are all

1. 11

1 2

1. 11. 1

1 2.1

One Two. And back to 1.

There is no real 3 actually

All are I….1



Called E.. 1 who is 5

And now in this play 6.

56 11. 1

4:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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