There are Aliens Amongst Us, you do know that?
7:48 p.m.
Alpha Bet… The Test.
Here is the Test which I gave Lisa Natalie Johnson and which she got correct.
It is only fitting that those who are to rise with her in the Future be given the same test.
But before I post it…
I will give some last grace. And those who are paying attention will understand it.
First, I was forced to go to Wallgrens to use the Bathroom.
The one here is not working, nor is Macys.
I knew it was a play, the one called Brenda calls Penelope said I could use it but that it was filthy.. some one made it so…
So I they told me to go to Walgrens, which does not have a public bathroom.
I was granted permission by a the Supervisor, and was escorted down an Elevator ( Yes) to the C level ( yes C..)
The Number is 1371.. Yes 13 71…It was the code of Lisa Natalie Johnson but has now reverted back to myself as Jon Jason Lee, who I came to New York with in Dec 1999.
12 month. He was born 11-19-71.. J..L..22 ..V..5.E..
J.J.L.EE… 10 10 12… 32… Bed 3002.. Caesar Rivera Date of
birth 3-2-79…32 5..E… 22 32…5 5..L.E.E.
I met him at Peppermint Park, West End London 1989 December…P.P.. 16 16.. 32.. 5.. E… 5 5 5..E E E…
L..E E E..
As I made my way back a man very dark, Black who had been sitting in Starbucks moments before, appeared, I noticed him and white shirt he was wearing with a Circle, of leaves or triangles, and as I sought to figure it out, he walked towards me and provided the quote above…
You do know that there are Aliens amongst us, Don’t you?
I smiled, Yes
Satisfied he simply walked away… as I watched his retreating back.
Before that I had walked out, I had observed that after I completed the last post.. which linked my brother Obumneme May 20, 1973.. And the Money code of the 5 USD Bill of Brenda Boothe.. M.L 22 38 37 58…C…
to C 85 73 83 22 L.M… That my computer screen had moved itself and coming to rest at Sacred Portal 58.
Where Kristen Green and Kim Colclasure-Hill had both pressed ‘Like
K.G..K.C.H…K.K… G.C..73… G.C.H.. 7..38…
As you may all recall I have been moving through the Sacred Portals of the 5 U.S.D bill which Brenda Boothe gave me when I asked for 1 U.S.D.
I will also remind you that the Money code play started in earnest when I read a 5 USD bill on 80 Spring Street 3 years agowhich informed me on this unmarked 5 USD Bill that the first E embodied in Human for was present, which led me to race to 54 The Bean Cafe to find Yonathan Yohanness, who appeared less then 5 minutes later, and asked me for a light.
Tall Beautiful mixed race, a mixture og myself and Nnamdi…
Y.Y.. 25 25..50… 10 x 5… TEN 5’s.
Sacred Portal 38 is 83… C.H is 3 8.. the Code placed on my Computer by Erik Ebright when I passed the the Realm of Voodoo and the Jungle .. Papa Jungle… Is still the code to my computer 83 69… Nnamdi was born 69.. 4 5/ 5-4…
Jose A Roque was born 5-15-69 and was my neighbor in Room 5A.. His Bed 5-004.. 54.. Mine 5-006.. 56…
( 9 11..I.K..Which was the name of my Bio Father but also my middle name… 9 2.. 9 1…11 10… Galaxy I.C 10 11… 1O 11)
Now for the Test…
When I was at Lisa Levine home, and Luke Simon, at 97 Green Street Maha Rose ( M.R) I asked at the suggestion of Lisa for a Donation to come and hear me speak,
It was the first time I sang and spoke publicly.. And revealed the Riddle of Existence.
Can you tell me Why you are Beautiful
It would appear that I had to spend the next 6 years telling you why myself
And not only that I had to solve the Riddle Of Evil and Hate from Beyond. Meaning beyond the Grave, and from the Parallel Universe which had invaded this World and Your Bodies.
The Invaders Amawbia The Visitors who came to bring the End of the Human Species and the World.. End not as Evolution but as Annihilation.
