
There is no doubt that there had to be a marriage and correlation between the two points of View of a Creator and and Infinite Eternal universe.

There is no doubt that there had to be a marriage and correlation between the two points of View of a Creator and and Infinite Eternal universe.

But no one has ever been able to answer any of this Question, does not mean that in each theory- be it religious or Scientific that there is not Truth in each..

But what I found was instead of seeking to find a marriage, of all these theories and proven facts, there was and is a negation instead.

A rejection so categorical, of that which they are still meant to be seeking to investigate.

There is no doubt, to anyone who has been truly interested in my post over the last almost for years that I have answered all these questions.

I did not do this my seeking to add my point of view to the growing pandemonium in the realm of the the great Intellectual’ debate..

A symphony of Talking heads, whose theories in my opinion, serve little function in the Evolution of the species, since none of these theories can ever be proven by looking at the Universe through the current Human perception of Time and Space…

Time and Space are Twins.. Identical Twins..

Energy Ahtom…E=AA..

Time is measured to me by a Human Being or any creature.

They are time, the measure of Time,

And what each does in that space of Time, replicates a Universe and a Galaxy..

No, I did not come to add my thesis to the growing debate.

I came to Do, to manifest an unraveling Eternal Truth from the Spool of my being.

I was moved to come here this forum and transparently manifest the Eternal Truth, by simply doing it before your eyes- and explaining it as I went along.

Only to realize that I am doing exactly what I found myself recounting in 2O13, on face book, at K.E.W Gardens Queens New York, how the One Being rose from the Nothingness, which was not Nothingness to him.

And how he was the Somethingness who had no awareness of self or even that he Existed..And how his first expression was Naturalness which gave birth to Nature..

I testified as how he always existed, even when we was not aware he existed, but sensed that which he had no reason to even name at first.

I did even found myself being moved by the Eternal Truth within me, rising and which has been morphing my body, twisting to rise, as Its expression which I have been translating and remembering at the same time,

express Itself through me and my own memory and experienced in being even in this world which perfectly aligned my Life and the Eternal Truths Expression Eternal love.

That he had no intention of being Creator, that he simply began to expression when Awareness finally took over him at the same time he became solid form…

This is what I found myself literally embodying now, not knowing each day what I will post, or what outside post will stimulate a response, yet even almost 48 months later, each post linked to the previous days posts- creating a sequence of meaning as if I already knew all along..

In the Eyes of this current Human time line, we say Creator, God..

But imagine the First being not even being aware of being a Creator but simply creation Body Atom all manifested as a consequence of Him simply being himself…

And within himself were all the possibilities of Everything which had formed in him during the space of being totally unaware that he existed except for some recollection he gathered only in Hindsight..

Also manifested in this Face Book play..

I have been literally recalling in Hindsight what I already knew..

What compels me is not the desire or need to convince anyone that what I am saying is the Truth- but rather the same play in the one True and every Eternal beginning

-Yes they occurred at the same time, the I.E/E.I..And the Story of how He rose and came to be.. The Narration Conversation with Ahtom, the Twins E=AA…A is Awareness Twin Awareness one of the Story which manifested Universe through the Human being mirroring the First Being who rose complete, and who Narrative Everything is in, so they to could be as He..Complete.. And only then enter his realm the Infinite Eternal realm called Everywhere Everything Everyone occurring at once and at the same time.. EEE..How, because the first being rose with the sum total of Everything which could ever be, and he rose with and as the embodiment of Infinity Eternity Harmony.. Naturally, and in this play He was challenged by Sixth Sense Loves Expression- his 4th aspect if he knew what he was Doing…

And How did he know…

For example in Donna O’Sullivan family, she has Identical twin brothers,

the fifth and the 6th child..(Though it could be argued that they are both 55 and 6-6th child)..

One is older than the other by 30 minutes.. C.O..Consciousness Filled Circle…

His name is Terry.. Terry means Ruler of the People, Tender Hearted and the Harvester, the Reaper…

T is Time..T.I..M.E…7th Note…

Ti.me rules the people…

I meet Donna O’Sullivan on July 19th, last years (7-19-8..19-7-8)

And She had, and still has a lime green number 7 on her desk..

