
There is so much I could have said about this versus my own work as a man on Patterns, Golden Ratio, Art Dance Science, Intuition, Consciousness, Social Interaction, DNA.. Jealousy and the supreme punishment for my audaciousness for daring to simply know how I Know.

There is so much I could have said about this versus my own work as a man on Patterns, Golden Ratio, Art Dance Science, Intuition, Consciousness, Social Interaction, DNA.. Jealousy and the supreme punishment for my audaciousness for daring to simply know how I Know.

And this challenge given to me, after countless others, to prove, offer Proofs.


I watched this with cool calm dry eyes, not even a cold stare… or sadness.

I am here in a little room.

Living hand to mouth with a body where nothing is wrong with it except it be yet ing another test and challenge to overcome while proving this reality out of existence by proving that it is not real.

I could tell you that I never asked for any of this.

To prove the Source, what a man can do…

I simply came here to Celebrate and enjoy being alive in existence.

I am not humbled, rather I am beautiful proud and fully recognize alone, what I have done- while aware of how I was through into a pit, not of my peers in having the same understanding,to laypeople ( most who these challengers felt would never understand my work and what I am doing proving into existence, over and over again for 14 years since I prooved into the fact the equation of Infinite Energy E=CMe4/3) and challenged to prove my equations… Not the theory of everything but the facts of everything. and in the worse conditions since I came to the U S A.

To have not one person working by my side in excitement and understanding what has been achieved, what I have been working on.

but I accepted the challenge even to the worst possible place to present my work. And a presentation stage transformed into a battle ground and I rose t the occasion and proved that truth in all of you by having to go back down to the very foundations and showing reminding you to have to read- starting with re-learning your A B C’s. And with that foundation amongst so-called laymen and women prove that they, you too could understand my work- hence everyone. Proving its simplicity and that knowledge and knowing already existing in you, but that you didn’t have the tools, he language or anyone have trust in you, faith.

It was not to difficult solving the riddles of this existence, or proving evolution, it was the resistance to the fact that I simply did it, said I was doing it. It’s the hate, the waves, and waves of hate that I had to wade through to simply give an offering to create a better reality, move us to the true reality and expose the beautiful truth while denying the lie which so many had accepted as the truth.

proving Evolution?, Consciousness? Infinity, Quantum application…It was never hard- it was exciting, and yet I knew each set up was designed to make me fail.

Pause and reflect some of you at least, at what I have demonstrated in front of you in these conditions for the last 19.10 years.

A riddle I solved at age 7 8.. and having only been expanding upon it over and over again, forced to say it proofs it thousands of ways not for myself who didn’t give a damn about all that ( remember I decided on Design and Fashion) not it was for clarification to make clear to you or to that force which just could not accept that a man could not this, a youth a boy and be constant since age 7.8 to age code now 53?

This insistent that I suffer as all these great men and woman suffered for their art science,

I did not suffer for any of these things, it came easy, which is why I called it Eternal Knowing.

I should be terrified, broken in spirit by the extremity of the sadomasochistic nature of this force collective and Individual which has denied me the Medicom of recognition and placing e inconstantly shocking and degrading circumstances and even when I fought as much as I have, and victorious in each challenge it sets up in impossible situations, I quietly observe what I have just solved and since there is none proud of me, or at least the achievement and around me is still conflict sent yet again to thwart the last challenge, I am proud of my self. and quietly give my response to such cruelty and jealousy thrown at me for my contribution to all, so that they will rise and this human condition and ugliness of nature to this exaggerated extreme of my given experience will forever cease to exist. And I am victorious triumphant as I sit here with 85 cents- knowing that even that was set up as the equation I was meant to get to in this script laid out for me as yet another challenge. But at least I have given this reception ad source of this script I was forced, dragged to New York to respond to posting writing in a Video TV addled semi-illiterate so-called first country. Where the mask of civility and civilization make the rituals of Viking Savagery, ancient savagery, barbaric brutality look like a walk in the past.

They were ignorant, what was your excuse Academia?

Laymen and women… of yes, of course, bills. bills to pay while the reality you hold onto crumbles before you, around you.

There is no age of man in cruelty which can challenge this age in the depth of the donning on the genteel mask of civilization and how far the hypocrisy a pretense goes and the incredible pleasure of destroying the human spirit.

The funny thing is that I never dared as so many claims. I was dragged here, dragged through my life to prove something which really did not need proving, but when thrown into the lion’s arena, I just did… Do… again proving that Being is Doing. This play should have ended a long time ago.

And it’s true that none of this is real, but the experiencing of it is.

That such cruelty does exist and it comes from the unnatural nature of woman man as the lie.

It was all set up, as you can see, and Set pre -set up from the sum total of human cruelty to nature and to his fellow man and woman. This is the ink and foundation used to create this script.


F V’

Fritz Venneiq code.

* I still get shocked, stunned, quiet.

But I fought back,, yes alone perhaps, but I did respond and with that is my infinite satisfaction.

sacred portal 147 AB

Emmy Father Source of Infinity.

6:25 am

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