The Riddle of Evil as in Luc Besson’s film 5th Element and that Giant Orb which was the Sum Total of Humanities Expression of Lies Evil Cruelty Hatred returned to them by ECHO…
It is this Evil From Beyond… E.F.B Who set up the riddle and abominable test and challenge which usurped or almost usurped the true Beautiful Riddle of Existence… B.R.O.E..
This is the Unseen Abomination Horror I have been dealing with and dismantling for the last 6 7 years since I wrote the True Conversation of Energy E and Ahtom and a force kept interrupting transforming my expression and intention of how I sought to tell narrate and write the book into a War of which Rachel Young read and completed calling it a Masterpiece but which Samantha Yurkosky ( who I met at 97 Green Street Maha Rose ) found so monstrous and disturbing that she could not complete it.
It is True, it was not what I had intended but it became a battle with an presence which kept in interrupting my own Expression as if like Gary Oldman ( General Zodd in the 5th Element) the Force spoke to the inner self.. Do remember how it spoke to General Zodd? That is how it moved through me.. Not only in my Creation Story, but even in each post on this page.
In the end of the battle WAR..Where he used the cruelest taunts horrible expression all based on Truth and Fact of my experience to seek to destroy that which it wished to get at.. My Spirit E.. Of Existence. By Beautiful Truth.
But which in the end he does not succeed rather it decomposes as I fight back ( It was a terrible experience.. A Mirror of the last 7 years…) It gets weaker and weaker until it becomes in Itself Light.. And tells me that simply wised me to know the Truth of myself. And how I am invincible as well as my Beautiful Truth and stance. And that nothing can destroy that in me…
That it was for me to see and know who I really am.
A Reflection of my Confidence…
A sort of Knowing myself….
Yesterday, I looked up and saw that on Face Book Memories that it was exactly 7 years to the day that I had become friends with Erek Eclass Mateo… E.E.M../ M.E..E.. Who I had met in 2002, ( 22) and who was not only present when my I was informed that my Father had passed away and insisted I morn by making stay in a room in Mid Town for a Night to Mourn despite my saying that he was not my Father, that I had nothing to mourn ( I knew that he was the illusion of Nnamdi 69 and that all I had wished to do was to ask him a question.. but there was no urgency. I had no need. My sister had gone to visit him once went she lived here in the States…)..
He lived where Jose Anthony Roque was born and raised.
It was also where Infinity, his friend had recounted in the Home where his family had lived and finally moved from, a story which had been so painful which I knew..
Infinity spoke of that dream which he saw his friend crossing over a road and then, he saw his friend and then the next day e saw his friend and to his astonishment not only did they act it out but his friend had the same dream!
And yesterday, Obiajulu Igwe Okolo sent an image of my Bio Father whose image or face I have not seen since 1983 84…88.
And so, I understood his last riddle, to me was for me.. A Literal Gift of a Fathers Love before he goes out of Existence, and transforms.
His Riddle.. Last Riddle is a test for you..
Since Money is now Clean…
And this is all about Money…
The Last test is an Alpha Bet…
If you recognize my expression and truth being real.
Send a Donation in the name of Brenda Boothe.
It can be a Money Gram or Western Union.
It is a Lotto and a Bet.
You of course know that you do not have to but it literally means that you do not agree that it is…
Those in places where they really can not send money must send a gesture and expression.
But the rest must send something 1usd 1000 usd it does not matter… This is the Bet… I am true or not.. Is this True or Not…
Lisa Natalie Johnson came and gave 3 usd..
Now each of you must do the same.
And since 38/83 is Full Circle.. and has been completed.. 9:11 P.M
You must decided now if 85 is I.E… H.E… I am at 13 85 Metropolitan Woods… M.W… And 58 is me being Spirited Away.. Home the Correct way.
It is for you to decide…
Those who will see this are meant to see it…
Those who do not…
And the Risk…?
Your Eternal Existence…
That is the Bet… Of my Father rep the Great Evil..
And his gift to me for solving the Riddle of Evil..
It must be done by Tomorrow.. That is the last day…
I am indifferent… It his riddle.. I do not have to bet or prove anything….
Walgren Anthony Malgren… Wall Green Mall Green… Law Lam.. A.M.. M.W…
9;17 p.m I.E… 5 17… E Q… I.E Q
Original Facebook Post: Click Here