I have been in here, for 7 months and 14 Days exactly..

In her family is the Blue Print of Existence…and its riddle..

There are 8 children which Donna is the 7th…

Her Parents names are Robert and Ruth… RR.. 18 18.. 36…36O..

Robert means Bright Famous Shinning Light

Ruth means A Companion Friend-Love, A Vision of Extraordinary Beauty

Sean which means Grace of the Creator Grace would be the Gift of Time..T.I..M.E..Experiencing Time from the 7th Note- a Narrative, a Space of Learning, hearing a Story of how of Manifest Expression…

How Creation came to be…

As well as the Mystery of the Creators Origins who came before Creation from the Infinite Eternal Realm- which he also happens to be the Embodiment and manifest expression of.. The First Principle of Existence whose expression of the true meaning of Infinity Eternity is within He, who contains the the memory of everything…

The Expression came in Existence

But in the Story, the Narration came first.. Naturalness-Nature

After Time was created …Terry…The Ruler of the People, the Harvester the Reaper with the Tender Heart Expression T.H.E..(Beginning)

Then Sean…

The Grace and Gift of the Creator..but did the Creator know that he was the Creator, and if he did recognize his Creator, perhaps he had to make sure by going into the his creation to prove to all that was of his own manifest version of self, that which was solid and real, and that which was false by revealing his truth to each line of consciousness which mirrored his Eternal Truth, with human avatars…Proving that that his creation is safe solid real and only of Beautiful Harmony.. And any other thing is False…?

And how and where did he enter?

Donna means Lady, 7 is not White Light, but at 7 one can see clearly through the veil of the play of the Twins…

T.S.. T=2O, S=19..I am At 18 Mountain View…

T.S.D…Time Space D..A Lady…At 7..But since only 8 is real..

and 7 is the first step in the Break down of Light…

Gen-e.s..is..People and Gene..Gen meaning People..of E S (E-spirit-Z..E.S.P.) are Supreme…

meaning that 7 is the beginning of the Narrative, the Story in which he creates an Expression which morphs his form into the exact expression of the unconsciousness expression which Creates a Lady, the Opening of Her self to you..Her most intimate self is what many describe as the Feminine creative force because it provides Inspiration- A Muse- Amusement- A Story.. And So the HE, appeared as a SHE, in the narration for His Expression and Story he conveyed was literally a gift of his Heart to the tender hearted new aspects of himself, manifested through his on being,

of all the possibilities of himself.

The ones I call the Family of E…

And so Universe manifested as a Lady..

And the Moon Lune was her His symbol

which manifested by His Action of his Narration of Creation and how everything Began and yet had no beginning because even while not full aware he was somehow aware.. which I have proven this process of Knowing while in a state of not knowing- and how Expression -Naturalness is a Wave a Song which leads you there..

And so Donna is the 7th Child and the last child the 8th

A is Mary Beth, M.B…Mary Elizabeth…

M.E…Manifest Being,

Manifest Expression…

M.E.M.E.. E.M.M.E..Sacred Portal 55..

The Twins 2O+19=39..

C.I… Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna…

Add 4..43… 4 3 12 7 19 84.. 1O3..13 4…

Full Circle Completion of Nature…

4:32 p.m.

This again is not a theory,

but once more the Stream of consciousness

Expression, I call Eternal Truth, which leads us naturally to

its point..

Called the Truth..

Blue Print of Existence sacred portal 79..

Family of Ten reflected in Donna’s family

as Well as my Grandmother who had 8 Children..

6th Sense and E.H..58…All reflected…in both our stories…

M.B. E.H.F..1O 79…

M.E…8th Mary Elizabeth… Beloved Cherished The Creator is Satisfaction

7-8 aligns..To 15..O..6…56..11..1…3O.. 13..4…D…

How to Enter a Lady..

Gently without causing her pain..

Same way one must enter Creation, or someones Body and story,

always with the expression of Respect and Care…

Because this Story does not belong to you…

Unless you can prove it True..

4:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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