
There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post…

There are obviously many other reasons that I am sharing this post…

From the Two Men

to the Code N.D.T… Nature Donald Trump…

To Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka E.I.N…Who lives in the Netherlands..


To the Song of my 3rd Volume of Journals, Talking to the Silence- set in Paris, beginning 1991, called the Eternal Dancer

To Anthony Bienke.. B.I.E.N..K.E A.B…

To the Code Universe Existence is LITERALLY a Song and Dance…

S.A.D… Sad?

No..SA! as in A.S.S.A..M’Pete!… Meaning of Astounding Awe Inspiring Beauty, which leaves you a long while speechless… until finally snapping out of your trance-One, then Two.. then three people begin to clap…

And it becomes a One Wave Tide, Tsunami Crashing (O.W.T…T.T. C)

onto shore-Truth, (O.W.T….TT…C O S..T!)

landing on the Consciousness of Everyone..

And the 1 2 3 Clap transformed now into a thunderous sound, filling the entire Hall with the Sound of the expression of that Enlightening moment when they Get It- and it moves across the Television cables, to the all Seeing Eye of this World.

The Big Screen, and into the Sights of Billions of People..

If fills the Radio Waves, it ripples, moves, growing…spreading..

Adding, more to that Thunderous Silence which erupts into Thunder and Lightening .. True Love… True Life…. T.l… T=20, L=12… 32…

Prince Panther!

– (Pink is the code of Red and White… Combine them and you get Rosee and Pink…. P.R….Pink Panther.. My Sister Brother Line…

She just Get its…

Recall how I posted my hurt and stunned incredulity at the illusion of a rift besides my sister and I.. Expanded to 27 years of seeing each other only Twice, thrice… Whose consciousness was so parallel to each other… We would speak in perfect timing the exact same expression.

Just as Nnamdi and I, the same thought… and my mother and I the same reflection or See.. or C.)..

She just Gets it and this is the conscious frequency we have reached, that of my Sister, who I also used as the model without realizing it of Ms Manners- Hell Fire S.P 91…Mixed with my Devilish other favorite Aunt- Priscilla Queen of the Desert.. Guy Peirce.. Dawn Piercy…G.D..Pierce me Penetrate me …

Ah.. Oh.. Bliss..

Extase.. Ecstasy of St Theresa…

And so, once I linked with Courtney, of linked from Bat-or Kalo amongst my oldest Face Book Friends… K.A..L.O….O.L..Orien Laplante…

K.A.. Apple Khan…A.K… To and through Izzi Creo I.C… Kolo to Prince Panther…P.P..P-16…16..32…Consciousness Beauty… Expression… E..

And so the Wires and Channels of 6th Sense are opened, all cables and channels of the 5 senses, activated to receive the I Get It moment…

And in that moment that is when the rushing thunderous Lightening from Da Enlightens

Yes Jade Ford ..correlate this… ( Will share a respond to same data Jade sent me… all filled with the correct codes.. but the its delivery only brought a frequency which did not have Sine- wave which brings meaning easily absorbed and ingested…)

I Dance!

I Dance!

And how I have longed to Dance….

To hear, that thunderous wave of your hearts rising in this moment of

I Get It..


9 7 9

And to see myself riding as the Silver Surfer,

on that Wave of Memory growing from the Origin of the Species of Hue-manity.. having traveled that far back.. beyond even the Nothingness, Death, even risking Existential Death to bring forth that Truth as Fact..

And to ride such a Wave from that beginning.. all the way to this world and penetrate- Thrust into your World, Mind Hearts and Groins…

Vagina’s and Anus’s.. Male and Female the most Orgasmic Sensual pleasure of knowing from the Top of your Head down to the most ground you.. Your sexual sensual anchors of your Electrical Pulse… Kundalini.

That it Is TRUE…

In finally sinks in..

Penetrating your Consciousness, Awareness, Being, Duties. Ambitions- Lifes…

It stops you in your tracks..

That is the Nature of My Song and Dance…

And making Such Sweet Sweet music all these years on this Face Book page…

It was ti reach this

I GET IT Consciousness of my Sister…

which is Epiphany Joy.. Beautiful Joy..


And I had wished to land in your awareness present to see, your eyes light up…

Your stunned silence and your joy erupt into a sound of tears and joy and yet knowing what to do…

Johnny Larkin..

I Get It..


979…See sacred portal 97… Brain Cranium..B.C…And 79 in the Center ‘Blue Print of Existence//

Obama Trump..

Two Men…

Penetrating Each others Truth…

Brown on White…. B.O.W…Archer… Hits the Mark…Mark Bradbury M.B…Manifest Being…

Both Tan… TAN TAN..


Man Ha TT an/na

Manhattan Isle..

Mi Ami…

Sunshine State…

Floor Flow..Flo Flower

R I.D..Ah..



I get it..

97/97…Full Circle..

I had longed to see the Joy, the Beautiful Joy…

in that moment when that wave hits..

It has already started…

Sacred Portal 46.. D.F…

Jade Ford.. D..Anthony F…

3:11 p.m… C.K…

That was to be my greatest reward, to see the look on your faces, the response reactions. the happiness never ever expressed in Existence except by One in that Eternal Beginning…

But the Cost ..

Too much..

I retreat to rest..

To beautiful sadness and present the line of She and I..

Line of NonI Promise Harmony..

Male and Female line informed…

S.H.E are, IS, the Line of Beautiful Joy..

S.P 128…

So yes.. The Brain and the Cranium and the AIR SEA HEAVENS-UNIVERSE COSOMS CONSCIOUS-MESS..

Are linked to the E True Cee of Infinity Frequency..

Two Men brought forth their Child



Herry S Lang

Flor Elena Medina line

Flower Children but of the 5th Dimension kind…

Lines of the Originals..

The Origins of the Nature..


Cause nothing is wrong

Realm of the Fearless..

are the Chill

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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