
The World Has Been Judged.

The World Has Been Judged.

The Last Scene in the Royal Court of the Unseen Observers Jurors have carried out their Verdict by using me, once more to take my Cue in a Set up played out in Delta Manor which is The World Full Circle x2 (T W O) squeezed down to its Microcosmic Expression of what brought Evil Sin as Selfishness into the World

11:38 pm

The Actors D and R M

Delta Room

The 4th dimension.

Beds 5-014 and 5-008.

Witnessed in the Beginning scene N of Bed 5-002 rep Being.

3 silent witnesses

Bed 5-009. A.M

Bed 5-004. R D

Bed. 5-011. Code E K

And myself the Actor Aware of our being set up in a Energetic Spirit Play Fair Universal Script.

I have been given the Worst Role Ever to play in the History of Human Existence that ever was or ever will be.

Alerting ppl I am sent to through C E

Cause Effect and H Espirit of Existence.

To alert each Actor Play to get out of that they have been chosen to represent before the Axe Falls.

I played my part exquistely despite loathing it so much that Existential Deaths frequency rose in me by the Response given to me for my Energy Expression Light and Laughter given so that they in the Spell of the Play might come back to their senses.

11:06 pm

K O F. E. S.


E B I. A O


Delta Manor is the World

This is what I responded to Bill yesterday when he remarked that I had lived all over the World.

My movement through the World, especially on full awareness that I was being moved by something other than my own Will.

It is here I had told EL, the one who had lived in the same room in B R C, Green Point, Room A.

Recall he was bed 15 there and here.

15 is letter O.

And he had told me of once waking up and seeing Music Notes all over the Air..

He is a friend of Will Woods and Will is in the same room as Paul Franklin- Mouth Trap is the name of the End Play.

Gossip And Hypocrisy.



Spreading Malicious Lies and things you know are not true.


Gossip is what most of the Holy Books Truths have transformed the World into.

People spreading expressions which the never investigated, and do not wish to because the filthy expression titillates and can be used as a Weapon against those they wish to destroy or make Heel

Hypocrisy is the lack of Embodiment and Exemplification of the Truth you have expressed, declares and intented in the Awareness in others.

Which when the lie is discovered it generates a Hurt a Fury and a rage in others as no other.

Jesus along with all the greatest beings in Existence, despised Gossip

especially Malicious Gossip and Hypocrisy.

Give to Caesars what is Caesars?

Also means give Evil Expression back to those who created it.

And those who created Beauty back to it.

Delta Manor is the World.

A Distillation of Everything I have experienced but with only a Hint of Beauty..

All else was wickedness evil.

And Forgetting…

Forgetfulness… ?

That is an excuse.

There is one Truth which Paul Franklin stated, each time he was relaxed and this Awareness which flows and literal figuratively rises in me, always states..

God is with you

Many people have noted this in my life, and many of you publicly called it out on these Records on my page.

It is called Holy Spirit in this World

I call It by His True Name

Holy E-Spirit.


Esprit of Truth



The One the Scriptures state is the One Jesus said would stay behind to help Humanity Discern Truth for them selves and not be deceived by the Deceivers

The MG H.P Malicious Gossiper and Hypocrites who pretend to have your best interests at Heart.

The Gift is 6th Sense

And that is Holy Espirit

And the Added gift was my enslavement to transform it into Reason

Reasonable Expression which demands empirical solid evidence of Reason Cosmos Logos.

I knew the moment I saw the time

7:46 pm when I woke up.

Of course I am aware people in Delta Manor are reading my posts

…it was all set up this way

Transparency Supreme


11:54 pm

( One Dollar Bill. O D B. O 42

I had 42 USD

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